Bias_2012 wrote on May 1 st, 2024 at 2:31pm: Frank wrote on May 1 st, 2024 at 9:18am: John Smith wrote on May 1 st, 2024 at 8:48am: greggerypeccary wrote on May 1 st, 2024 at 7:15am: To be fair Greg, Hanson almost never knows the facts. I don't see why this case should be any different. Well, bint Fakruqi doesn't know the facts either. Or rather, she deliberately, hypocritically distorts and lies about them. The Queen was " the leader of a racist empire"? Bint Fakruqi is sitting in the Senate, as the representative of the State of of NSW, a part of the 'racist empire.' This is what the bint swore when she became a senator: I, Bint Fakruqi, do solemnly and sincerely affirm and declare that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her heirs and successors according to law. She should resign, pack up and go back to to non-wacist, free and wonderful Pakistan. [size=12]I don't know why the Governor General doesn't reprimand any politician who denigrates the Affirmation after they've pledged it, after all, the Governor General swears them in and .... "The essential requirement is that every Member taking an oath should take it in a manner which affects his or her conscience regardless of whether a holy book is used or not.[60]" Obviously Fakruqi had no intention of letting the Affirmation affect her conscience, otherwise she wouldn't have said what she said about the Queen. After her saying it, we can understand that she couldn't possible be applying herself to the oath: "faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her heirs and successors" If she'd been smart, she would have kept her mouth shut, and kept her thoughts to herself ... as it is, she's shown her true self by being hypocritical and traitorous to the Australian Constitution[/si Perjury. Or is it taqiuyya, since, as a Mohammedan, she wouldn't recognise Australian law as applicable to her conduct. In any case, Hanson would have been right in repudiating Bint Fakeruqi regardless of where she came from. The Bint trying the wacist card just shows her deep dishonesty. I hope Fakeruqi is hoist by her own petard, the ridiculous, lying, frightbat.