I hve added another updated to the main page of OzPolitic.
http://www.ozpolitic.com/index.htmland here:
http://www.ozpolitic.com/fish/fishing-party-courts-coalition.htmlpjb05 wrote on Feb 21
st, 2012 at 6:32am:
The independent audit of NSW marine parks is out and I see a lot of FD's furphy's are shot down:
Audit recommends marine parks shake-up
20 Feb 2012By Jim Harnwell
THE system of marine parks is NSW is flawed and needs a complete overhaul, an independent audit by a team of prominent scientists has found.
The 124-page Report of the Independent Scientific Audit of Marine Parks in New South Wales was released on Thursday. It makes two main recommendations, namely that marine protection encompass the entire “marine estate” and that a scientific committee, including experts in socio-economics, be established to guide the future management of marine ecosystems.
The report calls for wide-ranging changes to marine parks management and structure and is critical of the system of marine protection introduced by the former state Labor government.
The current network of relatively small marine parks encompassing various “representative zones” was not effective, the report says. It recommends instead that this system
be scrapped
and replaced by a management regime which includes the entire marine ecosystem, called by the report the “marine estate”.
pjb05 wrote on Feb 23
rd, 2012 at 3:49pm:
Contrary to the implication by the article that the marine parks themselves be scrapped, the audit recommends keeping them and adding more:
page ix:
Quote:The Audit Panel is of the further opinion that the current system of marine parks as
established in NSW be maintained and mechanisms be found for enhancing the
protection of biodiversity in the identified gaps, namely within the Hawkesbury and
Twofold Shelf marine bioregions.
Other interesting bits:
page x:
Here are some examples of fisheries scientists acknowledging that they do not have a good grasp on the threats posed by fishing and other impacts. They appear to be implying that the current regime merely assesses fish stocks in a reactive sense.
Quote:Resilience and multi-stressor research is needed to better understand the response of
marine ecosystems to threat combinations.
Quote:expanding the scope of ongoing assessments of fish stocks to assess ecological
sustainability and management of fisheries rather than just stocks
Quote:estimating recreational fish catches (currently estimated to equate to around 30
per cent of the commercial catch in NSW).
page xii:
Quote:Better information is needed on the ecosystem effects of fishing and the integration
of this information into the annual stock assessment of commercial and recreational
This is a good sign:
Quote:clarifying the role and purpose of the various types of zones currently in use
They got this wrong. Marine parks should also be assesses against fisheries management objectives. They appear to imply this with their other recommendations. It does not make sense to ignore the fisheries management impacts of a management tool whose only mechanism is the management of fisheries effort.
page x:
Quote:The performance of the marine park system should be assessed against its primary
objectives of conserving biodiversity and maintaining ecosystem integrity and