Quote:The theory of marine parks for fisheries management is that fish will build up in numbers in the no fishing zones and spillover and replenish the areas open to fishing - or have I missed something?
That is the 'catching more fish' bit. It has nothing to do with the other advantages like resilience and sustainability.
Quote:Furthermore you can't just get away with an improvement is an improvement as a justification.
It wasn't a justification for anything. I was merely pointing out your tendency to read far too much into vauge generalisations. Why is it that you can point out the vagueness in my response but not in your original comment? Perhaps I should wrap it in more layers of convolution so we can waffle on all day without actually saying anything. Do we have to discuss this for ten pages for such a simple emssage to sink in?
Quote:Any management initiative which reduces the ability of fisherman to catch fish will lead to an increase in fish numbers and by inference resiliance and sustainability.
True, but marine parks improve resilience through other important mechanisms that other initiatives do not replicate. Furthermore it does this, and increases fish stocks, without reducing the number of fish caught.
Quote:Can you quantify the extent of the benefit of your marine park examples? Should I ignore them because you can't?
You are missing the point PJ. I am not arguing for marine parks on the basis of a vague and meaningless comment by some committee regarding the extent of the benfit. You on the other hand are trying to read something into a vauge and meaningless comment.
Quote:The so called principles were made up by you with no understanding of the issues
Not true. If you can go beyond the vague and meaningless I might be able to give a mroe specific response.
Quote:and are invalidated by the audits finding that given that NSW fisheries are well managed there is likely to be no significant spillover effect from marine parks
Again, not true. Can you point out where I have rested the argument in favour of marine parks on the magnitude of the benefit? Can you point out how a vague anbd meaningless comment regarding the magnitude invaldiates anything? Your argument here is incredibly stupid. You are doing nothing more than saying we should not follow through on a good idea because it is not a 'very' good idea.
Quote:One of the audits critcisms was that the parks and zoning were implimented with indecent haste. It would be somewhat hypocritical for them to turn around and do the same.
They have taken this to an absurd extreme. Did they go to the trouble of pointing out where the haste had any impact on the outcome and how a better outcome may have been achieved? Or was it only the haste itself and not the final outcome they were criticising? Should we conclude that they would be happy with the same outcome achieved at a glacial pace after funding endless highly paid committees that are too timid to recomend anything other than a committee?