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Exxon still funding lies (Read 19436 times)
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Exxon still funding lies
Dec 10th, 2006 at 3:39pm
The 'Boycott Mobil' article:

The world's largest energy company is still spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to fund European organisations that seek to cast doubt on the scientific consensus on global warming and undermine support for legislation to curb emission of greenhouse gases.

Data collated by a Brussels-based watchdog reveals that ExxonMobil has put money into projects that criticise the Kyoto treaty and question the findings of scientific groups. Environmental campaigners say Texas-based Exxon is trying to influence opinion-makers in Brussels because Europe - rather than the US - is the driving force for action on climate change.

"ExxonMobil invests significant amounts in letting think-tanks, seemingly respectable sources, sow doubts about the need for EU governments to take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions," said Olivier Hoedeman, of the Corporate Europe Observatory. "Covert funding for climate sceptics is deeply hypocritical because ExxonMobil spends major sums on advertising to present itself as an environmentally responsible company."

It has long been known that the oil giant, which in 2005 recorded an all-time record for quarterly income, has spent millions of dollars to fund climate sceptics. Exactly how much is unknown but some estimates suggest $19m (£9.7m) since 1998.
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Govt 'must adopt Kyoto to save reef'
Reply #1 - Dec 13th, 2006 at 6:45pm

The Australian government must act quickly to address global warming in order to protect the Great Barrier Reef, a leading coral scientist says.

Prof Pandolfi and a team of scientists travelled to Papua New Guinea and studied fossilised reefs to determine how often they were hit by major disasters.

The team found that over the 6,000 years recorded in the fossil strata, the reef had been devastated only four times - once every 1,500 years.

"Even if there had been one every 100 years it would have been in stark contrast to what we're seeing today, where we get several of these events per decade in some places around the world," he said.

Prof Pandolfi said the three major factors threatening reefs were over-harvesting of marine resources, pollution from coastal development and global warming.

"I think they are realising the fact the Great Barrier Reef alone generates $6 billion a year in tourism, and that's quite a substantial economic shot in the arm to both Queensland and to the whole country," he said.
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Re: Exxon still funding lies
Reply #2 - Dec 13th, 2006 at 6:53pm
Climate Friendly

This is an Australian based company (I think) that allows you to buy 'carbon offsets.' For $25, you can effectively pay someone to absorb roughly one month's worth of carbon emissions (for the average Australian). A good Christmas gift idea for the environmentally savvy?

Their projects include the Te Apiti wind farm in NZ, and Challicum Hills in Victoria.
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Re: Exxon still funding lies
Reply #3 - Dec 15th, 2006 at 5:59pm
It is disgraceful the way these corporations are allowed to hire biddable scientists, worse still that there are whores in white coats willing to take their money.

Another favourite trick is to 'astroturf', set up fake citizens organisations to shill for them. Gunns, the infamous napalmer of Old Growth Forests in Tasmania has set up just such an organisation claiming to represent the interests of forestry workers. In fact it parrots word for word the propaganda of the company. This is especially objectionable given the rate at which Gunns has been firing forestry workers over the last decade or so.

The activities of Exxon in Europe come as no surprise. Given that the laws are much stricter in Europe there is every hope that the outright bribery that passes for politics in the jaw-droppingly corrupt USA will be unable to take root there.

Whenever you come across a scientific study purporting to refute or minimise the existance of human-induced Global Warming our first question should be--who funded this so-called research?

Don't listen to any of their stories until you get a sensible answer. If it turns out it was an oil company or some front organisation then turn on your heel and go. One of their favourite tricks if to muddy the waters by making out that there is still some serious scientific dispute going on about the extent and causes of Global Warming. In fact there isn't. Ninety percent of scientist in the field after extensive research now conclude that Global Warming is real, dangerous and caused by humans.

The only holdouts are a small handful of perverse eccentrics and lackies of big corporations.

These characters should be rounded up and sent to some of the more low-lying Pacific Islands, or Bangladesh to prove with their own bodies their faith in their own muddled pronouncements.
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US, Australia wrong on climate, says UN
Reply #4 - Aug 24th, 2007 at 11:20am

US and Australian calls for a new world deal to fight climate change and ditch the United Nations' Kyoto Protocol misrepresent key elements of the UN plan, the global body's top climate official said.

"I've read some things recently which rather concern me," Yvo de Boer said of US and Australian criticisms of Kyoto. The United States and Australia are the only industrial countries outside Kyoto and favour a broader long-term treaty beyond 2012.

"If you take a good look at the Kyoto Protocol many of the things that the US and Australia are advocating as important elements of a useful way forward are in fact in there," said de Boer, head of the Bonn-based UN Climate Change Secretariat.

Kyoto should be improved and expanded rather than abandoned, he told Reuters in a telephone interview, faulting both US Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs Paula Dobriansky and Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer.

Nations begin 'beyond Kyoto' talks

Climate negotiators from more than 150 nations have sought a global deal beyond 2012 to widen the UN's Kyoto Protocol to include outsiders such as the United States, Australia and China.

"Climate change is already a harsh reality, a massive obstacle to development," Austrian Environment Minister Josef Proell told the meeting in Vienna of more than 1,000 senior officials, activists and other experts.
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« Last Edit: Aug 28th, 2007 at 11:45am by freediver »  

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John 69
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Re: Exxon still funding lies
Reply #5 - Apr 24th, 2014 at 8:51pm
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Re: Exxon still funding lies
Reply #6 - Apr 25th, 2014 at 5:42pm
A bit ironic FD, seeing that oil money funds the marine park bandwagon, via the Pew Charitable Trust.
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Re: Exxon still funding lies
Reply #7 - Oct 21st, 2014 at 11:11pm
macsporan wrote on Dec 15th, 2006 at 5:59pm:
It is disgraceful the way these corporations are allowed to hire biddable scientists, worse still that there are whores in white coats willing to take their money.

Another favourite trick is to 'astroturf', set up fake citizens organisations to shill for them. Gunns, the infamous napalmer of Old Growth Forests in Tasmania has set up just such an organisation claiming to represent the interests of forestry workers. In fact it parrots word for word the propaganda of the company. This is especially objectionable given the rate at which Gunns has been firing forestry workers over the last decade or so.

The activities of Exxon in Europe come as no surprise. Given that the laws are much stricter in Europe there is every hope that the outright bribery that passes for politics in the jaw-droppingly corrupt USA will be unable to take root there.

Whenever you come across a scientific study purporting to refute or minimise the existance of human-induced Global Warming our first question should be--who funded this so-called research?

Don't listen to any of their stories until you get a sensible answer. If it turns out it was an oil company or some front organisation then turn on your heel and go. One of their favourite tricks if to muddy the waters by making out that there is still some serious scientific dispute going on about the extent and causes of Global Warming. In fact there isn't. Ninety percent of scientist in the field after extensive research now conclude that Global Warming is real, dangerous and caused by humans.

The only holdouts are a small handful of perverse eccentrics and lackies of big corporations.

These characters should be rounded up and sent to some of the more low-lying Pacific Islands, or Bangladesh to prove with their own bodies their faith in their own muddled pronouncements.

Guess they are only in Science for the 'money' like a lot of people are for other things. EPO's in WA were found guilty falsifying facts and documentation in favour of the Mining Companies to attain their needs to prospect, etc - by the Supreme Court. The word 'Bribe' wasn't really considered, nor was 'Donation' - but these are just words, right?

pjb05 wrote on Apr 25th, 2014 at 5:42pm:
A bit ironic FD, seeing that oil money funds the marine park bandwagon, via the Pew Charitable Trust.

So true and this is the most disheartening thing about the world at the moment. The Good Guys are incompetent idiots akin to F-Troop and Don Notts, while the Bad Guys are slick as oil, successful and in command. Gee - I think I just summed up ALP & NLP !!
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Re: Exxon still funding lies
Reply #8 - Oct 23rd, 2014 at 11:21am
guess they are only in science for the money... lol  Cheesy Cheesy
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*Sure....they're anti competitive as any subsidised job is.  It wouldn't be there without the tax payer.  Very damned difficult for a brainwashed collectivist to understand that I know....  (swaggy) *
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