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Posts: 6741
I generally am a pretty skeptical person, by nature, yet I also believe that it is the height of foolishness to just ignore professional advice, when you get it.
Now even if too much hyprbole is thrown around by some journalists, and politicians, about global warming, it does not alter the fact that I consider the advice given by the IPCC, even with it's faults, is still the best professional advice available. I acknowledge they are fallible, and they will need to continuously adjust their findings, as mistakes are corrected, and more accurate data is collected, but to dismiss the whole thrust of their findings out of hand, out of sheer bloody minded obstinance, or by perversely elevating the value of opinions of sporadic crackpots, over that of the accumulated wisdom of the bulk of the scientific community, is beyond what any fair minded person could categorise as merely being skeptical.
So I can retain a healthy skepticism, and still acknowledge that the best information we have demands we address global warming as a real, and present threat to our environment, to do any less would just seem foolhardy.