|pərˈsep sh ən|
the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses : the normal limits to human perception.
the state of being or process of becoming aware of something in such a way : the perception of pain.
a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression : Hollywood's perception of the tastes of the American public | we need to challenge many popular perceptions of old age.
intuitive understanding and insight : He wouldn't have accepted, said my mother with unusual perception.
These human senses are being deadened by prevailing politics and political correctness, but most of all by relying on others to keep us safe -
bad blunder! Keep yourself safe, sharpen your perception senses and act on them
I'm advocating that we change our minds about relying on current politics, politicians and the muslim community's reassurance that we are safe from Islamic attacks
Politics is so convincing at times, that we allow the 10% of our brains (that Einstein said we only use), to drop to 8%.
An 8% brain is a brainwashed brain. I'm advocating we strive for 11% or higher. Developing and sharpening our sense of perception and intuition can go a long way to achieving this - but we must practice
What do you do when you get a phone call out of the blue from a person with an Indian accent wanting you to check your internet connection when you know there's nothing wrong with your connection? Well of course, you hang up the phone, like I did the other day with such a call. My connection is fine, as you can see
I was a bit rude, hanging up like that halfway through a conversation with a lovely multicultural female Indian person - what a shocking thing to do
I perceived that I might have been about to hand over my personal details and money to a stranger on the phone. Of course I couldn't be sure but better safe than sorry. My details and money are still safe, with me, where they belong
If we use our sense of perception and intuition and act on them, we have a far better chance of protecting ourselves from harm and loss of property than taking advise from biased and politically motivated members of our community who are in positions of power and influence, quite often the wrong influence regarding our personal safety, and that of our family and friends