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australian universities want n16gers too now (Read 4629 times)
JC Denton
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australian universities want n16gers too now
Dec 22nd, 2023 at 10:28pm

The university lobby’s outgoing chief, Catriona Jackson, warns the sector needs to capitalise on the emerging African market to stay “on the front of the wave” in the global competition for students.

needs to capitalise on the emerging African market

capitalise on the emerging African market

emerging African market

African market

what could possibly go wrong?
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Re: australian universities want n16gers too now
Reply #1 - Dec 22nd, 2023 at 10:35pm
Why not?
The stupid Africans go to America.
We get the clerical ones.
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JC Denton
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Re: australian universities want n16gers too now
Reply #2 - Dec 22nd, 2023 at 10:40pm
Jasin wrote on Dec 22nd, 2023 at 10:35pm:
Why not?
The stupid Africans go to America.
We get the clerical ones.

mate you are absolutely cracked get some meds ffs
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Re: australian universities want n16gers too now
Reply #3 - Dec 22nd, 2023 at 10:57pm
JC Denton wrote on Dec 22nd, 2023 at 10:40pm:
Jasin wrote on Dec 22nd, 2023 at 10:35pm:
Why not?
The stupid Africans go to America.
We get the clerical ones.

mate you are absolutely cracked get some meds ffs

Well that's explaining it without reason JC Denton.
Not my fault White Australians are all Gay and don't breed more students for the Universities here.
Or are too stupid n' Redneck Housos to go to Uni anyway.

...and your answer to the problem is? Huh
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John Smith
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Re: australian universities want n16gers too now
Reply #4 - Dec 23rd, 2023 at 9:08am
you cretins all herald capitalism but then cry when it works  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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JC Denton
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Re: australian universities want n16gers too now
Reply #5 - Dec 23rd, 2023 at 10:14am
i dont
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Re: australian universities want n16gers too now
Reply #6 - Dec 23rd, 2023 at 10:25am
JC Denton wrote on Dec 22nd, 2023 at 10:28pm:

The university lobby’s outgoing chief, Catriona Jackson, warns the sector needs to capitalise on the emerging African market to stay “on the front of the wave” in the global competition for students.

needs to capitalise on the emerging African market

capitalise on the emerging African market

emerging African market

African market

what could possibly go wrong?

African countries are poor, education quality is low, corruption is everywhere.

African students who could afford full Australian fees would come from families of corrupt government officials or businesses who make their wealth from ruthless and corrupt exploitation of other Africans. No honest African family can spare $50-60k p.a. for 3-4 years to send a child to an Australian university.
Most Australian families couldn't.

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Re: australian universities want n16gers too now
Reply #7 - Dec 23rd, 2023 at 10:29am
There is nothing wrong with Australian universities attracting students from overseas. The fees they pay help with the running of these institutions and links can be forged that may in the long term lead to useful relations if these students rise to positions of influence in their home counties.

However problems arise when some of these students expect to get an easy ride because of the amount of money they are paying and when some universities go along with it. There was an issue a few years ago when students at, I think, Newcastle University complained about foreign fee paying students getting preferential treatment.

As long as all students are given the same opportunities, no local students are disadvantaged and security issues are considered foreign students at our unis should be encouraged.
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"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

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JC Denton
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Re: australian universities want n16gers too now
Reply #8 - Dec 23rd, 2023 at 10:32am
theyll find a way

theres gonna be a projected 2.5 billion jungle bunnies this century, if you can get maybe 0.1% of them to migrate to join australia's incredible 'education export' economy doing dodgy RTOs and dodgy training courses (not necessarily just university degrees) that'll be a f_ckload of people

look at how many nepalese we have here now, i'd never have thought it possible; nepal isn't much wealthier than a lot of sub saharan africa in real terms

the plan often is for everyone in a family or extended family or village to finance one to come over and 'study' then that provides the beach-head for the chain migration process to begin

i agree they'll probably never get the volume they got with the subcons just bc ss-africa is cartoonishly poor in comparison (and probably always will be) but it's not implausible they'll try something

it's going to be a lot of fun
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JC Denton
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Re: australian universities want n16gers too now
Reply #9 - Dec 23rd, 2023 at 10:34am
Belgarion wrote on Dec 23rd, 2023 at 10:29am:
There is nothing wrong with Australian universities attracting students from overseas. The fees they pay help with the running of these institutions and links can be forged that may in the long term lead to useful relations if these students rise to positions of influence in their home counties.

However problems arise when some of these students expect to get an easy ride because of the amount of money they are paying and when some universities go along with it. There was an issue a few years ago when students at, I think, Newcastle University complained about foreign fee paying students getting preferential treatment.

As long as all students are given the same opportunities, no local students are disadvantaged and security issues are considered foreign students at our unis should be encouraged.


what a vacuous f_cking take lmao

australia's permanent residency educational export industry is a complete and utter joke

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Re: australian universities want n16gers too now
Reply #10 - Dec 23rd, 2023 at 11:04am
Belgarion wrote on Dec 23rd, 2023 at 10:29am:
There is nothing wrong with Australian universities attracting students from overseas. The fees they pay help with the running of these institutions and links can be forged that may in the long term lead to useful relations if these students rise to positions of influence in their home counties.

However problems arise when some of these students expect to get an easy ride because of the amount of money they are paying and when some universities go along with it. There was an issue a few years ago when students at, I think, Newcastle University complained about foreign fee paying students getting preferential treatment.

As long as all students are given the same opportunities, no local students are disadvantaged and security issues are considered foreign students at our unis should be encouraged.

Up to a point, Lord Copper.

A small number of bright overseas students, yes.

But most students in some courses in NSW and Vic universities, like business, accounting, commerce, nursing, are non-English speaking international students. That is a disaster.
Like the bear hunter in the joke, they are not really here for the education.

Both sides of politics have screwed higher education rinse the Dawkins reforms under Labor 30 years ago. Elevating colleges of higher education to universities was a huge mistake, various uncapping of student numbers was another, a push for 40% of high school graduates to go to uni was another. Each expansion touted with the Blairite slogan of 'education, education, education' and was accompanied by limited funding, incommensurate with the expansion of uni places. The solution was more and more fee paying international students. Australian higher education policy became an immigration policy.

Most third world students cannot afford the fees and living expenses from their own family's resources so they must work in Australia, very often exploited ruthlessly by businesses run by their compatriots.  Housing conditions for many are atrocious, again, in the hands of unscrupulous compatriot landlords.

So 'international education' has screwed Australian university standards, employment and housing conditions.

Most overseas graduated are employed in lower level jobs than their qualification because despite 3-4 years at an Australian university they still do not have the English and socio-cultural skills to be employed at the level of their qualifications.
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JC Denton
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Re: australian universities want n16gers too now
Reply #11 - Dec 23rd, 2023 at 11:17am
you see all those guys in the turbans riding around on mopeds and e-bikes everwhere delivering kfc to people? yeah, a lot of them are supposed to be 'students'

cameron murray on how questionable the education 'export' industry is, and the figures on how much money it generates so often thrown around to justify it:

just another rort in the ezfka
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At my desk.
Re: australian universities want n16gers too now
Reply #12 - Dec 23rd, 2023 at 11:23am
Would you rather drive to KFC?
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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JC Denton
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Re: australian universities want n16gers too now
Reply #13 - Dec 23rd, 2023 at 11:24am
freediver wrote on Dec 23rd, 2023 at 11:23am:
Would you rather drive to KFC?

i have never used a delivery service in my life and almost never eat fast food anyway

i would rather have less guys in turbans than more kfc
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Re: australian universities want n16gers too now
Reply #14 - Dec 23rd, 2023 at 11:35am
freediver wrote on Dec 23rd, 2023 at 11:23am:
Would you rather drive to KFC?

It is hardly the point of a higher education policy to have food home delivered.
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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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