Jovial Monk wrote on Jul 18
th, 2017 at 11:51am:
It is not natural. We are causing the heating we are seeing. We have caused so much heating that any end to the interglacial that some here talk about just is not going to happen.
The oceans have so much heat stored in them that if we were to disappear tomorrow the heating would still continue for centuries.
The main ice ages, at 100,000 year intervals, used to be 40,000 year intervals, are caused by orbital variations.
AGW is the only problem that is of first order importance facing us today. I have given up trying to discuss this here.
When the IPCC computer models first started to calculate the temperature within their data base due to man’s emissions of CO2, they came up with a signature foot print for Anthropogenic Global Warming, proof that it existed beyond a doubt.
This signature foot print in the computer models was showing a hot spot around the equator due to the accumulation of manmade CO2 (I wonder what the natural CO2 which eclipses man’s efforts by a long shot was doing, must have been on holiday at that time), this hot spot in the computer data base was in the tropopause about 10 to 12 kilometres above the Earth’s surface.
Unfortunately for the alarmists and their overlords the oligarchy this hot spot which showed up in the most sophisticated computer weather models didn’t exist in real world.
They should’ve done a reality check before announcing it to the world but they didn’t, maybe they thought we would be like sheep and not question these findings maybe they got ahead of themselves doesn’t really matter because they were shooting blanks with this theory.
Radiosonde instrumentation on weather balloons and satellite data in the real world gathering weather data couldn’t find this hot spot that appeared in the most sophisticated climate models in their computers, so sceptics started to call this out.
So the alarmists realizing that we weren’t going to behave like sheep and that we have instruments to measure this phenomenon if it did really exist, started to say that the heat had gone into the oceans and that’s why we could no longer detect this hot spot in the tropopause with empirical data, that is actual measurements taken by weather balloons and satellites.
Unfortunately once again for the alarmists and their overlords the oligarchy, we had a temperature measuring system in the oceans called the ARGO, a team of strategically placed buoys around the world oceans taking temperatures down to about 750 to 800 metres.
Of course this extra heat that was supposed to be absorbed by the oceans never registered with the buoys, so the alarmists said the heat had snuck by the buoys and gone into the oceans depths where the buoys couldn’t measure it anymore.
But surely they would have registered this extra heat as it found its way to the bottom of the ocean passing through the first 800 metres, but offcourse the alarmists can’t think straight to begin with and they even till this day insist that the this extra heat snuck by the buoys down to the ocean depths and that were it remains till this day.
Every time they present a signature foot print it gets shot down faster that they could drop a hot potato, so the only way to make people believe them is, every time the ice shelf cracks it AGW, every time we have a cyclone or any type of natural disaster its AGW, scare tactics are the only instruments they have left, because they cannot explain the hiatus even though manmade CO2 emissions are going through the roof.