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Destructive Fishing Practices (Read 25830 times)
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Destructive Fishing Practices
Oct 15th, 2007 at 7:41pm
This is an article that was submitted to ozPolitic by Jon Nevil:

Australia is committed to phasing out destructive fishing practices by 2012. However, neither the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) nor the fisheries management agencies of the States have developed policy statements on destructive fishing practices which could chart a course towards the 2012 goal. A wide definition of destructive fishing practices would include overfishing beyond reasonable recovery, damaging levels of bycatch, fishing of spawning aggregations, bottom trawling over vulnerable habitat, and ghost fishing by discarded gear. In one form or another all these activities currently occur within the Australian Fishing Zone.
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Re: Destructive Fishing Practices
Reply #1 - Oct 15th, 2007 at 11:44pm
I believe these issues need to be focused on a lot more. Too much emphasis is placed on no take zones within Marine Parks. No take zones are obvoiusly an important part of fisheries management, but they tend more to anger the fishing community ( as I am sure FD you are well aware) due to the areas that are "taken" from rec fishers.
Issues such as spearfishing at night or on tanks are good examples of limiting catch numbers, more areas limited to catch and release fishing, or having strict bag limits rather than no fishing at all, most recfishers would be more receptive to limiting their catch, than eliminating it.
Politicians use MPA's as vote grabbing tools, relying on the green preferences. Maybe they should try to target the people who actualy use these areas, many of whom are passionate about sustainable fishing practises.
Maybe if there was less emphasis on "no take", and recfishers were more in support of MPA's, a more accurate picture of their affect on fish numbers would be obtainable. With the current attitude of many recfishers due to the "us vs them" attitide held by both governing bodies and fishers, too much information is being with held or distorted, just look at the GNS game of mis-information, listen to the stories told by researchers at boat ramps asking fishermen about their days catch only too be told to f*ck off.
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Re: Destructive Fishing Practices
Reply #2 - Oct 18th, 2007 at 4:21pm
More bullshit from freediver: Here are the facts.

freediver wrote on Oct 15th, 2007 at 7:41pm:
This is an article that was submitted to ozPolitic by Jon Nevil:

Australia is committed to phasing out destructive fishing practices by 2012. However, neither the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) nor the fisheries management agencies of the States have developed policy statements on destructive fishing practices which could chart a course towards the 2012 goal.

A wide definition of destructive fishing practices would include overfishing beyond reasonable recovery,

This is why we have moved to share managed fisheries with Total Allowable Catch rates

No fishery with an active TAcc has been brought to the brink of collapse or no recovery.

damaging levels of bycatch

NSW Fisheries has had a bycatch reduction stratgey for over  20 years delivering by catch reduction devices for all affected species including turtles, dolphins and birds.

fishing of spawning aggregations

There are numerous closures throughout the fishing season to cater for spawning aggregations and the like

bottom trawling over vulnerable habitat,

All our fisheries have flexible no take zones to help protect these areas. 9/10 times these areas are instigated by the industry not fisheries
and ghost fishing by discarded gear.

Not really a state issue.

In one form or another all these activities currently occur within the Australian Fishing Zone.

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« Last Edit: Oct 18th, 2007 at 6:20pm by charlie »  
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Re: Destructive Fishing Practices
Reply #3 - Oct 28th, 2007 at 1:06pm
Do you want to know who are the biggest culprits of non commercial overfishing???

I fish often, and ive never seen them throw away a single fish, even if it was tiny and illegal to keep. The thing that really bugs me and i have gone off at a few about it the fish they catch they do not always keep, they leave them on the rocks/sand/pier to rot.
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Re: Destructive Fishing Practices
Reply #4 - Oct 28th, 2007 at 1:13pm
I've never seen that. One time at the goldcoast seaway there were some asians fishing where the bubblies jump in. They were catching small fish and putting them in a plastic bag. A few yobs were sitting on a bench yelling abuse at them. After a while I went down to check out their fish. They panicked and started walking away. I felt like a bit of a prick but I had to know so I followed them (a few metres) and got them to stop and show me their fish. They had a bag full of little rabbit fish. They are the ones you see on the bottom everywhere, eating the algae. They have no minimum size and there are stacks of them. Their catch was probably one of the lowest imapct catches you could take, yet they had to put up with morons harassing them. I felt embarrassed just for bothering them and thinking they might be catching undersize fish, right there under everyone's noses.
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Re: Destructive Fishing Practices
Reply #5 - Oct 28th, 2007 at 1:23pm
freediver wrote on Oct 28th, 2007 at 1:13pm:
I've never seen that.

Here in Sydney they do. If you are ever in Sydney Harbour and you find some Asians fishing, watch them for a while and you'll see them catch things and not a single fish will be spared.

On a side note ive seen them fishing in the Georges River (not far from where i live) which besides the Cooks River is the most polluted in Sydney! Industry destroyed these rivers.
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Re: Destructive Fishing Practices
Reply #6 - Oct 28th, 2007 at 1:28pm
If you are ever in Sydney Harbour and you find some Asians fishing, watch them for a while and you'll see them catch things and not a single fish will be spared.

That's what I saw them doing on the Gold Coast. The fish even looked like baby bream from a distance. But they were doing nothing wrong, either legally or ethically. Try looking past the fact that they are Asians. Your racism is blinding you to the facts.
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Re: Destructive Fishing Practices
Reply #7 - Oct 28th, 2007 at 2:04pm
freediver wrote on Oct 28th, 2007 at 1:28pm:
Try looking past the fact that they are Asians.

But they were FD.

Your racism is blinding you to the facts.

I wouldnt say that. I saw what i saw.
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Re: Destructive Fishing Practices
Reply #8 - Oct 28th, 2007 at 2:12pm
But they were FD.

Which is irrelevant.

I wouldnt say that. I saw what i saw.  

Then you misinterpretted it because you were blinded by racism.

Did you actually see these people doing anything wrong, or are you just upset because they were Asian and because they eat smaller fish than you?
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Re: Destructive Fishing Practices
Reply #9 - Oct 28th, 2007 at 2:26pm
freediver wrote on Oct 28th, 2007 at 2:12pm:
Then you misinterpretted it because you were blinded by racism.

Did you actually see these people doing anything wrong, or are you just upset because they were Asian and because they eat smaller fish than you?

I was upset because they were doing the wrong thing. AND i noticed they were all ASIAN. No Whites, no Blacks. Asians.
Blinded by racism? you are a fool FD.  
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Re: Destructive Fishing Practices
Reply #10 - Oct 28th, 2007 at 2:28pm
But they weren't doing anything wrong thing were they? Apart from being Asian of course. If they did do something wrong you would have said what it was.
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Re: Destructive Fishing Practices
Reply #11 - Oct 28th, 2007 at 2:47pm
freediver wrote on Oct 28th, 2007 at 2:28pm:
But they weren't doing anything wrong thing were they? Apart from being Asian of course. If they did do something wrong you would have said what it was.

Do you wear or need glasses?
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Re: Destructive Fishing Practices
Reply #12 - Oct 28th, 2007 at 2:53pm
Have you ever actually seen them keep an undersized fish, or did you just assume they were because they were keeping small fish and not throwing any back? Do you know that you can actually target rabbitfish?
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Re: Destructive Fishing Practices
Reply #13 - Oct 28th, 2007 at 2:58pm
freediver wrote on Oct 28th, 2007 at 2:53pm:
[quote]Have you ever actually seen them keep an undersized fish, or did you just assume they were because they were keeping small fish and not throwing any back?

Yes they were. undersized Flatheads, Brim, Yellowtail, Snapper and Tailor. 

Do you know that you can actually target rabbitfish?

Ive never heard of them before. Not sure if they exist in Sydney.
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Re: Destructive Fishing Practices
Reply #14 - Oct 28th, 2007 at 4:26pm
How far away were they when you saw this? Did you report them?
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