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Muslim community want ASIO director fired (Read 337 times)
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Muslim community want ASIO director fired
May 10th, 2024 at 11:56pm
Representatives of the Australian Muslim community have called for the dismissal of the ASIO director Mike Burgess for comments that Sunni Islamic violent extremism poses the “greatest religiously motivated threat in Australia”.

In his annual threat assessment in Canberra in February, Mr Burgess said: “We have also observed an increase in rhetoric encouraging violence in response to the conflict. Hateful rhetoric has targeted Israel and the Jewish community, as well as Muslim and Palestinian communities. Sunni violent extremism poses the greatest religiously motivated violent extremist threat in Australia.”

The community representatives, headed by His Eminence the Grand Mufti of Australia, also demanded an inquiry into what led to the arrests of the seven teenagers on terrorism charges, including what led to the decision and who was involved.

"The definition of terrorism includes elements that require an assessment by law enforcement individuals in determination processes. These appraisals should be impartial and objective but these recent arrests demonstrate that these decisions have been influenced by religious affiliations alone," Sheikh Wesam Charkawi said.

"It is unacceptable for senior government officials, including law renforcement to make inflammatory comments that further stigmatise and marginalise the muslim community. Such rhetoric only seeks to deepen existing divisions that perpetuate harmful stereotypes.

AnAl will probably fire him to appease his Labor voters in SW Sydney

The Allahu Akbar when bishop was stabbed lets everyone know it was Islamic terrorism.
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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Re: Muslim community want ASIO director fired
Reply #1 - May 10th, 2024 at 11:57pm
It's a sure bet.
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Re: Muslim community want ASIO director fired
Reply #2 - May 11th, 2024 at 1:16am
The grand mufti is just being racist ... send him back to the Middle East where he belongs and where he'll be more comfortable among his own kind

Why we put with all this Islamic crap is hard to fathom

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Our Lives Are Governed By The Feast & Famine Variable
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Re: Muslim community want ASIO director fired
Reply #3 - May 11th, 2024 at 6:13am
Because the Moslems know Australia is a gutless country run by cowards who are too scared to 'declare war' on Islam in their own country.
They know Australia can not take any 'violent' action in return.
Even if the Police started rounding up Moslems, they'll all join in together and start one of their 'holy wars' with backing from Middle-Eastern and South-East Asian nations.
The more they grow in population, the more they get their goat up and make another demand, push another killing against a non-moslem and take another slice of the cake here.

Australia is weak and they're going to exploit every opportunity to strengthen their own cause.

Look at the Cronulla Riots. Politicians, Media, Police - all suppressed other Australians taking action against Moslems.
That Mufti was probably in hiding in some Private Hospital Ward private room scared shitless Wink, while 10,000 Aussies rampaged against Islam in a way that Islam has never experienced - because it wasn't about Religion or by Christians.
Now they know they are 'protected' by the Politicians, Police and Media and now do and say what they like.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Muslim community want ASIO director fired
Reply #4 - May 11th, 2024 at 7:15am
ASIO director Mike Burgess calls a terrorist a terrorist.

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Posts: 21807
A cat with a view
Re: Muslim community want ASIO director fired
Reply #5 - May 11th, 2024 at 10:49am


Is it time for one of Yadda's voluminous posts,
quoting Koran verses,
highlighting the filthy lying utterances,
of 'Aussie' followers of ISLAM ?


......“In the Muslim community we live by the motto:
Love for all, hatred for none,”
Imam Janud said.

.....Islam has nothing to do with any act of violence....


Peace and love are at the center of our religion, as evidenced by scripture and history,...”

- Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah

ISLAM, is a deceitful, murderous death cult.

- Yadda


Yadda said....


Ali Kadri - Islamic Council of Queensland vice-president,
features in The Mosque Next Door on SBS.


November 8, 2017
"There's no underlying religious text or reasons why [moslems] go out and kill people......"

- Ali Kadri
------- >

[2024 links...


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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Posts: 49155
At my desk.
Re: Muslim community want ASIO director fired
Reply #6 - May 11th, 2024 at 11:10am
Baronvonrort wrote on May 10th, 2024 at 11:56pm:
Representatives of the Australian Muslim community have called for the dismissal of the ASIO director Mike Burgess for comments that Sunni Islamic violent extremism poses the “greatest religiously motivated threat in Australia”.

In his annual threat assessment in Canberra in February, Mr Burgess said: “We have also observed an increase in rhetoric encouraging violence in response to the conflict. Hateful rhetoric has targeted Israel and the Jewish community, as well as Muslim and Palestinian communities. Sunni violent extremism poses the greatest religiously motivated violent extremist threat in Australia.”

The community representatives, headed by His Eminence the Grand Mufti of Australia, also demanded an inquiry into what led to the arrests of the seven teenagers on terrorism charges, including what led to the decision and who was involved.

"The definition of terrorism includes elements that require an assessment by law enforcement individuals in determination processes. These appraisals should be impartial and objective but these recent arrests demonstrate that these decisions have been influenced by religious affiliations alone," Sheikh Wesam Charkawi said.

"It is unacceptable for senior government officials, including law renforcement to make inflammatory comments that further stigmatise and marginalise the muslim community. Such rhetoric only seeks to deepen existing divisions that perpetuate harmful stereotypes.

AnAl will probably fire him to appease his Labor voters in SW Sydney

The Allahu Akbar when bishop was stabbed lets everyone know it was Islamic terrorism.

Perhaps they should be trying to stamp out terrorism and terrorism support from within their own community rather than playing the victim card. That little demo they had down at the opera house did far more than Mike could have ever done to announce to the Australian public that they are a bunch of Nazis.
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Muslim community want ASIO director fired
Reply #7 - May 11th, 2024 at 11:14am
Baronvonrort wrote on May 10th, 2024 at 11:56pm:
Representatives of the Australian Muslim community have called for the dismissal of the ASIO director Mike Burgess for comments that Sunni Islamic violent extremism poses the “greatest religiously motivated threat in Australia”.

In his annual threat assessment in Canberra in February, Mr Burgess said: “We have also observed an increase in rhetoric encouraging violence in response to the conflict. Hateful rhetoric has targeted Israel and the Jewish community, as well as Muslim and Palestinian communities. Sunni violent extremism poses the greatest religiously motivated violent extremist threat in Australia.”

The community representatives, headed by His Eminence the Grand Mufti of Australia, also demanded an inquiry into what led to the arrests of the seven teenagers on terrorism charges, including what led to the decision and who was involved.

"The definition of terrorism includes elements that require an assessment by law enforcement individuals in determination processes. These appraisals should be impartial and objective but these recent arrests demonstrate that these decisions have been influenced by religious affiliations alone," Sheikh Wesam Charkawi said.

"It is unacceptable for senior government officials, including law renforcement to make inflammatory comments that further stigmatise and marginalise the muslim community. Such rhetoric only seeks to deepen existing divisions that perpetuate harmful stereotypes.

AnAl will probably fire him to appease his Labor voters in SW Sydney

The Allahu Akbar when bishop was stabbed lets everyone know it was Islamic terrorism.

Diversity is our strength, innit.

Sheikh Wesam Charkawi - who he?

Abu Hanifa Institute began some 15-17 years ago in a home garage with three students. The first subject taught was Creed, followed by Jurisprudence, then other various subjects. Then, in the year 2012 when the numbers had considerably grown and the garage could no longer accommodate the students, we moved to an appropriate location that could accomodate for many students.

Sheikh Wesam Charkawi

Shaykh Wesam Charkawi commenced his studies in Damascus Syria. From the outset, he studied specific books from the Fatih Institute in Damascus with traditional scholars in a one-on-one format. Some of the subjects studied were Theology ['Aqida], Jurisprudence [Fiqh], Principles of Jurisprudence [Usul], Sciences of Hadith [Mustalih] and Quran, Sira and Tafsir Quran.
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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Gold Member

Posts: 21807
A cat with a view
Re: Muslim community want ASIO director fired
Reply #8 - May 11th, 2024 at 12:06pm
Baronvonrort wrote on May 10th, 2024 at 11:56pm:

Representatives of the Australian Muslim community have called for the dismissal of the ASIO director Mike Burgess for comments that Sunni Islamic violent extremism poses the “greatest religiously motivated threat in Australia”.

AnAl will probably fire him to appease his Labor voters in SW Sydney

The Allahu Akbar when bishop was stabbed lets everyone know it was Islamic terrorism.

freediver wrote on May 11th, 2024 at 11:10am:

Perhaps they should be trying to stamp out terrorism and terrorism support from within their own community rather than playing the victim card. That little demo they had down at the opera house did far more than Mike could have ever done to announce to the Australian public that they are a bunch of Nazis.

baron, freediver,

If you can, please link to any quote, from ANY follower of ISLAM [a leader within his own community],
who has openly, and barefacedly,
acknowledged that ISLAM religious doctrines [do] LEGITIMATELY promote violence to further the spread of ISLAM's influence.

YOU WILL NOT FIND SUCH A QUOTE OR ACKNOWLEDGMENT.....[which is directed to inform any non-moslem authority or government].

acknowledge = = accept or admit the existence or truth of.


ISLAMIC community leaders will BAREFACEDLY lie to us.
[.....and they do not care,   .....because they --religiously-- believe, that they are divinely protected from the disbelievers, by Allah.]

We hear this [the false claim that ISLAM is a peace-loving-faith], every time we converse with 'these people'.

ISLAM, is considered by the devout follower of ISLAM,
to be Allah's   >> PERFECT, and FAULTLESS <<   religion.

ISLAMIC religious texts declare that Allah, will [i.e. 'supernaturally'] stupefy the enemies of the moslem,
so that the enemies of the moslem will 'accommodate' their moslem community,
among the stronger disbeliever [enemies], until the moslem can gain victory over the disbeliever host community.

stupefy = = make (someone) unable to think or feel properly.

Aren't our political leaders 'proving' to anyone with eyes, that we are stupefied by the claims of the ISLAMIC community, in our nation ?

No one, no one, no one, in charge of this nation, will dare, to challenge the BAREFACED lies,
coming out of the lips of local moslem leaders.......


......“In the Muslim community we live by the motto:
Love for all, hatred for none,”
Imam Janud said.

.....Islam has nothing to do with any act of violence....


YUSUFALI: Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, cover them with shame, help you (to victory) over them, heal the breasts of Believers,
PICKTHAL: Fight them! Allah will chastise them at your hands, and He will lay them low and give you victory over them, and He will heal the breasts of folk who are believers.
SHAKIR: Fight them, Allah will punish them by your hands and bring them to disgrace, and assist you against them and heal the hearts of a believing people.

YUSUFALI: Say: "Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed for us: He is our protector": and on Allah let the Believers put their trust.
PICKTHAL: Say: Naught befalleth us save that which Allah hath decreed for us. He is our Protecting Friend. In Allah let believers put their trust!
SHAKIR: Say: Nothing will afflict us save what Allah has ordained for us; He is our Patron; and on Allah let the believers rely.

More 'encouragement' from Allah, for the 'just' believer, in Allah,
and Allah's prediction of victory against disbelievers in new lands....

"Or have they gods that can guard them from Us? They have no power to aid themselves, nor can they be defended from Us.
...See they not that We gradually reduce the land (in their control) from its outlying borders? Is it then they who will win?"
Koran 21:43-44

"And He made you [moslems] heirs to their [non-moslem] land and their dwellings and their property, and (to) a land which you have not yet trodden, and Allah has power over all things."
Koran 33:27

"....those who reject Allah have no protector."
Koran 47.008
v. 8-11

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Australian Politics

Posts: 105613
Gender: male
Re: Muslim community want ASIO director fired
Reply #9 - May 11th, 2024 at 12:23pm
Yadda wrote on May 11th, 2024 at 10:49am:

Is it time for one of Yadda's voluminous posts,
quoting Koran verses,
highlighting the filthy lying utterances,
of 'Aussie' followers of ISLAM ?





please learn how to resize you pictures:

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