freediver wrote on Sep 28
th, 2016 at 6:18pm:
I think you lot need to put this into perspective. This is a politics forum on a politics website. The outcome of a federal election has been stolen. Both major parties have broken promises they made clearly and repeatedly to the Australian public. An important electoral reform has been destroyed. There will be legislative outcomes, and possibly constitutional outcomes also. The media was complicit through their incompetent reporting on the matter. We should have 100 threads on this topic by the time it is done. We probably will. I really don't understand why anyone would want to go to any effort to downplay this, unless they are happy to subvert democracy to get the political outcome they want. It's not like any of you are being forced to post here and just want to talk about the cricket. Why bother posting on a politics forum about your lack of interest in such an important political issue? You have all been here long enough to realise you can pick and choose what topics interest you. I am thinking of starting one new thread on this for every complaint posted by Aussie.
ohhhhhh if only you were interested in the GAY industry and how many gay members you have here.
almost every thread gets turned into a GAY the usual group..

they know who they are?
yet nothing is done to stop that??>>.yes this is a political forum I agree.....but most threads are turned into a personal abuse thread..
how do you account for that???..
is good to see you taking notice though...
even if it is self interest..

can you tell me what you expect Mr and Mrs average to do about the senate,..
if I had my way we would try to do without the bludging bench warmers...
they are costing this country and for bugger all.