chimera wrote on May 18
th, 2024 at 3:53pm:
There must be some mistake. A genius dealer knows land development backwards. Construction estimates, kick backs, cash flows, Texan Democrats, welding rods, crane hire. No excuses.
I know, right? If I remember rightly, a certain genius developer said,
and boy, he knows how to build things, believe me.Are you sure? People asked. There's construction estimates, kick backs, cash flows. Not to forget all the land appropriation and issues that come with building
new border barriers as we said back in 2016.
Forget about it, he said. It's me. And I'll get Mexico to pay, you'd better believe it.
How? They said.
I just will, he said, you'll see.
Now? We've seen. A big beautiful wall from coast to shining coast, so big the astronauts will be able to see it from outer space, got changed to 26 miles of rusted steel slat fencing.
That, in essence, is the big fella's legacy. The promise - the delivery.
Forget all the work that went into achieving those 26 miles. Forget the federal shut-down when he sent home the entire federal workforce for five weeks to blackmail congress, stopped paying workers' wages, suggesting they use their credit cards and take out payday loans to pay their bills, before finally caving and giving in.
Forget using the military, with thousands of troops sent down to camp out in Buttfu
ck Texas for three weeks in a 2018 mid-term election declaration of war on illegals. Even the fake news ignored the bait for that one, their producers making the call that footage of marines unravelling razor wire on the southern border may not make compelling footage.
It didnt get him any extra seats in congress either. The Republicans lost the House.
Forget all the hours spent planning - meeting after meeting about painting it black to look nice, then trying to justify the billions spent on endless paint jobs by saying it'll make it hotter to touch. And not to forget the proposal of a moat filled with poisonous snakes and crocodiles, laser-guided poison darts, booby traps, trip wires or just electrifying the whole thing like the Nazis did at Auschwitz -
come on, work with me here, people.The promise - the delivery. We know, we've seen it with our own eyes.
While ridiculous old fools will give him credit for giving it a go, we know. While they say yes, but maybe it'll work this time, if at first you don't succeed, etc, we know. While they parrot their lines and chant their slogans and come up with the most twisted and contorted explanations to make it all sound logical and rational or even barely coherent, we know.
He won't give it a go, it won't work and it doesn't make sense at all, it never did. Lock her up, build the wall, send them back. Right from the outset, we can tell you, unequivocally, that none of these things will ever get done, as we did. The promise and the delivery are lies.
Ever get the feeling you've been