polite_gandalf wrote on Nov 28
th, 2022 at 1:51pm:
Frank wrote on Nov 28
th, 2022 at 11:56am:
[quote]You may have missed my earlier question: why aren't you wearing a hijab? Why are you showing your hair for all to see?
I can't even make sense of that. What possible [non] point could you be making?
If the hijab is a matter of 'not drawing attention to hidden ornaments' (Koran, 24:30) then Muslim men should also cover their hair. Why does female hair have such powerful erotic effect on Muslim men but not on Muslim women? If it is good for the goose it should be good for the gander. Or is there some significant value differentiation in Islam between men and women that we need to know about?

Like superior/inferior doctrines that do not hold outside Islam but Muslims stick to, even outside Muslim countries, to demonstrate their doctrinaire alertness from and even opposition to the cultures around them?
(Of course there is, and that's at the heart of the matter. )
And if it's no biggie whether Muslimas wear a hijab or not, why wear it in countries where it is not the custom if not to demonstrate that it IS a biggie and a good shorthand signifier of hostility to the surrounding culture.
The hijab in the West is exactly the same as
refusing to cover one's hair when entering a mosque in Muslim countries.
The only difference is that the West tolerates its own repudiation and Islam and Muslims don't.
As with everything else, Muslims exploit Western tolerance without ever, in any way, reciprocating it. And that's because they do not think for a moment that they are dealing with equals but with inferiors.
What can I say? I agree, muslim countries are dicks towards non-muslims. Even some muslim communities in the west are arrogant and entitled - and they shouldn't be. But so what? I still don't get how that justifies demonizing individual women for wearing a piece of clothing.