polite_gandalf wrote on Jun 11
th, 2024 at 3:19pm:
Quote:The audacious display of Islamist power on German streets
AKA peaceful protesters exercising their democratic rights.
Back in 2011, i believe that freediver had not yet recognised,
the double [duplicitous] game which moslems, in their communities, living within secular nations,
were/ARE playing,
against us, their cultural hosts.
They ARE [
and remain]
followers of ISLAM,
pretending to embrace and value, secular rights and freedoms,
the rights gifted to them, by an infidel governing authority.
embrace = =
1 hold closely in one’s arms, especially as a sign of affection.
2 include or contain.
3 accept or support (a belief or change) willingly.I believe that since then, freediver has come to recognise that double [duplicitous] game,
which followers of ISLAM living among us,
Yadda said....
http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1302598375/106#106 Quote:freediver wrote on Apr 21
st, 2011 at 8:54pm:
I've been thinking, if they ever try this crap in Australia, I will organise a protest where everyone wear's burqa's. Just burqas.
Infection or cancer, cannot take hold and spread in vital, healthy flesh.
We remain healthy while our body remains vital and 'clean'.
We remain healthy while our body has the capacity to clease itself of the toxins produced by the processes that occur within a living organism.
Infection and cancer, take hold in a 'polluted' body ['polluted' usually due to overconsumption].
Infection and cancer will kill the host, when a body no longer has the capacity to clease itself of those toxins produced by the processes that occur within a living organism.
And i repeat....
The 'logic' you embrace, is that you propose to defend the rights of those, who's only intent is to destroy YOUR rights, and intend to become your oppressor.
It is as though you hold a box of matches in your hands, and declare;
"It is wrong to burn down a house. And that is why i will not burn down this house."
But then, you choose to give your box of matches to a person who wishes to burn down the house.
you are expressing a false virtue.
In that you seem to see nothing wrong with
giving moslems the means, to destroy the political 'environment' which facilitates, your own right of 'individual choice'.
When i say 'false virtue', i mean to convey the total lack of 'proper' discernment, in your worldview.
This is the solution which i favour, and i outline the reasons why i do.....
The argument for administrative detention, for all 'Aussie' followers of ISLAM