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Australian Politics
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freediver wrote on Nov 28 th, 2022 at 11:05am: polite_gandalf wrote on Nov 28 th, 2022 at 10:51am: freediver wrote on Nov 26 th, 2022 at 9:50am: polite_gandalf wrote on Nov 24 th, 2022 at 8:19am: freediver wrote on Nov 23 rd, 2022 at 7:17am: Quote:FD you can ask them whatever you like. Thanks Gandalf. Now would you like to answer your own question - how do you think we should find out if a woman is being forced to wear a burqa against her will? Shifting the goal posts already FD. No one mentioned the burqa except you, so why do you pretend this is my question, or anything to do with my argument? My argument so far has been specific to the hijab. It is obviously far less prohibitive or instrusive for women to wear that the burqa, and should not be considered as de facto, worn because of oppression. Why you would, and why you would consider it somehow appropriate to walk up to a random hijabi and "simply ask her" if she is being forced to wear it - is a question you continue to tapdance away from. By changing the topic to the burqa, are you now conceding that randomly vox-popping a hijabi in the street if they are being oppressed is inappropriate and creepy? Relax Gandalf. Let's make it about the hijab. How would you propose we find out if women are being forced to wear it? I'm pretty sure just asking an actual victim of domestic abuse if they are being abused won't reveal much, and will most likely cause more damage. What do you expect "Oh yes, thank you kind stranger, now please rescue me!"? But you see FD, leaping to that question as your first response is the problem here. Unlike you, if I see a random woman in the street wearing a hijab, my immediate reaction isn't actually "I need to find out if she is being oppressed" - just because of the mere fact of the hijab. Has it ever occurred to you that having strange and creepy men confronting women in the street and asking them personal questions would be rather unwelcome - whether they are being oppressed or not? That's odd. You didn't answer the question. How would you propose we find out if women are being forced to wear it? I don't have an answer FD. Its a complicated issue. I believe I covered this in my first post on the topic. What I do know for sure is that "just asking them" is not going to be an effective way to find out. Or if it is, you need to frame the circumstances in which you could do that - do you know them already? That would obviously change the scenario - is there other signs of abuse/compulsion? If not, then take no further steps. If so, then I imagine you wouldn't do it yourself, but bring in professional social workers or some such. You could have volunteered this sort of background framing if you were serious about having an adult discussion about it. But no, you just stuck with the idiotic "Just ask them!" "Oh gandalf, why can't you just ask them"?? You've had ample opportunity to clarify it as something different to my complete stranger with no evidence scenario, but you don't. Nor do you even acknowledge with me the obvious point that a stranger "just asking" a woman on the street if they are being forced is deeply inappropriate and creepy.