... wrote on Apr 24
th, 2016 at 5:34pm:
Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 24
th, 2016 at 5:20pm:
People are getting dumber - voluntarily. There has never been.more information and propaganda, and people have never reacted against it more. There has never been.higher literacy, but there has never been so few people reading real books. We’re in danger of revisiting the Dark Ages.
Yes, I agree.
But I think the only way I can fight this trend is to "be the change that we wish to see in the world"
Do you think habitual disinformation on the internet would have a positive, or negative impact on the trend?
I think habitual disinformation is a symptom - and a cause. In the US, when the financial markets crashed in 2008, people rushed to join the Tea Party, a movement funded by neocon investors, including the billionaire Koch brothers. Its aim was a distraction from financial reform (and health care reform, which this movement cut its teeth on). It distracted with issues like immigration , gay marriage and guns. It rallied the knuckleheads to look over there while the bankers, big investors and lobbyists quietly went back to business as usual.
The movement grew in its power - bigger than the bankers, big investors and lobbyists ever intended. A celebrity billionaire arose to capture them. Forget knuckleheads like Sarah Palin, we now have the disseminator of habitual disinformation par excellence - one Donald J Trump.
To date, the habitual disinformationists have not risen to power. Sure, they’ve had a few victories, scuttling or watering down most initiatives their nemesis, the first tinted president, proposed. But they have not risen to political power, not since the fall of George W Bush. Fox News is no longer the voice of Middle Amerika, and the legacy of Bush still rots away in US history, leaving an obvious stench on another knucklehead movement, neoconservatism.
But elected office is not the end-point. The purpose of the habitual disinformationists is to keep the public gaze away from the deals of its players, who own all the big global monopolies, who don’t pay tax, and who have the rules of the game quietly fixed in their favour. They even have a government who’s showed it’s prepared to bail their businesses out with taxpayer dollars, and they’re brazen enough to give hundreds of millions of those dollars to themselves in bonuses - money that is quietly stashed away in offshore tax havens, so they even avoid paying any of it back in tax.
Not wages, remember, but bonuses; gifts - their tax-funded reward for bringing down the global economy and perpetuating the biggest fraud on bondholders the world has ever seen. To date, out of all the players in the GFC, only one loan broker has been charged. He got a two year suspended sentence.
So yes, Honk, the media "elite", the feminist ballbusters, the Muslims banning Christmas and prayer in schools, the Mexican rapists, the gay mafia, the Pakistani tree-loppers, all of them are one big cover up to keep you busy frothing at the mouth and happily spreading habitual disinformation to keep the real players out of the news.
Not you, Honk, of course. I just mean people in general. You’ve changed. You’ve seen the light.
You’ll never be conned again.