On the
Job Guarantee as price anchor (inflation control) in MMT.
1. Replaces neoclassical orthodoxy's inflation control aka the NAIRU (non-accelerating inflation
rate of unemployment), with the Job Guarantee's price anchor aka the NAIBER (non-accelerating inflation
buffer employment ratio ).
2. The buffer employment pool is a variable employment pool which expands or contracts depending on the state of the economy.
3. In the NAIRU system, unemployment is deliberately engineered by the Reserve Bank to reduce demand and hence reduce inflation in the economy.
4. In the NAIBER system, employment is shifted from the inflating section of the economy to the buffer employment pool which is paid at the minimum wage in the economy, ie acting as the price anchor.
MMT economists have differing views on economic management.
My own view (being a Marxist) is that the inflation fighting tools used by mainstream free-market central bankers, ie lifting interest rates to cool demand, should be replaced with price controls (and rationing if necessary in cases of supply-chain failure).
Some MMT economists regard taxation a tool to control inflation (of course all MMTers know
currency-issuing governments don't need to tax - or borrow - in order to fund governement spending, MMTers assign other functions to taxation).
I prefer to eliminate taxation (except to discourage unhealthy consumption, eg grog and tobacco)
in a zero interest rate, no tax scenario, using price controls and rationing as outlined above, to ensure "an economy which works for all" (whereas raising taxes and/or interest rates to control inflation hurts different people in different ways).
Note: free market economies CANNOT create an economy which works for all, there are always winners and losers.
Our goal is shared, sustainable prosperity, in a ZIRP, JG economy with minimal taxation and directly limited inflation (via price controls and rationing as outlined above).
Note: economist Isabella Weber caused a stir when she proposed price controls as an inflation control tool, but the idea has gained recognition in the mainstream
https://www.theguardian.com/business/commentisfree/2021/dec/29/inflation-price-c...Could strategic price controls help fight inflation?And if AGW climate scientists are correct, then the World Bank will have to create money out of thin air to fund the green transition in poor countries , since rich countries have failed to deliver on their promised $100 billion annual transfer to poor countries....