Frank wrote on May 30
th, 2024 at 1:40pm:
UnSubRocky wrote on May 29
th, 2024 at 2:49pm:
Frank wrote on May 28
th, 2024 at 6:09pm:
UnSubRocky wrote on May 27
th, 2024 at 5:03pm:
Frank wrote on May 27
th, 2024 at 12:10pm:
UnSubRocky wrote on May 27
th, 2024 at 9:34am:
Frank, seek psychological help. You obviously have some brainwashing going on in your life, being so gullible to fall for such bullshit. Children grow out of such beliefs by the time they are teenagers. Adults even push the claim that there is nothing to even suggest that Jesus is nothing more than a mythology tale.
What is the bullshit belief I have fallen for here?
That you believe that Jesus Christ is real.
Well, Christianity IS the well-spring of Western civilisation, so if you go only by his effect on the world, Jesus was very real : a whole civilisation came from him and his followers and believers.
Western civilisation is based on democracy and secularism. Religion does not play a role in the foundation of Western civilisation.
Did they tell you that at uni?
You cannot possibly be serious. Western civilisation did not start with the French revolution in 1789. Or the Russian one in 1917.
In the last 70-something years, "The West" includes Western European countries -- the countries that did not side with the Soviet Union. There is a grey area when it comes to labelling Central European countries, as they could go either way.
What is one of the features of Western civilisation? That they separate church and state. You have the right to attend church. You also have the right to not attend church. You also have a right to not have a religion.
There is also the concept of individualism in "The West". Democracy features heavily. That also goes well with diverse political structure. There are usually counterculture movements. And much of these features are heavily criticised or lacking in non-Western civilisations.
I mention the USA as a semi-Western society. They have a democracy -- but it is mainly one or the other (Democrat or Republican). There is a counterculture movement. But, due to the heavily conformist culture of the USA, individuality really comes down to the resolute nature of the person. And given that the USA is basically a religious fundamentalist society, secularism is overlooked -- "In god we trust" they say. The further north you go in the USA, the more likely you would see a more Western culture.
To answer your question, I have books on Western Civilisation. I have read enough on the topic to have the reasoning to question why you would include the church as part of the modern society.