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proper Islamic rape (Read 32670 times)
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Re: proper Islamic rape
Reply #60 - Mar 5th, 2012 at 9:39pm
freediver wrote on Mar 4th, 2012 at 9:52pm:
Yes, I would like to see the Quranic verse legalising rape. Do you have it or are you just lying like usual?

What you are telling me is that a Muslim man may rape and beat his wives and slaves and donkeys. But only if they are disobedient, which makes it OK.

You are a liar Freediver. You know I said no such thing. Lying seems to be a big habit of yours.

freediver wrote on Mar 4th, 2012 at 9:52pm:
When you marry someone, you have a duty to care for them. This includes satisfying their sexual needs. Therefore, if you don't want to have sex with somebody, then you shouldn't marry them.

What if you want to have sex with them occasionally, when both of you consent, rather than becoming their sex slave.

Isn't it selfish to deny your partner sex? Afterall sex doesn't cost you anything.

freediver wrote on Mar 4th, 2012 at 9:52pm:
is that just western nonsense, like falling in love before you get married?

You mean try before you buy? Yes that is nonsense, and it is not what God wants from human beings. Non-marital sex is one of the reasons that there is so much AIDS in the world today, as well as herpes, gonnorhea, syphilis, hpv, etc.

Freediver do you like for your sister to be fornicated? How about your mother? Your sister?

It would be hypocritical of you to do it to someone else's mother/daughter/sister if you didn't like it for your own family.
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Re: proper Islamic rape
Reply #61 - Mar 5th, 2012 at 10:06pm
You are a liar Freediver. You know I said no such thing. Lying seems to be a big habit of yours.

You did say it. You are just confused about what rape is. No doubt Islam has a different definition. You and Abu always seem to want to rewrite the English language so the evil bits of your religion get defined out of existence.

Isn't it selfish to deny your partner sex? Afterall sex doesn't cost you anything.

It depends. If it is done selfishly then it is selfish. If it is genuine then it is not selfish. There is no way to write a rule book about it.

What if you want to have sex with them occasionally, when both of you consent, rather than becoming their sex slave? Why is this concept so hard for you to grasp? Were you like this before you became a Muslim, or did they have to train you to think like this?

You mean try before you buy? Yes that is nonsense, and it is not what God wants from human beings. Non-marital sex is one of the reasons that there is so much AIDS in the world today, as well as herpes, gonnorhea, syphilis, hpv, etc.

You are confused again Falah. I was talking about falling in love before getting married, not 'making love'. Plenty of cultures have this concept while still opposing pre marital sex.

Freediver do you like for your sister to be fornicated? How about your mother? Your sister?

I have no idea what you are talking about Falah. I have never seen anyone use the phrase 'be fornicated'. Is English your second language, or is this a muslim thing? Why the preoccupation with fornicating sisters?

It would be hypocritical of you to do it to someone else's mother/daughter/sister if you didn't like it for your own family.

I don't want my own family to be raped or pressured into a loveless marriage and I would not do it myself. Beyond that, I have no idea what you are on about.
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Re: proper Islamic rape
Reply #62 - Apr 4th, 2013 at 11:43am
FD said;
Abu, you said before that islam only permits the rape of female soldiers caught in battle,

see also...
What does Islam say about soldiers having sex with women caught in battle?



"Lets kidnap, and gang rape women [moslems, and who are the daughters of moslems], who travel through our country, on their way to help our poor, oppressed, moslem brothers.
Coz, it is what we moslems are permitted to do.
Allah Akbar!!!!  Allah Akbar!!!!  Allah Akbar!!!!"


Raping Women in the Name of Islam

While jihadis in Syria are importing girls from Tunisia to satisfy their sexual needs, their colleagues in Libya are kidnapping and raping women.

Last week, the father of two British women of Pakistani origin said that his daughters were gang raped in front of him by Muslim fundamentalists in Libya's eastern city of Benghazi.

The father, Awadh al-Barassai, said on his Facebook page that the women were part of a humanitarian convoy that was heading to the Gaza Strip.

.....the two women were gang raped in accordance with a fatwa [Islamic religious decree] issued by Jordanian Salafi Sheikh Yasser Ajlouni.

Ajlouni's fatwa allows the jihadis to have sexual intercourse with women who fall captive during war.

....The women who were raped in Libya......were part of a human convoy headed to help Muslims in the Gaza Strip did not prevent Libya's jihadis from perpetrating their crime.

How can some moslems justify raping a moslem woman ???
[And remember, these are moslem women who are intransit, who were on their way, to provide aid to, moslems!]

Unveiled moslem women in Iran, are routinely arrested, and then raped, by Iranian 'morality' police.
It is documented, that in Iran, devout moslem prison guards, routinely [and with the sanction of the Iranian 'authorities'] repeatedly rape 'immoral' women 'wrong-doers' [those who are virgins], before they are executed.  [....because only married women or virgins are permitted to enter paradise. NOT JOKING!]

And remember, as i have stated many times here on OzPol;

To a moslem, all things are permissible, if they are permitted by Sharia law.

from the article;

.....the two women were gang raped in accordance with a fatwa [Islamic religious decree] issued by Jordanian Salafi Sheikh Yasser Ajlouni.

Ajlouni's fatwa allows the jihadis to have sexual intercourse with women who fall captive during war. per the dictate of the Allah in the Koran ["whom thy right hand possesses"], and, Mohammed in the Hadith.

Rape in ISLAM is not a crime.

"they had no right to say no"

"rape jihad"

beslan children raped jihad

iran rape in prison

saudi maid abuse

"Female [moslem!] activist calls for legalizing sex slavery"


A moslem advertising campaign [2007] in the UK, promoting British moslems as normal, integrated citizens, who reject extremism;

It just makes you proud, doesn't it!

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Gold Member

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A cat with a view
Re: proper Islamic rape
Reply #63 - Apr 4th, 2013 at 12:44pm


Jihadis' Exploitation of Muslim Girls

The sexual exploitation of girls was revealed after several Tunisian families reported that their teenage daughters had gone missing in recent months.

.....The jihadis, some of whom are affiliated with Al-Qaeda, are probably not getting enough weapons from Arabs and Westerners to fight against Assad's forces. But what is evident is that they are in the meantime getting enough supplies of young girls to satisfy their sexual needs.

The phenomenon apparently began after a Saudi religious scholar, Mohamed al-Arifi, reportedly issued a fatwa [religious decree] allowing Muslim girls to go on "jihad marriages" in Syria. Al-Arifi has since denied issuing the fatwa.

.....What is disturbing is that many Arab and Islamic human rights organizations have remained silent about the crimes committed against Muslim women throughout the Arab and Muslim world. By contrast, these organizations are often quick to denounce Westerners for "insulting" Islam by depicting the Prophet Mohammed.

If anyone is really insulting Islam, it is the Muslim fundamentalists and jihadis who show no respect for Muslim girls and treat them as sex slaves.

AGAIN, as i have stated many times here on OzPol;

To a moslem, all things are permissible, if they are permitted by Sharia law.

from the article;

.....The phenomenon apparently began after a Saudi religious scholar, Mohamed al-Arifi, reportedly issued a fatwa [religious decree] allowing Muslim girls to go on "jihad marriages" in Syria.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Ares Abani
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Re: proper Islamic rape
Reply #64 - Apr 28th, 2013 at 1:37am
If this is in the wrong topic I am sorry but it appears y'all are speaking of rape and this is an example of how islamic poo is leaking into our nations.

I would like any muslim here or pro-muslim to explain to me if muslims don't consider rape as being OK then why in the hell could this devil plea such a case. I hang my head in absolute shame that an Aussie judge would support this evil way of thinking, this so-called judge should be removed from his position asap. And western nations should stop allowing people of any back ground that reckon woman are nothing more than dogs to come visit our nations much less live here!!!!!

I think the people here trying to make islamic rules look as if they are not so bad are lie telling bastards! Angry

Australian Judge Finds Muslim “Cultural Differences” Valid Excuse for Rape

Bit by bit, Western nations are adopting Muslim legal standards on blasphemy and on the treatment of women.

The excuses are manifold. Racism, cultural differences, Islamophobia, relativism… but it all ends the same way, with Western writers, artists and thinkers being censored and Western women being subject to Taliban treatment.

This is how it began.

An Afghan refugee would drive from his home in Tullamarine to nightclubs in Frankston late at night searching for drunk, vulnerable young woman to prey on, a court was told today.

He would pick them up in his white 1988 Honda Civic and rape them.

The victim was sitting on the footpath behind the 21st Century Dance Club when Esmatullah Sharifi approached her and offered to give her a lift to the Bay Hotel.

She accepted but became anxious and confused when they had been driving for an hour and she saw a road sign saying Sorrento.

Sharifi then pulled over into a dark side street and raped her in the front passenger seat.

“She began to scream and cry out for help,” Ms Dalziel said.

“The accused put his left hand over her mouth and his right hand around her neck, restricting her breathing. He said to her, ‘I’ll take you home after it, I’ll give you back your phone as well’.

In the rapist’s defense, his lawyer argued that he wasn’t at all clear about this whole “Women are human beings” thing.

Mr Regan said Esmatullah Sharifi was uneducated, illiterate, inexperienced in forming relationships with women, and was confused about the nature of consent. He is in Australia on a permanent protected visa.

The judge didn’t buy it then, but the usual lefty approach is to just keep appealing until you find a bleeding heart judge who accepts the horrible notion being put forward. And that didn’t take very long.

Granting leave to appeal, Court of Appeal Justice Robert Redlich said: “The sentencing judge rejected any suggestion (Esmatullah Sharifi) didn’t have a clear concept of consent in sexual relations.”

In April last year, a psychologist told the County Court that Sharifi had “an unclear concept of what constitutes consent in sexual relationships” in Australia.

“It proves, in my view, an adequate basis for most grounds of appeal that (Sharifi) wishes to pursue,” the judge said.

We’re not just dealing with ignorance of the law. We have Western judges setting out the notion that if a Muslim settler in Europe, America or Australia does not understand the concept that women can refuse sexual contact, that this is a mitigating circumstance.

Ms Dalziel said Esmatullah Sharifi claimed he did not have a great understanding of sexual mores in Australia but Judge Mark Dean disagreed.

“These are acts of violence,” the judge said. “Serious acts of violence against women, nothing to do with sexual mores. They’re brutal acts of violence.”

But they do. In Muslim sexual mores, serious acts of violence being committed against women are not a problem because the women do not belong to themselves. They belong to their family.

Islam does not recognize the same concept of individual rights as civilized jurisprudence does. Furthermore Muslims from tribal societies like Afghanistan bring those same tribal attitudes along.

As Australian columnist Andrew Bolt says, quite rightly,

If Afghan men have a culture which leaves them more likely to rape, and our courts have a culture of being more lenient as a consequence, I suggest Australian women have an interest in stopping the boats until we get this sorted out:

And that doesn’t just go only for Australia. Stop the boats. Stop the planes. Stop the trains.

The left cannot have it both ways.

Either Esmatullah Sharifi is responsible for his own actions. Or he isn’t. Either rape is cultural or it’s individual. Either Esmatullah Sharifi should be hit with the full force of the law or the Afghan culture of rape represents a threat to non-Muslim countries.

They can only pick one.

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Ares Abani
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Australian Politics

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Re: proper Islamic rape
Reply #65 - Apr 28th, 2013 at 1:43am
Copyright © 2013 · FRONTPAGEMAG.COM

This board wont let me post a link so this is my attempt to show where this story came from.
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Gold Member

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Re: proper Islamic rape
Reply #66 - Apr 28th, 2013 at 12:06pm
Ares Abani wrote on Apr 28th, 2013 at 1:43am:
Copyright © 2013 · FRONTPAGEMAG.COM

This board wont let me post a link so this is my attempt to show where this story came from.

Ares Abani,

Thank you for your post, #64

The link is;

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: proper Islamic rape
Reply #67 - Apr 28th, 2013 at 3:10pm

why are you so anti-Islamic

I just received a PM concerning your general behaviour in here, and it highlighted the fact that you are an extremist racist

So far from the content of your posts and the nature of your arguments I am inclined to agree with the PM

just appalling hatred and ignorance based bigotry

how can you justify your presence in this forum of integrity and honesty?

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Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
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Australian Politics

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Re: proper Islamic rape
Reply #68 - Apr 28th, 2013 at 4:17pm
Sharifi pleaded guilty to rape, was sentenced and went to gaol.

He has won the right to appeal against the length of the sentence he is currently serving.

The Appeal Court may affirm as is, reduce it, or increase it. 

I think Judge Dean got it right and there should be NO reduction based on mitigation due to cultural differences.
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Re: proper Islamic rape
Reply #69 - Apr 28th, 2013 at 6:00pm
I would like any muslim here or pro-muslim to explain to me if muslims don't consider rape as being OK then why in the hell could this devil plea such a case. I hang my head in absolute shame that an Aussie judge would support this evil way of thinking, this so-called judge should be removed from his position asap. And western nations should stop allowing people of any back ground that reckon woman are nothing more than dogs to come visit our nations much less live here!!!!!

I think the people here trying to make islamic rules look as if they are not so bad are lie telling bastards! Angry

Rape isn't just limited to Muslim males. Almost every day some lenient Judge allows a non-muslim paedophile (rapist of children), husband, boyfriend, stepfather, stranger etc. to serve a minimal sentence for a brutal rape.

Why should this man get a longer than average sentence because of his religion? Priests don't even get gaoled because they are a protected species and child murderers only get about 4 years if they're unlucky.

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Re: proper Islamic rape
Reply #70 - Apr 28th, 2013 at 6:29pm
Ares Abani wrote on Apr 28th, 2013 at 1:37am:
I would like any muslim here or pro-muslim to explain to me if muslims don't consider rape as being OK then why in the hell could this devil plea such a case.

Simple - this was not a case of "muslim rape". All we know about the guy is he was an illiterate hick from Afghanistan whose only known association with islamists was that he was fleeing them. Perhaps he was wanted by the taliban for rape - who knows.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Ares Abani
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Australian Politics

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Re: proper Islamic rape
Reply #71 - May 5th, 2013 at 9:05pm
Thank you for posting the link to this horrid story, yadda. Smiley
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Ares Abani
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Re: proper Islamic rape
Reply #72 - May 5th, 2013 at 9:12pm
mantra wrote on Apr 28th, 2013 at 6:00pm:
I would like any muslim here or pro-muslim to explain to me if muslims don't consider rape as being OK then why in the hell could this devil plea such a case. I hang my head in absolute shame that an Aussie judge would support this evil way of thinking, this so-called judge should be removed from his position asap. And western nations should stop allowing people of any back ground that reckon woman are nothing more than dogs to come visit our nations much less live here!!!!!

I think the people here trying to make islamic rules look as if they are not so bad are lie telling bastards! Angry

Rape isn't just limited to Muslim males. Almost every day some lenient Judge allows a non-muslim paedophile (rapist of children), husband, boyfriend, stepfather, stranger etc. to serve a minimal sentence for a brutal rape.

Why should this man get a longer than average sentence because of his religion? Priests don't even get gaoled because they are a protected species and child murderers only get about 4 years if they're unlucky.

Well duh.....I can assure you I do not support any one getting off easy that did these acts you mentioned, mantra. I find it apalling that the priest who commited these unlawful deeds are being protected as well!

However, how does anything you mentioned excuss anyone making a case that they should get special treatment because since they were from a muslim culture they didn't know rape was wrong?pffff

Why do we allow people who think rape is OK into our western countries? It's a head shaker for me that we are so dumb.
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Ares Abani
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Australian Politics

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Re: proper Islamic rape
Reply #73 - May 5th, 2013 at 9:24pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 28th, 2013 at 6:29pm:
Ares Abani wrote on Apr 28th, 2013 at 1:37am:
I would like any muslim here or pro-muslim to explain to me if muslims don't consider rape as being OK then why in the hell could this devil plea such a case.

Simple - this was not a case of "muslim rape". All we know about the guy is he was an illiterate hick from Afghanistan whose only known association with islamists was that he was fleeing them. Perhaps he was wanted by the taliban for rape - who knows.

Really, then why o why was a plea entered worded like this: Australian Judge Finds Muslim “Cultural Differences” Valid Excuse for Rape?

What are the odds an Afganistian has been raised and influnced by the religion/laws of the land islamic teachings? If this guys was NOT muslim then why would muslim cultural differences be mentioned? Cheesy

This just affirms that even a western judge is aware that there is such a thing as proper Islamic rape. He should be kicked to the curb for even considering such rubbish in our western societiy tho because we in the west according to our LAWS do not consider rape as proper at any time or for any reason!!!!
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Ares Abani
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Re: proper Islamic rape
Reply #74 - May 5th, 2013 at 9:28pm
chimp, yet again turns a blind eye to reality. Not a surprise.
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