The Indians had wiped out 75% of Bison herds before white men even scraped the barrel
Can you back this up?
Which do you think is the greater crime - cutting the population by 75% or bringing it from 25% to the brink of extinction?
I can back it up

But from which book I remember that from ...

I'm not against Whaling, but I think the reasons that the Nipponese give, let alone the methods aren't justified. Why won't they admit to just being 'overpopulated' and needing to exhaust resources because of that?

...I think also that they hate being called Japanese (which probably sounds like being called a 'Nancy' in their own tongue) for want of Nipponese. Mind you, there is much 'mis-labled' people, places, species out there - like Australia

Don't worry. I might come across as a Conservative - but I'm just as against the 'laziness' of the Environmentalists/Conservationists in providing an 'alternative'.
Take Fishing.
You can't stop Fishing (unless the Fish run out) - people need to eat Fish, though I can blame 'overpopulationalised nations' a fair bit.
Which is possibly why there has been a number of 'stoppages' against Fishing?
So if you can't stop Fishing ...generally, what can be done to boost Fish stocks.
This is where purposely designed and researched Artificial Reefs come into it and this is what the E & C's must get stuck into ...creating something that not only regenerates Fish stocks, but stimulates are more bountiful growth pattern more-so than was previously done - naturally. Just dumping ex-naval ships ain't the go, especially when they are dumped for Divers, more than fish.
Stop the Whaling ...but the Nipponese can demand that the E & C's come up with a 'Proliferation Plan' as well.

I think Whales are a different kettle of Fish to Fish themselves ...mammals don't breed as fast, especially at that size.
I would love to see a day (like the very old days when 'life' was indeed plentiful) when we can chow down on Whale meat, knowing that they aren't a "Threatened Species".
>>>Yesterday, if I was 5 minutes faster, I would have had a mother and calf Humpback 'breaching' on the surface above me down at the Gutter at Bass Point in Shellharbour.

Oh well, it was good watching them go past so close to shore.