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Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!! (Read 56873 times)

Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Feb 21st, 2008 at 9:25am
I have been performing special research with kangaroo meat and have found that it might be a cure for Mental illnesses and high anxieties. Try serving some meat to a person who suffers scizophrenia and let me know how he does and feels.
I wish they would let it go through here in Califonia and am hoping that it passes.
Do you know of any restaraunts who serve kangaroo meat in Southern California or is it still illegal?
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #1 - Feb 21st, 2008 at 10:01am
I have been performing special research with kangaroo meat and have found that it might be a cure for Mental illnesses and high anxieties. Try serving some meat to a person who suffers scizophrenia and let me know how he does and feels.
I wish they would let it go through here in Califonia and am hoping that it passes.
Do you know of any restaraunts who serve kangaroo meat in Southern California or is it still illegal?

I recently heard that boxingkangaroo burned him/herself.  There may be edible parts after that incident.
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #2 - Feb 21st, 2008 at 10:26am
I think it is still illegal. The gubbernator was supposed to sign off on the bill to make it legal late last year, but it seems he didn't have the balls.

Where are you hoping to publish your results? The Lancet? Do we have to tell the crazy person they are eating skippy?
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #3 - Feb 21st, 2008 at 10:27am
I have been performing special research with kangaroo meat and have found that it might be a cure for Mental illnesses and high anxieties. Try serving some meat to a person who suffers scizophrenia and let me know how he does and feels.
I wish they would let it go through here in Califonia and am hoping that it passes.
Do you know of any restaraunts who serve kangaroo meat in Southern California or is it still illegal?

Hey John,

Yes me and my family of herbivores ,used as steak tartare ,have been proven to be good for the old grey matter , not one of my herd with anything like a twinge twitch or nervous tick even.

I did burn myself but only while cooking up a nice slab of human. Now that sh it will make you sick in head.

Im not sure were you can buy any roo bungers, (esp good with a bit of garlic and a good splash of port.) but the supermarkets here have it freely available.

have heard cod liver oil/omega 3 is also good to ward off the heeby jeebies or as we like to say here in Aussie, if your mad as a cut snake its too late anyway, a good 303 to head is always beneficial.         Cheesy
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Fry me kangaroo down
Reply #4 - Jun 15th, 2009 at 8:45pm

It’s just meat, okay? Get over it. If you’re really green at heart, and not a vegetarian, then you ought to think about eating Skippy.

"What?" I hear you say. "Throw a treasured native species on the barbie? How can that be environmentally correct?"

If you think about it, that question is a no-brainer for any conservation-minded person. First, kangaroos are not farmed (and may never be). They’re wild animals, perfectly suited to the dry and unforgiving Australian environment.

Unlike our imported domesticated livestock – such as sheep, cows, pigs – they don’t breed like clockwork every year regardless of the availability of the resources they need to survive. When times are tough, they wait until things get better before producing more offspring.

Not so fast

They haven’t been selected to grow fast and fat, and they are superb at conserving energy and water, so they don’t need to eat or drink prolifically like those European interlopers. They don’t leave wet sloppy piles of dung for flies to breed in, just nice, dry grassy pellets. No flies on them.

They don’t have hard hooves either, so they don’t compact the all-important humus layer of the soil, or cut up riverbanks and leave them vulnerable to erosion.

All of which means they put less pressure on fragile ecosystems, especially in the agricultural zones that have suffered so much damage since European settlement.

Second, only four of the sixty or so species of kangaroos are harvested: the ones that have boomed in numbers as a result of our provision of more pastures and watering holes. It is we who created the kangaroo population imbalance; and harvesting them helps set it right.

Conservation through sustainable use

Third, and most important, is that the kangaroo industry is an excellent working example of the concept of conservation through sustainable use (or CSU). To maintain kangaroo numbers for sustainable harvesting, you need to maintain kangaroo habitat. Roos like a nice patch of bush to shelter from the midday sun, for example, so maintaining lots of them means maintaining lots of bush.

In turn, that bush is a vital habitat and refuge for many other plants and animals – the countless birds, bugs, butterflies, native flowers, shrubs and bushes that make up a healthy bushland, not to mention the far greater numbers of unseen but vital micro-organisms that make everything tick.

Instead of bland monocultures of pasture (often sown with invasive exotic grasses), CSU delivers a more diverse, more robust ecosystem that can better withstand fires, droughts and climate change.

Everyone wins, including landholders, because resources that are sustainably harvested from natural ecosystems not only have greater ecological resilience but economic resilience as well.

Kangaroo meat: much better for environment

SYDNEY: Skippy could be increasingly on the menu following a new report that expanding the kangaroo industry would significantly cut Australian greenhouse gases.

A paper in the journal Conservation Letters says reducing cattle and sheep populations and increasing the kangaroo numbers to 175 million by 2020 would lower greenhouse gas emissions by 16 megatonnes, or three per cent of Australia's total emissions.

Greenhouse impact

The paper's lead author – George Wilson of the University of New South Wales in Sydney – said a proposal to reduce sheep and cattle numbers on the rangelands by 30 per cent should be considered.

"Sheep and cattle constitute 11 per cent of Australia's total greenhouse gas emissions," said Wilson who is involved with the university's Future of Australian Terrestrial Ecosystems (FATE) project. "Kangaroos, however, produce relatively little methane because they are not ruminants."

Mike Archer, UNSW dean of science and a long time advocate for sustainably farming Australian bush 'tucker', said that kangaroo can be promoted as a means of increasing health, wealth and happiness (see, Fry me kangaroo down, Cosmos Online).

"Eating more kangaroo has an incredible array of benefits, for our environment, for dietary health and as a tasty red meat," he said. "The soft padded feet of kangaroos are far kinder to the land than the hooves of sheep and cattle, which have caused untold damage and consequent land erosion."

Open to trying it

Kangaroos emit one-third as much methane as ruminant animals, such as cows or goats, which are responsible for 60 per cent of global methane emissions. Like carbon dioxide, methane is a greenhouse gas that is significantly contributing to global warming.

In the past decade, the proportion of Australians eating kangaroo meat has risen from 51 to 58.5 per cent, according to a recent national survey conducted by the FATE project.

Around 15 per cent of Australians are regular consumers of kangaroo meat, eating it four or more times per year, while more than 50 per cent of people have tried it (33 per cent) or are open to trying it (21 per cent).

Reducing your red meat footprint

SYDNEY: If they really want to offset climate change, carnivores around the world should cut down their meat consumption by around 10 per cent, says a new report.
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #5 - Jun 16th, 2009 at 9:09am

Pretty good idea overall. The kangaroo I have eaten was very tough.

Have learnt since then that by aging meat well (in vacuum bags) the meat improves , so that'ld help.
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #6 - Jun 16th, 2009 at 11:12am
I tried couple of products, but not impressed with taste.
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #7 - Jun 16th, 2009 at 2:41pm
Yes sprint, good idea that stangely I had not thought of. Vaccum seal with a nice marinade and then slow cook.

The toughness is apparently related to over cooking, but I have to say I do not generally like the taste of game meat or rare meat so I have avoided eating "old man roo". I think you may have a solution there.

FD, I am with you 100% on eating native fauna. The benefits are immense, to habitat, species and society. Possum has become a meat product in NZ as a way of trying to benefit and control, what for NZ is, a pest species. I don't know about an associated fur industry but I got no problem buying NZ possum fur products. I'd love a Daniel Boon hat.
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The Warrigal
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #8 - Jun 16th, 2009 at 4:57pm

Agree wholeheartedly that the benifits of consuming native fauna outweighs any of the perceived negatives.

With regard to the flavour of game meat.

Cookery is cookery, but there are a few tricks of the trade if you want the best flavour from many game meats.

Kangaroo meat can be very dry if you are inexperienced at cooking it.

Marinade makes a big difference as can adding some fat to the meat before roasting.

Properly cooked, kangaroo is not unlike good veal and I have never seen anybody turn up their nose at it.

I have never tried possum meat for obvious reasons, but if the Kiwis are building a possum fur and meat industry to help what has become a pest animal for them, then I would gladly support that industry.
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #9 - Jun 16th, 2009 at 5:45pm
Pity that price is high.

I think to make it more acceptable, price would have to be lower than that of chicken.

At the moment looks that kangaroo meat is put there as "rare delicacy", which is not.
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #10 - Jun 16th, 2009 at 6:51pm
I can get rump for $7 per kilo at a butcher nearby. Roo at coles is around $18 I think. But the roo mice is top quality and cheap. For some dishes - especially Mexican - the dryness works in your favour. The last thing you want is beef juice dribbling out of your burrito while it falls apart. It also works great for bolognese. I guess all the tomatoe keeps it moist. Kangaroo roasts are also good, especially if you only want a small serve.

Apparently you can get possum meat at some restaurants. It comes from Tassie, where they are still allowed to harvest them. Here on the mainland possums are just as much a pest as in NZ, because they are so overpopulated - especially if there are no dogs in your suburb.
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #11 - Jun 18th, 2009 at 11:55am
I'm a big advocate of industrialized Kangaroo farming. Not just because of the obvious environmental benefits that could be reaped from such a practice, but because I personally am an enormous aficionado of its flavor. I've always found it annoying that its economic potential still remains relatively untapped.

I can get half a kilo of a high quality cut for about $6 here. Not really that expensive either. My advice for people cooking it up is to add red wine, garlic, two sliced onions, parsley, basil and rosemary. Don't overcook; the flavor seems to eviscerate a little if the blood has been completely boiled out.
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #12 - Jun 18th, 2009 at 2:38pm
My family have eaten kangaroos for a very long time. Something that I was always taught, that you have to cook it well through, because it is infested with parasites. Don't ever eat the stuff rare.

I went to a restaurant that had kangaroo, and I asked for it to be cooked well done, and the chef said he would only cook it rare, and not compromise his standards. No way I was ordering it then.
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #13 - Jun 18th, 2009 at 9:00pm
The test and health attributes of meat of a grazing animal depends on the pasture they graze on.
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #14 - Jun 19th, 2009 at 8:57am
Yes that is true, so roo from better grassland areas should taste better and be healthier.

Like Cal though, I will have my roo well cooked none the less as roos are usually driven off the better pastures.

This is what I don't understand about the wild pig industry and the european love affair with Australian wild pork. These animals are mostly harvested from pasture poor areas, that are constantly in drought using animals that regularly eat carrion. Survival conditions only food for me I'm afraid. Unless it's been harvested from the lusher rainforest parts of the country.
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #15 - Jul 23rd, 2009 at 6:28am
As an "ex" Chef I would say that roo is a fantastic meat and it falls into the game category.
The toughness experienced by many is because the animal has to work to obtain it's food.
The backstrap of the roo is the exeption. It is a delicious meat though because of it's low fat content it must be cooked medium rare to rare or infused with fat. For example wrapped in bacon or a similar fatty meat.
The tougher cuts must be cooked for a much longer period to give the best result.
Roo meat in Australia comes from farms. Sorry greeny people, eating roo is the same as eating cow as far as the law is concerned.
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #16 - Jul 23rd, 2009 at 6:30am
As an "ex" Chef I would say that roo is a fantastic meat and it falls into the game category.
The toughness experienced by many is because the animal has to work to obtain it's food.
The backstrap of the roo is the exeption. It is a delicious meat though because of it's low fat content it must be cooked medium rare to rare or infused with fat. For example wrapped in bacon or a similar fatty meat.
The tougher cuts must be cooked for a much longer period to give the best result.
Roo meat in Australia comes from farms. Sorry greeny people, eating roo is the same as eating cow as far as the law is concerned.
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #17 - Jul 25th, 2009 at 6:14pm
Roo meat in Australia comes from farms. Sorry greeny people, eating roo is the same as eating cow as far as the law is concerned.

What did you mean by that?
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #18 - Oct 30th, 2013 at 7:29pm
kangaroo to eat is smacking awful

I would import may African animals.  They don't ruin the place with their hooves
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #19 - Oct 30th, 2013 at 7:30pm
freediver wrote on Jul 25th, 2009 at 6:14pm:
Roo meat in Australia comes from farms. Sorry greeny people, eating roo is the same as eating cow as far as the law is concerned.

What did you mean by that?

roos are taken wild
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #20 - Oct 31st, 2013 at 1:19am
I have been performing special research with kangaroo meat and have found that it might be a cure for Mental illnesses and high anxieties. Try serving some meat to a person who suffers scizophrenia and let me know how he does and feels.
I wish they would let it go through here in Califonia and am hoping that it passes.
Do you know of any restaraunts who serve kangaroo meat in Southern California or is it still illegal?

NUp, but i know kangaroo meat is nice but somewhat oily: is the oil good for the brain of some? Crocodile aint bad either btw!
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*Sure....they're anti competitive as any subsidised job is.  It wouldn't be there without the tax payer.  Very damned difficult for a brainwashed collectivist to understand that I know....  (swaggy) *
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #21 - Oct 31st, 2013 at 1:21am
alan-b.stard-m-p wrote on Oct 30th, 2013 at 7:29pm:
kangaroo to eat is smacking awful

I would import may African animals.  They don't ruin the place with their hooves

Nah, cooked well it aint bad at all: oily but good!
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*Sure....they're anti competitive as any subsidised job is.  It wouldn't be there without the tax payer.  Very damned difficult for a brainwashed collectivist to understand that I know....  (swaggy) *
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #22 - Oct 31st, 2013 at 1:36am
STOP THE PRESSES: i was talking about emu...that's right- we ate the coat of arms on me 30th(... plus crocodile  Cool)
i quite liked the emu- a bit oily but interesting and yes good. Crocodile was suprisingly good and i infact can't remember much about the roo because the other two were so good. I suppose i don't remember it being bad  Cool
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*Sure....they're anti competitive as any subsidised job is.  It wouldn't be there without the tax payer.  Very damned difficult for a brainwashed collectivist to understand that I know....  (swaggy) *
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #23 - Feb 26th, 2014 at 12:46am
well Haven't tried Emu yet.. never run across it..  Grin

but Roo.. Excellent.  just needs some TLC,  and I like Roo sausages ..yum.
The suggestions above re suitability for Spag Bol .. and Mexican -type dishes   .. makes  sense. thanks I'll try it.. 

how about a chilli con kanga..??  yum.. think I'll give that a try.

I have eaten wild pork.. from western Qld..  best Pork I've ever tasted..  it..(wild pork) has to be tested and shown to be free of parasites... 

and lets face it.. feral pigs are a huge problem for the ecology they inhabit... it should be a huge project.. to harvest these things.. and  also ...feral buffalo.  These animals are not native,  can provide food, and eating them will only help the Bush.

Roos are an easy target for business...  better to clear out the ferals as  well, as  a priority.

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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #24 - Oct 27th, 2014 at 7:54am
I chanced on Kangaroo meat by accident when buying it at the Victorian Markets. I fluked it by cooking it perfectly and found the taste rich and could literally feel more of a buzz or 'kick' in its effect after consumption. But I say this when I was at a 'starving' point of my life and affording food was hard. So my lack of 'excess' food really did show a difference of what effects different foods made. I bought it because it was a lot of meat for little $$ - which made sense to me at the time. Returning to the Markets for more a few weeks later, it took me ages to find the meat again ...because it was in the PET FOOD section, which I hadn't noticed before  Tongue   Embarrassed

Anyway, since then - I have been a huge fan of Kangaroo meat and it is the prime type of (land) meat that I consume when I can. I still eat Lamb, Beef, Chicken - as this is what other people eat and offer to me as a guest to them. Seafood I love. Nothing like little baby Octopi on a stick at Festivals with their little tenticles still sticking out of my mouth while having a munch.  Lips Sealed

In New Zealand - Venison is all the rage in Restaurants due to its higher quality of meat and richer taste. Throw in the fact that the EnZedders are making all efforts to reduce Sheep numbers and find that Reindeer make less 'impact' upon the lands, less maintenance and upkeep and earn a good quid to be hunted. I really enjoyed the Venison and on two occasions in top restaurants there - they had sold out of stock on the night.
Kangaroo Meat reminds me of Venison.
A lot of people complain and whinge that it is too
and is only worth feeding their dogs. But I think they are just lazy shooters who think nothing of their kill, but the 'thrill' - if you know what I mean.

I cook Roo meat -
, so as not to dry it out or having it bounce around in my mouth unable to be chewed. I guess Medium Rare might be the go?
Making the fillets slender or thin is far easier than a bulk slab size and the Roo meat I find, absorbs 'marinations' far better than Beef or Lamb because of the lack of fat (to compete with?  Huh).

I get my Roo meat from Woolworths: Snags, Mince, Burger and Fillets. When first shelved - they were cheap as, but due to the popularity, the prices have risen to match conventional meats is Woolworths afterall.  Roll Eyes The Roo meat comes from Gourmet Meats in South Australia as not many places 'process' Roo although many Farmers shoot and cook their own.
Farmers tell me that the Tail is the most tasteful part of the Kangaroo and best for Stew and the upper Legs are also the best part.

Mostly though, Kangaroo is more popular 'overseas' just like Macadamia's were for over a decade before people caught on here.

is the real surprise.
EMU is considered and rated as the #1 Quality Meat in the World (not including Dolphin  Wink) !!
Emu is very popular in the USA and used in Obesity & Health Rehabilitation Centres as an alternative to the 'crap' meat people consume on their Whopper Burgers, etc.
Emu meat doesn't look like your conventional 'Poultry' - as it is dark like a blade of steak. Because of its almost ZERO FAT level, once again - cooking is the crux of the matter and Emu is best cooked in thin paddy style or thin fillets. From what I've researched, people cook Emu mostly like a quick sear on either side. I have never had the opportunity to eat Emu though. It is also popular in India and with the USA, EMU farms are abundant in those countries.

I live in the Riverina - more Rural than Country region of NSW. They did try to kick off Ostrich here, based upon the Shell being needed for the Viagra fad that 'came and went' like a premature ejaculation here as there was no Processing Plant and a lot of people lost a lot of money with the Ostrich Scheme.

Roo is a healthy meat and obviously good for the body as well as piece of mind.

Pastaroo (Pass da roo) is my favourite dish: Pasta & Roo Mince.  The difference of cooking 'Premium beef/lamb' Mince against Roo Mince is so noticeable in the lack of residue 'FAT'.

People who don't like Roo have expressed that I shouldn't be eating our 'Coat of Arms'  Roll Eyes
That 'Fat' tastes nice (to compensate for the lack of taste in the meat?  Huh).
That Roo is full of worms and too gamey.

I know that inland and Northern Australia - Camel meat is becoming more popular.
Along the southern NSW Coast and other parts, even Tassie. Alpaca & Llama are being served in Restaurants.
I guess these meats, along with Roo are not only arising because of demand - but they also sort the men from the boys with the Chefs in the challenge they bring in being cooked to perfection in an otherwise 'stagnated' Industry still flogging CLICHE dishes from Europe & Asia.  Roll Eyes

I've had a Crocodile Pie (via Fredrickton Pie Shop on NSW north coast) and the meat I found absolutely disgusting. Could only cope with a second mouthful.
Yuk! Mind you - this meat is from digesting 'dead or rotting' carcass that sits in the stomach for ages while being broken down. Sure did taste like it!
Wild Boar Pie - seemed better, but in all fairness - I was still suffering from the effects of the Croc  Tongue

Hope this helps.

Well, when Nursing in Psyche wards - I hardly spoke to such persons, as they had enough 'voices' in their heads. Using my hands and face for 'visual' expression to communicate - I would receive the 'sly' response from them.  ;
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #25 - Oct 26th, 2019 at 8:55pm
Kangaroo mince is hard to get now - due to being sold out a lot.
The 'stupidity' of White People is that they mostly buy it for their Cats & Dogs - although it is a higher quality of meat than the rubbish they pay double for, for themselves.

It's a stupid world we live in atm.  Roll Eyes

"might be good for mental health..."
the original poster says. Well the usual beef, pork, lamb, chicken is obviously not working.  Roll Eyes
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #26 - Oct 26th, 2019 at 9:00pm
freediver wrote on Jul 25th, 2009 at 6:14pm:
Roo meat in Australia comes from farms. Sorry greeny people, eating roo is the same as eating cow as far as the law is concerned.

What did you mean by that?

I don't think all Roo Meat is 'farmed'.
Maybe they are Roos on Farms designed for other things.
But I doubt there are 'Roo-specific' Farms out there.
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #27 - Oct 27th, 2019 at 8:09am
I'm pretty sure it is all wild caught.

They get occasional supply shortages because of the weather etc.
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #28 - Oct 27th, 2019 at 9:24pm
NSW got good rains from 2011 to 2015 but now its mostly dry.
So much so, it seems the SAustralians are getting more 'water allocations' than NSW Farmers - who are the peeved ones now.
Roos tend to breed slower in drought times. So I think their numbers in NSW will drop a bit.
Driving around the Riverina in 2013, I noticed an double-fold increase in Roos around the Grong Grong area.

Where I live now - they all come out of the bush to nibble on people's lawns, football fields etc. They are 'mostly' road-wise too.

I think the really Big Reds are all but extinct now.
That's a shame. I would have loved to catch one, rig a saddle on it and see how I go?

They should cut the portions thinner in the packs. I think one of the reasons why people don't go and buy a second serve of Roo (unlike mince, paddies and sausages) is because they cook it too thick and thus it doesn't cook as well, let alone get that marshmellow effect.
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #29 - Oct 27th, 2019 at 9:53pm
Raven often hunts roos. They are absolutely delicious and good for you.
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #30 - Oct 27th, 2019 at 9:57pm
Fragmachine wrote on Jul 23rd, 2009 at 6:30am:
As an "ex" Chef I would say that roo is a fantastic meat and it falls into the game category.
The toughness experienced by many is because the animal has to work to obtain it's food.
The backstrap of the roo is the exeption. It is a delicious meat though because of it's low fat content it must be cooked medium rare to rare or infused with fat. For example wrapped in bacon or a similar fatty meat.
The tougher cuts must be cooked for a much longer period to give the best result.
Roo meat in Australia comes from farms. Sorry greeny people, eating roo is the same as eating cow as far as the law is concerned.

I've been told by some Maori Mr Fraggle (Agne's better half?) - that venison in Hungi's steamed from the beneath the earth, come out very soft. Wonder if Roo can be done the same regardless of part or thickness. The 'steam' being the softener?
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #31 - Nov 2nd, 2019 at 2:26pm
Any meat gets soft if you cook it long enough.
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #32 - Nov 3rd, 2019 at 11:13am
freediver wrote on Nov 2nd, 2019 at 2:26pm:
Any meat gets soft if you cook it long enough.

...and low in temp. Wink
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Re: Kangaroo..good for the body and mind!!!
Reply #33 - Aug 18th, 2020 at 9:30pm
Got a kilo of roo and venison for just $25 each.
Cool  Cool

Beats paying a fortune for Woolworths/Coles meat that is filled with fat and non-recyclable packaging.
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