GordyL wrote on May 5 th, 2016 at 10:23pm: mothra wrote on May 5 th, 2016 at 10:04pm: GordyL wrote on May 5 th, 2016 at 9:55pm: Mattyfisk wrote on May 5 th, 2016 at 9:28pm: greggerypeccary wrote on May 5 th, 2016 at 5:41pm: GordyL wrote on May 5 th, 2016 at 5:31pm: greggerypeccary wrote on May 5 th, 2016 at 5:21pm: GordyL wrote on May 5 th, 2016 at 5:11pm: Only a few people in the NSW Police Force would be privy to such information, but requiring proof that Lebanese punch above their weight in terms of violent offenses is like asking for proof the sky is blue. I'm looking out my window right now, Gordy, and I can see that the sky is definitely blue. I can't see anything about Lebs & violent offences, though. Have you got those stats? Nothing to see here.. all good, everyone's the same. Thai gangs are also out of control too. An interesting website, Gordy. Couldn't you find anything on Jihad Watch? I didn't see too many stats in that piece from your friends. It just seems to be the paranoid ramblings of an ignorant bigot. You didn't write it, did you? Tim.Priest was Alan’s friend. He left the cops in disgrace, complained to Alan, and Alan helped him out by shaming Bob Carr into.sacking the NSW police comissioner. No big deal. Ryan got a nice drink, Priest got a few paid columns in the Tele, and Carr won the next erection. Priest was later found to be corrupt, but the ultimate winner was the people of NSW. Ryan gave the green light to every Leb thug in Sydney. No wonder he's your fkuing hero You do know that the majority of Lebanese in Australia are Christian, don't you? Are you another who wants to tell us how misunderstood the lebs are and they're just a bunch of nordy widdle boys? Now now, Gordy, you slept with one once, remember. You can’t possibly be racist.