It_is_the_Darkness wrote on Nov 6
th, 2010 at 10:42am:
Yeah I do realise that Gizmo - I've just finished reading "Gum" which is all about Eucalypts and the people involved with them over the centuries.
...but so-called 'Clever Australia' can't even bother to live in Straw Bale Houses as a Fire Preventative measure, because it is deemed too "hippy" or "alternative". So do you think living in a constantly 'Fired' environment with the way things are is going to go?
Eucalypts are very 'intelligent' trees and are adaptable ...there will still be fires for them.
I wouldn't call my 'terra-forming' views absurd. They do well for the Nile Delta and a few other places around the world. We just have the potential to do it on a grander scale.
...noticed Abbott was out at the Murray-Darling.
...what a waste.

I really can't wait until Humanity is replaced.
I figured you were one of the 'humanity is a virus' types...
The sad fact is, almost all of the animals in your vids died out due, not to 'human' action, but to changes in their habitats...
The Thylacine, for example, was doomed the moment 'true'canines crossed the land bridge from Asia (or were introduced) some time between 4000 yrs ago and up to 12,000 years ago...
The Woolly Mammoth was doomed as soon as the ice sheets started to recede at the end of the last Glaciation....
Same as the Giant Ground Sloth etc etc...