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Media asleep at the wheel on stolen senate seats (Read 48308 times)
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Re: Media asleep at the wheel on stolen senate seats
Reply #45 - Sep 13th, 2016 at 10:44pm
Why are you so keen to defend shoddy journalism?

Really?  Where were you on that same topic on matters Uber?  Yeas, I know, you could not have cared less.
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Re: Media asleep at the wheel on stolen senate seats
Reply #46 - Sep 14th, 2016 at 8:59am
freediver wrote on Sep 13th, 2016 at 10:39pm:
This has been happening for a month now. As Aussie likes to point out, it is already over. And you are still trying to understand what happened? What does that tell you about the media coverage of this? You have not been living under a rock Gandalf. The media has failed, miserably.

I now have a pretty good understanding of what happened - but no thanks to you and your demands for us to be outraged without giving us a proper explanation why. As it turns out the media did cover the decision, just not on the date you mistakenly thought it was made. Yes you could argue there was not much confected outrage being spoon fed to us over it, but all the relevant facts were reported.

Where did you find out about it by the way? The media perhaps?

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Re: Media asleep at the wheel on stolen senate seats
Reply #47 - Sep 14th, 2016 at 12:26pm
Really?  Where were you on that same topic on matters Uber?  Yeas, I know, you could not have cared less.

As I recall, the media did report on Uber, and is still doing so.

I now have a pretty good understanding of what happened - but no thanks to you and your demands for us to be outraged

Can you quote me demanding this? Where did you get your understanding from?

As it turns out the media did cover the decision, just not on the date you mistakenly thought it was made.

Can you elaborate?

Yes you could argue there was not much confected outrage being spoon fed to us over it, but all the relevant facts were reported.

So you keep saying, but your examples keep showing failure to report basic facts, as I explained in my previous post.

Where did you find out about it by the way? The media perhaps?

Antony Green referred briefly to the 1998 and 2010 resolutions in his explanation of how 6 year year terms are allocated. He did this prior to the agreement between Labor and the Coalition to steal senate seats. Since then, I don't think the media has mentioned it at all. If it was not for my interest in this prior to the seat stealing agreement, I would be completely unaware of key facts.

I have seen no reports in the media about the vote being passed in the senate. I found one article on, but it did not state the date of the vote, so I am not entirely sure on that.
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Re: Media asleep at the wheel on stolen senate seats
Reply #48 - Sep 14th, 2016 at 12:30pm
Unforgiven beating his dead horse:

Unforgiven wrote on Sep 13th, 2016 at 12:07pm:
The story below is from Canada, but the incidence of government control of the main stream media is happening world wide.

Media owners profit handsomely from government payments for 'specials' and favorable publicity. The principles of pay to play are being used to control the media worldwide.

Press on the Dole: How Canada Pays to Shape the News

Last Saturday the Ottawa Citizen published a feature titled “The story of ‘the Canadian vaccine’ that beat back Ebola”. According to the article, staff reporter Elizabeth Payne’s “research was supported by a travel grant from the International Development Research Centre.” The laudatory story concludes with Guinea’s former health minister thanking Canada “for the great service you have rendered to Guinea” and a man who received the Ebola vaccine showing “reporters a map of Canada that he had carved out of wood and displayed in his living room. ‘Because Canada saved my life.’”

A Crown Corporation that reports to Parliament through the foreign minister, the International Development Research Centre’s board is mostly appointed by the federal government. Unsurprisingly, the government-funded institution broadly aligns its positions with Canada’s international objectives.

IDRC funds various journalism initiatives and development journalism prizes. Canada’s aid agency has also doled out tens of millions of dollars on media initiatives over the years. The now defunct Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) has funded a slew of journalism fellowships that generate aid-related stories, including a Canadian Newspaper Association fellowship to send journalists to Ecuador, Aga Khan Foundation Canada/Canadian Association of Journalists Fellowships for International Development Reporting, Canadian Association of Journalists/Jack Webster Foundation Fellowship. It also offered eight $6,000 fellowships annually for members of the Fédération professionnelle des journalistes du Québec, noted CIDA, “to report to the Canadian public on the realities lived in developing countries benefiting from Canadian public aid.”

Between 2005 and 2008 CIDA spent at least $47.5 million on the “promotion of development awareness.” According to a 2013 J–Source investigation titled “Some journalists and news organizations took government funding to produce work: is that a problem?”, more than $3.5 million went to articles, photos, film and radio reports about CIDA projects. Much of the government-funded reporting appeared in major media outlets. But, a CIDA spokesperson told J-Source, the aid agency “didn’t pay directly for journalists’ salaries” and only “supported media activities that had as goal the promotion of development awareness with the Canadian public.”

One journalist, Kim Brunhuber, received $13, 000 to produce “six television news pieces that highlight the contribution of Canadians to several unique development projects” to be shown on CTV outlets. While failing to say whether Brunhuber’s work appeared on the station, CTV spokesperson Rene Dupuis said another documentary it aired “clearly credited that the program had been produced with the support of the Government of Canada through CIDA.”

During the 2001–14 war in Afghanistan CIDA operated a number of media projects. A number of CIDA-backed NGOs sent journalists to Afghanistan and the aid agency had a contract with Montréal’s Le Devoir to “[remind] readers of the central role that Afghanistan plays in CIDA’s international assistance program.”

The military also paid for journalists to visit Afghanistan. Canadian Press envoy Jonathan Montpetit explained, “my understanding of these junkets is that Ottawa picked up the tab for the flight over as well as costs in-theatre, then basically gave the journos a highlight tour of what Canada was doing in Afghanistan.”

A number of commentators have highlighted the political impact of military sponsored trips, which date back decades. In Turning Around a Supertanker: media-military relations in Canada in the CNN age, Daniel Hurley writes, “correspondents were not likely to ask hard questions of people who were offering them free flights to Germany” to visit Canadian bases there. In his diary of the mid-1990s Somalia Commission of Inquiry, Peter Desbarats made a similar observation. “Some journalists, truly ignorant of military affairs, were happy to trade junkets overseas for glowing reports about Canada’s gallant peacekeepers.”

The various arms of Canadian foreign policy fund media initiatives they expect will portray their operations sympathetically. It’s one reason why Canadians overwhelmingly believe this country is a benevolent international actor even though Ottawa long advanced corporate interests and sided with the British and US empires.

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Re: Media asleep at the wheel on stolen senate seats
Reply #49 - Sep 14th, 2016 at 12:42pm
freediver wrote on Sep 11th, 2016 at 11:15am:
Media asleep at the wheel on stolen senate seats

There are thieves in the Senate. Scott Ryan, Liberal Senator for Victoria and Deborah O'Neill, Labor Senator for NSW will continue to hold their Senate seats after June 2019, while roughly half of their colleagues will face re-election. They will continue to serve from 2019 until 2022, at the expense of Derryn Hinch and Lee Rhiannon. Their seats were stolen on their behalf by the Labor Party and the Coalition. The two major parties have broken promises they made twice to the Australian public in order to secure these seats. These promises took the form of Senate resolutions on 22 June 2010 and 29 June 1998. Both resolutions passed with bipartisan support and stated that the Senate will use the new, fairer method to determine which senators get full (6 year) terms in the event of a double dissolution election. Had they kept this promise, senate thieves Scott Ryan and Deborah O'Neill would be facing re-election in 2019 and Hinch and Rhiannon would have the six year terms that the Australian public voted for. Unfortunately these resolutions are not binding and the Australian constitution permits the Senate to allocate the seats as it pleases, meaning Labor and the Coalition are not bound to keep their promise and can literally get away with anything.

In addition to these two promises, the Labor party passed the relevant legislation (again, non-binding) in 1984. After the 1987 double dissolution election, Coalition Senators voted in favour of using the new method to allocate senate seats, while the Labor party chose to keep the old method - again, because it gave them a bigger share of the seats. It was this 1987 disagreement that prompted the two major parties to pass the 1998 and 2010 resolutions to use the fairer method in the future. They no doubt had every intention of holding each other to this promise, up until the current situation arose in which both stood to benefit from sticking with the unfair method.

This coup has been permitted by a mainstream media that is asleep at the wheel. No major outlet reported on the Senate decision of August 31. They did report on Labor and the Coalition reaching an agreement to do this several weeks earlier. However, the reporting on this agreement simply quoted the insipid justifications given by the major parties and lacked any critical analysis or hard questions. Neither Labor nor the Coalition have been forced by the media to comment on the fact that they both broke promises that they made clearly and repeatedly to the Australian public. They have not been forced to even acknowledge that they made these promises. Neither party has been forced to acknowledge the transparent self-interest behind the decision. Instead, The ABC, The Australian, The Sydney Morning Herald etc all let the major parties get away with simply pointing out that their agreement was "in keeping with the constitution and precedent", as if the new legislation and the repeated promises to use it never happened. The media has been publishing these insipid justifications and excuses on behalf of the major parties, while leaving out relevant facts and failing in their duty to ask the important questions.

Please contact your federal MP and senators using the links below (scroll down to "please support democracy in the senate") and let them know that you intend to punish them at the next election if they do not give back the stolen senate seats. Please also write to your newspaper and let them know of your disapproval at their failure to report on this coup and your scepticism at their ability to do their job. Please also write to Senators Ryan and O'Neill and let them know that you consider them to be thieves in the Senate and that their ongoing presence after 2019 undermines the legitimacy of the Senate.

Denying Hinch and Rhiannon longer terms has been the bst thing the parties have done since the election. Both are disgraces and both need to be out of parliament.
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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I have sinned

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Re: Media asleep at the wheel on stolen senate seats
Reply #50 - Sep 14th, 2016 at 1:25pm
Longweekend58 has caused the unemployment of a dead horse by displacing it.

Here is Longweekend58's interview for the job:

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« Last Edit: Sep 14th, 2016 at 1:38pm by Unforgiven »  

“I’ll let you be in my dreams if I can be in yours” Bob Dylan
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Re: Media asleep at the wheel on stolen senate seats
Reply #51 - Sep 14th, 2016 at 1:52pm

This will make you question EVERYTHING you see on TV
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Re: Media asleep at the wheel on stolen senate seats
Reply #52 - Sep 14th, 2016 at 2:09pm
it_is_the_light wrote on Sep 14th, 2016 at 1:52pm:

This will make you question EVERYTHING you see on TV

Is this Bobby's plea for help to escape from his propaganda masters?
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“I’ll let you be in my dreams if I can be in yours” Bob Dylan
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Re: Media asleep at the wheel on stolen senate seats
Reply #53 - Sep 14th, 2016 at 2:15pm
freediver wrote on Sep 14th, 2016 at 12:26pm:
Can you elaborate?

Sure, you made the claim that "no major outlet reported on the Senate decision" - because you thought it was made on August 31, when in fact it was made on August 12. Thats when the liberal-labor deal was made, and it was widely reported. The August 31 vote was a fait accompli as soon as the August 12 agreement was made, so of course it makes more sense for reporting to focus on the August 12 agreement.

freediver wrote on Sep 14th, 2016 at 12:26pm:
Antony Green referred briefly to the 1998 and 2010 resolutions in his explanation of how 6 year year terms are allocated. He did this prior to the agreement between Labor and the Coalition to steal senate seats. Since then, I don't think the media has mentioned it at all.

Yesterday I read 3 separate ABC articles written in the wake of the election mentioning the resolutions as well as Antony Green's blog article that argued the recount method was fairer - along with links to both. Clearly you weren't looking very hard.

Worth noting too is that the ABC provided the relevant facts to let us make up our own minds which method is fairer - as opposed to you just telling us which one is fairer without giving us any information about why its fairer. And here you are lecturing about how terrible the media is for leaving out "basic facts"  Grin
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Media asleep at the wheel on stolen senate seats
Reply #54 - Sep 14th, 2016 at 4:00pm
As I recall, the media did report on Uber, and is still doing so.

Indeed, with shoddy journalism which is what you referred to and which is what I was referring to.
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Re: Media asleep at the wheel on stolen senate seats
Reply #55 - Sep 14th, 2016 at 6:21pm
Denying Hinch and Rhiannon longer terms has been the bst thing the parties have done since the election. Both are disgraces and both need to be out of parliament.

Longy do you think there might be more important issues at play here than which candidates you prefer?

Sure, you made the claim that "no major outlet reported on the Senate decision" - because you thought it was made on August 31, when in fact it was made on August 12.

The senate vote happened on the 31st Gandalf. I have explained this already.

Yesterday I read 3 separate ABC articles written in the wake of the election mentioning the resolutions

So why did you cite an article that failed to mention the resolution? Can you link to one that does?

Worth noting too is that the ABC provided the relevant facts to let us make up our own minds which method is fairer - as opposed to you just telling us which one is fairer without giving us any information about why its fairer.

I provided links to the relevant information. The explanation itself is rather lengthy, as I am sure you will agree, and I doubt I could do better than Antony Green's.

Indeed, with shoddy journalism which is what you referred to and which is what I was referring to.

Can you give an example of the media consistently failing to report key facts the way they have done here?
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Re: Media asleep at the wheel on stolen senate seats
Reply #56 - Sep 14th, 2016 at 8:30pm
freediver wrote on Sep 14th, 2016 at 6:21pm:
The senate vote happened on the 31st Gandalf. I have explained this already.

The deal was made on August 12, and was widely reported. I have explained this already. Since the August 12 deal made the August 31 vote a mere rubber stamp formality, reporting again on what we've already been told is redundant.

freediver wrote on Sep 14th, 2016 at 6:21pm:
I provided links to the relevant information.

Where? There's nothing on the home page article except links to two threads that rehash the same article. I don't see any external links to Green's blog or anything else. All you say is 'the deal is unfair - you can trust me on that - so please be outraged like me and contact your local MP.'

freediver wrote on Sep 14th, 2016 at 6:21pm:
So why did you cite an article that failed to mention the resolution? Can you link to one that does?

I can't really be bothered. Suffice to say it was easy to find, and included: explanation that the two resolutions were made along with an APH link giving further explanation about them, as well as a link to Antony Green's article arguing that the recount method is fairer. Funnily enough thats far more than you have done - no links, no explanation about why you are so hysterical about the order elected method, just a "trust me its bad - so go and hound your MPs"

meh, what the hell, here you go...
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Media asleep at the wheel on stolen senate seats
Reply #57 - Sep 14th, 2016 at 8:45pm
Can you give an example of the media consistently failing to report key facts the way they have done here?



Shoddy journalism to be found there.
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Re: Media asleep at the wheel on stolen senate seats
Reply #58 - Sep 14th, 2016 at 9:31pm
Other than you not liking it Aussie, can you say what is shoddy about it? Or is this like Unforgiven's complaint that the media did not put whatever spin he was after on 9/11 and the aftermath? Is there anything akin to the failure of the media to bring up the 1998 and 2010 resolutions when reporting on the August 12 agreement, or their failure to put questions to the relevant senators about those resolutions, or their failure to report on the August 31 vote?

The deal was made on August 12, and was widely reported. I have explained this already. Since the August 12 deal made the August 31 vote a mere rubber stamp formality, reporting again on what we've already been told is redundant.

You had to phrase that very carefully didn't you Gandalf? What's already "been told"?


You should start with the home page of this website. There is a link in the OP.

There's nothing on the home page article except links to two threads that rehash the same article.

And some of the information you claimed I did not provide.

no links, no explanation about why you are so hysterical about the order elected method, just a "trust me its bad - so go and hound your MPs"

I provided a brief explanation with links to more detailed explanations. Do Muslims always carry on like this? Or is it just every single Muslim we get here?

I don't see any external links to Green's blog or anything else.

It's in there somewhere. I have linked to it several times. I assume you have found it now?

I can't really be bothered.

You post an aweful lot for someone who cannot be bothered Gandalf. Do Muslims lie out of habit? I have now read all three of the articles you posted to "prove" that the media reported adequately on this. Not a single one of them mentioned the 1998 and 2010 resolutions. In fact, even you are reluctant to talk about them. Why is that? Do you think they are relevant Gandalf? Do you still think the media has adequately reported the facts?

meh, what the hell, here you go...

Interesting choice Gandalf. Did you notice the date in the URL? Do you think it is a little odd that only articles from before the August 12 agreement mention the two bipartisan resolutions?
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I have sinned

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Re: Media asleep at the wheel on stolen senate seats
Reply #59 - Sep 15th, 2016 at 1:14pm
Freediver continues onward and forward to his destiny:

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« Last Edit: Sep 15th, 2016 at 1:30pm by Unforgiven »  

“I’ll let you be in my dreams if I can be in yours” Bob Dylan
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