abu_rashid wrote on Apr 6
th, 2011 at 6:41am:
Quote:For example it was be hard to find a Christian in an Islamic country who thought they were being treated fairly and impartially. The general consensus of opinion seems to be their very lives are under siege.
Firstly there is no Islamic country. All of the nations in the Muslim world are colonialist concoctions, not Islamic countries. Secondly, EVERYONE is treated badly in them, hence the reason Muslims and Christians and others have all been rising up together to overthrow the Western imposed dictators who've been oppressing EVERYONE every since the West installed them. Yadda paraphrases Abu;
ISLAM cannot, and good moslems cannot, be held accountable for what moslem 'impersonators' do in the world today, because ISLAM has no authority in this secular world.
Therefore every evil that happens in this world can only be blamed upon non-moslems [because ISLAM has no authority in this world].
Even when moslem 'impersonators' [who claim to be acting on behalf of ISLAM] do wicked things, those evil actions can never, ever, be blamed upon good moslems - because good moslems have no authority in this world.ALTERNATIVELY;Of course, if the evil forces in control of this world today, were to surrender their power to ISLAM, and allow good moslems to rule the world, everyone would then see and understand the perfection of ISLAM.
All mankind would then live in peace and harmony, under the benevolent guidance of good moslems.
Because ISLAM is Allah's perfect religion.
/sarc off
None of these incidents of violence [attributed to moslems]....
http://thereligionofpeace.com/...has anything,
AT ALL, to do with ISLAM, or, good moslems.
ISLAM is Allah's perfect religion, and ISLAM is only virtuous.Honest!
/sarc off
Beslan, in the footsteps of Mohammed - the rape of female captives.
beslan images young girls raped islam captivesThe rape of female captives, by Jihadists,
is justified by the example of Mohammed,
as is recorded in the Hadith...
"Rape your 'war booty', its OK, say ISLAMIC texts"http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1251760605/0#0The Hadith is the 'Sunna', it is the record of Mohammed's life.
The Hadith is meant to be an example to moslems of how they may [should] act in the world.
Moslem boys are taught from childhood, that
they should try to imitate the life of the perfect man [in Allah's eyes], Mohammed.
Sunna = = the traditional portion of Muslim law based on Muhammad’s words or acts, accepted (together with the Koran) as authoritative by Muslims.+++
ADDENDUM;Above, i raise the terrorist incident at Beslan as an example.
And i ask this question;Were the perpetrators [who claimed to be moslems] of that terrorist incident at Beslan influenced in their actions, by ISLAM, OR, not ???I would argue that the Hadith, which is an authoritative ISLAMIC text, DID influence those persons [who regarded themselves, as devout moslems], justifying the rape of the female children at Beslan.
And a subsequent question;If the perpetrators [who claimed to be moslems] of that terrorist incident at Beslan are NOT regarded as good moslems [by the worldwide moslem community], WHERE WAS THE WORLDWIDE CONDEMNATION , OF THE INCIDENT AT BESLAM, BY ALL MOSLEM COMMUNITIES ???n.b.
The 'prophet' of ISLAM said that, a persons silence is [their] consent, [their]
agreement [with what is happening].
mohammed silence is consent