Digital ID
Why Australia must reject it
A national digital
ID is the precursor
to introducing
social credit scores,
carbon credit,
vaccine passports
and cashless
central bank digital
currency (CBDC).
It is the crucial
component to
establishing an AI-
surveillance state.
A national digital ID system
will soon be foisted upon all
Australians – if we let it.
It will be unlike existing digital
ID. The technology will be based
on the storage of blockchain-
encrypted biometrics that can be
securely scanned and decoded
upon request. Every Australian
will be required to submit a
combination of their unique
biological aspects (fingerprints,
palm print, iris scan, DNA, face
scan, etc) to a nationwide database.
Once these biometrics have
been gathered, they will comprise
a unique digital ID that can be
routinely accessed for verification
and identification purposes. You
will be instantaneously identifiable
everywhere; geolocated and
tracked; and with all personal data
harvested and analysed – every
aspect of your life, health and
finances will be openly scrutinised
by endless AI-profiling.
A biometric
digital ID will
enable a digital
tyranny. That
is its sole purpose.
The digital ID
concept was
originally formulated
and exported from Davos,
Switzerland. It forms the key
component of the World Economic
Forum’s (WEF) vision for the
‘fourth industrial revolution’
and their stated transhumanistic
objectives. They conspire to
permanently connect humans to
technology to achieve absolute
control of everyone and everything.