freediver wrote on May 1
st, 2016 at 8:32am:
Parallel development had nothing to do with the decline in China. That had entirely different causes.
Yes, no doubt...
An easy trot of an ascent to the pinnacle of cultural and scientific advancement (4000 years)...
A canter towards a Chinese golden age (as predicted by the Chinese historian, futurist and Crab Cream cook, Fug Yu) - 3000 years...
A gallop to the horizon (500 years).
A screaming bolt into the promised land... Oops... Well it looked like a horizon during the epochs of canter and gallop... Turns out it was a cliff...
So, over they go, Fug Yu...
A slow and steady climb out of canyon... Dead horse of history previously cooked and eaten with Crab cream sauce. (500 years).
Buy new history horse at bargain basement price after crash and burn of Soviet Union from Mongolian futurist and Yak balls soup cook - Getdis Downya - 1 day.
Back on top and on new horse with descendant of Fug Yu, Fug Yu Tu and now telling west where to go (25 years).