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General Discussion >> Federal Politics >> LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory

Message started by freediver on Aug 28th, 2023 at 9:03pm

Title: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by freediver on Aug 28th, 2023 at 9:03pm
Gerard Rennick, a federal LNP senator for QLD, is claiming that no-one can explain the climate change 'algorithm' to him, and therefor it must be the ideal gas law that causes temperature to change as a result of releasing greenhouse gasses. He appears to assume that the earth's atmosphere has a fixed volume and the GHG's we are releasing are compressing the atmosphere, which causes it to heat up, for the same reason the air in a bicycle pump heats up when you compress it. When he uses this equation to calculate temperature change, low and behold, he gets a much lower increase in temperature than the scientific community is predicting.

Here is some media coverage on some of his other nutty climate theories. I use the term theory loosely, because for the most part it is a meaningless word salad.

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by Lisa Jones on Aug 28th, 2023 at 9:45pm
Ok but his views in these areas are 👌


On 13 November 2019, Rennick called superannuation a "cancer", saying: "Millions of dollars gets sucked out of the pockets of the battlers in the bush and sent to the blowhards in Sydney and Melbourne to manage, all for a small cost of around $37 billion a year in management fees." He said union-linked industry super funds were "laughing all the way to the bank" while no money was reinvested in regional areas. In the same speech he accused the Labor Party of selling regional Australia "down the toilet" during the Hawke-Keating era, through their globalist, privatisation agenda—selling off such government owned corporations as Qantas and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. "Now regional Australia has to pay more for flying regionally than it costs to fly overseas ...The CBA, like every other bank in this country, became obsessed with housing rather than driving business and investment, especially in the regions."

Tax reform

Rennick has used his background in finance to advocate tax reform. He called for profits in Australia to be taxed at the same rate as profits of foreign owned entities. He stated this could fund cuts to both payroll tax (a state based tax) and income tax.

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by issuevoter on Aug 28th, 2023 at 10:15pm
Even with my low opinion of the Labor Party, it will be like drawing teeth to get me to vote LNP in Queensland. I remember Jo and Russ.

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by Lisa Jones on Aug 28th, 2023 at 10:34pm

issuevoter wrote on Aug 28th, 2023 at 10:15pm:
Even with my low opinion of the Labor Party, it will be like drawing teeth to get me to vote LNP in Queensland. I remember Jo and Russ.

You QLDers are stuffed then. Everyone knows that the Chook who’s there now ...lost the plot a long time ago.

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by The Heartless Felon on Aug 29th, 2023 at 6:07am

issuevoter wrote on Aug 28th, 2023 at 10:15pm:
Even with my low opinion of the Labor Party, it will be like drawing teeth to get me to vote LNP in Queensland. I remember Jo and Russ.

Yep, the LNP aint what it used to be...

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by aquascoot on Aug 29th, 2023 at 7:40am

issuevoter wrote on Aug 28th, 2023 at 10:15pm:
Even with my low opinion of the Labor Party, it will be like drawing teeth to get me to vote LNP in Queensland. I remember Jo and Russ.

Joe who we in the farming community knew quite well
Was an inspiration

I have never heard of nor seen a guy with such a work ethic who was so humble

Joe's neighbours will tell you that he was often out till midnight driving his machinery
With spotlights attached
Clearing scrub in bulldozers

The guy was the exact opposite of the Urban intellectual elite

If you looked up down-to-earth and hard work in the dictionary
There would be a picture of Joe

He had no time for bludgers

I remember some Aborigines did a corroboree outside Parliament house
And ended it by cutting their chest and spilling Blood on the footpath

Joe was quick to comment that he would be much more moved
If they were to spill some sweat on the footpath

Terribly missed but not forgotten

Along with John Howard

Two of the finest people
2 of the most humble people
2 of the most decent people

To ever serve our nation

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by issuevoter on Aug 29th, 2023 at 9:25am
Here is some of Jo and Russ's legacy. Old buildings? Who cares? Especially when your friends are in demolition and real estate.

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by aquascoot on Aug 29th, 2023 at 9:45am
Joe recognise the importance of urban renewal

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by lee on Aug 29th, 2023 at 1:03pm

freediver wrote on Aug 28th, 2023 at 9:03pm:
When he uses this equation to calculate temperature change, low and behold, he gets a much lower increase in temperature than the scientific community is predicting.

Which scientific community is that? The one that relies on failed climate models? Or the ones that think, like Clauser et al, that there is some warming, but there is no climate emergency?

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by freediver on Aug 29th, 2023 at 1:51pm

lee wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 1:03pm:

freediver wrote on Aug 28th, 2023 at 9:03pm:
When he uses this equation to calculate temperature change, low and behold, he gets a much lower increase in temperature than the scientific community is predicting.

Which scientific community is that? The one that relies on failed climate models? Or the ones that think, like Clauser et al, that there is some warming, but there is no climate emergency?

I don't think you will find a single scientist who understands the ideal gas equation and who thinks it is the link between GHG's and climate change.

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by lee on Aug 29th, 2023 at 1:59pm

freediver wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 1:51pm:
I don't think you will find a single scientist who understands the ideal gas equation and who thinks it is the link between GHG's and climate change.

"Under the hood of a climate model

To simulate weather, climate models must reflect real properties of the Earth’s climate, including physical laws like the conservation of energy and the ideal gas law. "

Edit: "Ideal Gas Law and the Greenhouse Effect"

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by freediver on Aug 29th, 2023 at 2:23pm
You misunderstand Lee. The LNP Senator thinks that the ideal gas law is the entirety of the link between GHG emissions and climate change. He plugged the amount of GHG released into the equation and calculated the temperature change. He thinks we are heating up the earth's atmosphere by compressing it.

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by lee on Aug 29th, 2023 at 3:24pm

freediver wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 2:23pm:
He thinks we are heating up the earth's atmosphere by compressing it.

Seeing as the atmosphere is finite, surely increasing gases will increase pressure. Increased pressure will increase temperature. That's basic, it is why it is in the climate models. ::)

Which is not to say his model is correct, it is just one of many.

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by freediver on Aug 29th, 2023 at 3:33pm

Seeing as the atmosphere is finite

What do you mean by that?

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by MeisterEckhart on Aug 29th, 2023 at 3:39pm

aquascoot wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 7:40am:
Joe who we in the farming community knew quite well
Was an inspiration

I have never heard of nor seen a guy with such a work ethic who was so humble

Humble, eh!

Jo for PM?

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by Linus on Aug 29th, 2023 at 3:45pm
The fact of the mater is that the pressure changes resulting from from gases released into the atmosphere are negligible when the entirety of global warming causes is considered.

The senator is a crackpot.

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by lee on Aug 29th, 2023 at 4:10pm

freediver wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 3:33pm:

Seeing as the atmosphere is finite

What do you mean by that?

Exactly what I said. Do you disagree? If so, why?

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by lee on Aug 29th, 2023 at 4:11pm

Linus wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 3:45pm:
The fact of the mater is that the pressure changes resulting from from gases released into the atmosphere are negligible when the entirety of global warming causes is considered.

And yet it is considered im portant enough to be a part of the climate models. ::)

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by Linus on Aug 29th, 2023 at 4:31pm

lee wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 4:11pm:

Linus wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 3:45pm:
The fact of the mater is that the pressure changes resulting from from gases released into the atmosphere are negligible when the entirety of global warming causes is considered.

And yet it is considered im portant enough to be a part of the climate models. ::)

Which doesn't change the fact that pressure from gases released into the atmosphere are negligible when it comes to AGW.

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by freediver on Aug 29th, 2023 at 5:35pm

lee wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 4:10pm:

freediver wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 3:33pm:

Seeing as the atmosphere is finite

What do you mean by that?

Exactly what I said. Do you disagree? If so, why?

I would have to know what you mean in order to disagree with you.

Do you agree with the LNP senator that climate change theory is based on released gasses compressing the atmosphere into a fixed volume?

lee wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 4:11pm:

Linus wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 3:45pm:
The fact of the mater is that the pressure changes resulting from from gases released into the atmosphere are negligible when the entirety of global warming causes is considered.

And yet it is considered im portant enough to be a part of the climate models. ::)

The ideal gas equation is used. The Senator's theory that released gasses are heating the atmosphere by compressing it into a fixed volume is not used.

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by lee on Aug 29th, 2023 at 5:48pm

freediver wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 5:35pm:
Do you agree with the LNP senator that climate change theory is based on released gasses compressing the atmosphere into a fixed volume?

What part of "is not to say his model is correct, it is just one of many", didn't you understand? ::)

freediver wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 5:35pm:
The Senator's theory that released gasses are heating the atmosphere by compressing it into a fixed volume is not used.

In any model?

"The problem with AGW theory in relation to the Ideal Gas Law.

AGW theory proposes that an increase in GHGs causes an increase in T which then causes an equal increase in V so as to keep the two sides of the equation balanced.

So far so plausible.

However, an increase in V results in a reduction of density throughout an atmosphere which must REDUCE the product of nRT.

Normally a reduction in density would be accompanied by a reduction in P as well because less mass in an atmosphere results in reduced pressure at the surface if the strength of the gravitational field stays the same but there is no reduction in P at the surface from mere expansion even though the density of the entire atmosphere reduces when V increases.

Therefore we cannot look to a reduction in P to correct the imbalance caused by the reduction in density.

According to the Ideal Gas Law it is not possible for PV to fail to equal nRT yet that is just what happens if one holds P steady whilst increasing T and V equally but reducing density.

There would only be balance with PV continuing to equal nRT :

if more mass were added to the atmosphere so as to avoid reducing the average density of the atmosphere when expansion occurred.

or, if the strength of the gravitational field increases to pull V back down to restore density to the previous value

Since no extra mass or gravity is being added AGW theory cannot be right because of the residual imbalance."

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by freediver on Aug 29th, 2023 at 5:50pm
Obviously the Senator's version is based on this crackpot theory. But he is not merely claiming to have disproved his own nuttiness.

Do you agree with the LNP senator that mainstream climate change theory is based on released gasses compressing the atmosphere into a fixed volume?

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by lee on Aug 29th, 2023 at 5:54pm

freediver wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 5:50pm:
Do you agree with the LNP senator that mainstream climate change theory is based on released gasses compressing the atmosphere into a fixed volume?

Oh a walkback. Now it is MAINSTREAM climate science. With the MAINSTREAM  models, which are a MAINSTREAM failure. The only model close is the Russian one, and that doesn't have a tropospheric hotspot.

But no, MAINSTREAM climate science doesn't posit that. Which doesn't make it wrong...or right. ::)

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by AusGeoff on Aug 29th, 2023 at 5:59pm

lee wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 3:24pm:

freediver wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 2:23pm:
He thinks we are heating up the earth's atmosphere by compressing it.

Seeing as the atmosphere is finite, surely increasing gases will increase pressure...

Nope.  The Earth's atmosphere is not "finite" in the sense
of it being bounded by some invisible barrier.  The actual
altitude of the various layers of our atmosphere varies
every day in every global location.

You can't "compress" something—like air—that's
unbounded.    Gerard Rennick is a moron.

I checked up on Rennick's record, and it's a laughable one,
similar in a lot of ways to the American Republican's,
IE: total nutjobs.

•  Rennick supprts the anti-abortion group, 'Cherish Life';

•  Claims overreach in the "classroom and the bedroom" is a
   "Communist takeover" by the bureaucracy;

•  Immigration is "more damaging" to Australia's environment
   than atmospheric carbon pollution;

•  He advocates "closer ties" with Russia;

•  Rennick called superannuation a "cancer";

•  Claims that COVID vaccines amounted to "experimenting"
   on children;

•  Is a a climate change denialist;

•  Donated $35,000 to the Liberal National Party (LNP) before
   winning(!) the third place on the party's Senate ticket
   for the 2019 federal election.

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by freediver on Aug 29th, 2023 at 6:05pm

lee wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 5:54pm:

freediver wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 5:50pm:
Do you agree with the LNP senator that mainstream climate change theory is based on released gasses compressing the atmosphere into a fixed volume?

Oh a walkback. Now it is MAINSTREAM climate science. With the MAINSTREAM  models, which are a MAINSTREAM failure. The only model close is the Russian one, and that doesn't have a tropospheric hotspot.

But no, MAINSTREAM climate science doesn't posit that. Which doesn't make it wrong...or right. ::)

Sorry for the "walkback". I thought it would fall into the category of the bleeding obvious.

Do you agree with the LNP senator that mainstream climate change theory is based on released gasses compressing the atmosphere into a fixed volume?

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by lee on Aug 29th, 2023 at 6:09pm

AusGeoff wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 5:59pm:
The Earth's atmosphere is not "finite" in the sense of it being bounded by some invisible barrier.

You mean like gravity?

"Because of Earth's gaseous gifts to space, our planet — or, to be specific, the atmosphere — is shrinking, according to Guillaume Gronoff, a senior research scientist who studies atmospheric escape at NASA's Langley Research Center in Virginia. However, we're not shrinking by much, he said."

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by lee on Aug 29th, 2023 at 6:11pm

freediver wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 6:05pm:
Do you agree with the LNP senator that mainstream climate change theory is based on released gasses compressing the atmosphere into a fixed volume?

Wow. Thick as...

lee wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 5:54pm:
But no, MAINSTREAM climate science doesn't posit that.

lee wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 5:54pm:
Which doesn't make it wrong...or right.


Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by freediver on Aug 29th, 2023 at 6:18pm
Lee would it be fair to say that the LNP senator's theories are so nutty that even the lunatic fringe of OzPolitic's climate "skeptics" are afraid to agree with him?

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by lee on Aug 29th, 2023 at 7:17pm

freediver wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 6:18pm:
Lee would it be fair to say that the LNP senator's theories are so nutty that even the lunatic fringe of OzPolitic's climate "skeptics" are afraid to agree with him?

Wow. Now you want me to work out what other sceptics think. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I see the garudian even got Mike "Hide the decline" Mann into the argument. Along with Steve Sherwood. They really must be hard up. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

How much did Rennick calculate, the garudian carefully didn't say. How much is the mainstream climate science predicting? I have seen an ECS from about 1.2 to 7.0C, although the IPCC says from 2.5 to 4C. ;)

Edit: From the underlying 2021 paper -

"We show that independent satellite and in situ observations each yield statistically indistinguishable decadal increases in EEI from mid-2005 to mid-2019 of 0.50 ± 0.47 W m−2 decade−1 (5%–95% confidence interval). "

The error bars are nearly as big as the posited increase. ;)

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by freediver on Aug 29th, 2023 at 8:34pm

Wow. Now you want me to work out what other sceptics think.

I told you what he thinks. I merely asked if you agree. You happily adopt every other crackpot theory you can find on the internet. Why not one endorsed by the Liberal National Party of QLD? Or are they too nutty for you?

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by lee on Aug 29th, 2023 at 8:54pm

freediver wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 8:34pm:
I merely asked if you agree.

Nope. You said "Lee would it be fair to say that the LNP senator's theories are so nutty that even the lunatic fringe of OzPolitic's climate "skeptics" are afraid to agree with him? "

If you had asked if I agreed with him, I would have said No.

So tell us more about Michael E Mann and his failed cases. You know where he lost and refused to pay up.

freediver wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 8:34pm:
You happily adopt every other crackpot theory you can find on the internet.

Really. Can you please quote me. Your forum, so you should know how to use the search function. I mean, I could find a comment from JM from years ago, so it shouldn't test your braincells to much.

freediver wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 8:34pm:
Why not one endorsed by the Liberal National Party of QLD?

I didn't see that in the garudian. Are you trolling? ;)

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by freediver on Aug 29th, 2023 at 9:04pm

If you had asked if I agreed with him, I would have said No.

Perhaps you should have started with that. I did ask. Multiple times:

freediver wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 5:35pm:
Do you agree with the LNP senator that climate change theory is based on released gasses compressing the atmosphere into a fixed volume?volume is not used.

freediver wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 5:50pm:
Do you agree with the LNP senator that mainstream climate change theory is based on released gasses compressing the atmosphere into a fixed volume?

freediver wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 6:05pm:
Do you agree with the LNP senator that mainstream climate change theory is based on released gasses compressing the atmosphere into a fixed volume?

Can you explain why you found my questions so confusing?

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by lee on Aug 29th, 2023 at 9:20pm

freediver wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 9:04pm:
Perhaps you should have started with that. I did ask. Multiple times:

Nope you never. You asked about climate sceptics (plural).

So tell me more about the "Why not one endorsed by the Liberal National Party of QLD? "

Because you are a dipstick? ::)

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by freediver on Aug 30th, 2023 at 9:39am

lee wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 9:20pm:

freediver wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 9:04pm:
I did ask. Multiple times:

Nope you never. You asked about climate sceptics (plural).

Still not sure why you are so confused. Let me get the crayons out for you.

freediver wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 5:35pm:
Do you agree with the LNP senator that climate change theory is based on released gasses compressing the atmosphere into a fixed volume?

freediver wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 5:50pm:
Do you agree with the LNP senator that mainstream climate change theory is based on released gasses compressing the atmosphere into a fixed volume?

freediver wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 6:05pm:
Do you agree with the LNP senator that mainstream climate change theory is based on released gasses compressing the atmosphere into a fixed volume?

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by lee on Aug 30th, 2023 at 12:27pm

lee wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 9:20pm:
So tell me more about the "Why not one endorsed by the Liberal National Party of QLD? "

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by freediver on Aug 30th, 2023 at 12:30pm
It's a question Lee. Why do you adopt every crackpot theory you can find, but not one being pushed by the Liberal National Party?

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by lee on Aug 30th, 2023 at 12:37pm

freediver wrote on Aug 30th, 2023 at 12:30pm:
It's a question Lee. Why do you adopt every crackpot theory you can find, but not one being pushed by the Liberal National Party?

lee wrote on Aug 29th, 2023 at 8:54pm:
freediver wrote Yesterday at 6:34pm:
You happily adopt every other crackpot theory you can find on the internet.

Really. Can you please quote me. Your forum, so you should know how to use the search function. I mean, I could find a comment from JM from years ago, so it shouldn't test your braincells to much.

Well I guess that settles it folks. Freediver either cannot use or can't find what he claims from searching. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by freediver on Aug 30th, 2023 at 12:47pm
Are you trying to say that you do not realise they are crackpot theories?

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by lee on Aug 30th, 2023 at 3:15pm

freediver wrote on Aug 30th, 2023 at 12:47pm:
Are you trying to say that you do not realise they are crackpot theories?

Nope. I am saying you can't provide any proof of claim. So you are just another nutter.

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by freediver on Aug 30th, 2023 at 9:15pm

lee wrote on Aug 30th, 2023 at 3:15pm:

freediver wrote on Aug 30th, 2023 at 12:47pm:
Are you trying to say that you do not realise they are crackpot theories?

Nope. I am saying you can't provide any proof of claim. So you are just another nutter.

You provided the proof yourself.

But for some reason you won't touch the nutty theories from the Liberal National Party of QLD. Why do you see them as different? Do you only adopt whacky theories from people that no-one else has ever heard of?

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by lee on Aug 30th, 2023 at 10:08pm

freediver wrote on Aug 30th, 2023 at 9:15pm:
You provided the proof yourself.

poor petal. Has searched and can find nothing. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

freediver wrote on Aug 30th, 2023 at 9:15pm:
But for some reason you won't touch the nutty theories from the Liberal National Party of QLD.

Seeing as I don't live in Queensland, I have no interest in their politics. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

freediver wrote on Aug 30th, 2023 at 9:15pm:
Do you only adopt whacky theories from people that no-one else has ever heard of?

And still no proof. ;D ;D ;D ;D

What a tosser.

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by freediver on Aug 31st, 2023 at 8:01am

Seeing as I don't live in Queensland, I have no interest in their politics.

He is a major party senator in federal parliament. If you have no interest in what he says, why have you spent 3 pages discussing it?

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by lee on Aug 31st, 2023 at 12:57pm

freediver wrote on Aug 31st, 2023 at 8:01am:
He is a major party senator in federal parliament. If you have no interest in what he says, why have you spent 3 pages discussing it?

Because you kept asking questions. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Edit: BTW - Still failed to find what you were looking for?

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by freediver on Aug 31st, 2023 at 1:58pm
Just the one question. So far unanswered. Why do you disagree with the theories being pushed by the Liberal National Party?

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by lee on Aug 31st, 2023 at 3:38pm

freediver wrote on Aug 31st, 2023 at 1:58pm:
Why do you disagree with the theories being pushed by the Liberal National Party?

I thought it was only ONE Senator.

From your OP

freediver wrote on Aug 28th, 2023 at 9:03pm:
He appears to assume that the earth's atmosphere has a fixed volume and the GHG's we are releasing are compressing the atmosphere, which causes it to heat up, for the same reason the air in a bicycle pump heats up when you compress it.

"CLIMATE predictions for many regions of the world may have to be rethought, following the discovery that global warming may have a bigger effect on air pressure than anyone thought."

It then becomes a chicken/egg scenario.

It is quite ok to say we don't know. ;)

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by Lisa Jones on Aug 31st, 2023 at 3:59pm

The more I read on climate theory perspectives the more I realise the issue has more to do with politics/$$$ and less to do with the environment.

I’m not saying that there’s NO environmental impact ... I’m merely making an observation about the different lenses one might use to view the debate. And the lenses we choose may well explain why there is so much disagreement.

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by freediver on Aug 31st, 2023 at 4:12pm

lee wrote on Aug 31st, 2023 at 3:38pm:

freediver wrote on Aug 31st, 2023 at 1:58pm:
Why do you disagree with the theories being pushed by the Liberal National Party?

I thought it was only ONE Senator.

From your OP

freediver wrote on Aug 28th, 2023 at 9:03pm:
He appears to assume that the earth's atmosphere has a fixed volume and the GHG's we are releasing are compressing the atmosphere, which causes it to heat up, for the same reason the air in a bicycle pump heats up when you compress it.

"CLIMATE predictions for many regions of the world may have to be rethought, following the discovery that global warming may have a bigger effect on air pressure than anyone thought."

It then becomes a chicken/egg scenario.

It is quite ok to say we don't know. ;)

Are you changing your mind about whether you agree with his crackpot theory?

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by lee on Aug 31st, 2023 at 4:34pm

freediver wrote on Aug 31st, 2023 at 4:12pm:
Are you changing your mind about whether you agree with his crackpot theory?

I, unlike some I could mention, have an open  mind. ;)

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by freediver on Aug 31st, 2023 at 6:12pm

lee wrote on Aug 31st, 2023 at 4:34pm:

freediver wrote on Aug 31st, 2023 at 4:12pm:
Are you changing your mind about whether you agree with his crackpot theory?

I, unlike some I could mention, have an open  mind. ;)

Are you changing your mind?

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by freediver on Jan 16th, 2024 at 6:11pm
Another nutty one from the LNP senator. This is like turning up to a cemetery, discovery graves, and declaring that whatever lunacy you want to promote, like ethnic cleansing, is entirely normal.

Coral Reefs are just a pile of dead coral skeletons with the living coral on the top and sides. The process of growth and death has been repeated thousands of times. The reefs are flat topped plateaus, 50 to 100 m high, on the wide plain of the “continental shelf”. The tops are at sea level and they have very steep sides. When biologists document mass coral death by a bleaching event, crown of thorns starfish plagues, or cyclones, it is just part of the natural scheme of things.

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by lee on Jan 16th, 2024 at 6:32pm
So tell us what you think coral reefs are.

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by freediver on Jan 16th, 2024 at 6:38pm
I am not surprised the point went way over your head Lee.

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by lee on Jan 16th, 2024 at 8:33pm
You had a point?

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by freediver on Jan 16th, 2024 at 8:41pm
Do let us know when you see it Lee.

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by lee on Jan 16th, 2024 at 10:24pm
Let everyone know what point you have so far failed to make. ::)

According to what you quoted it could be -

Coral reefs are not made of dead corals

They are not flat topped plateaus

The tops are not at sea level

They don't have steep sides

Bleaching is not a natural event

Nor are Crown-of-Thorns starfish

Nor are cyclones.

Seven choices. Pick at least one.

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by freediver on Jan 17th, 2024 at 5:43am
I was wondering what kind of strategy a major party could see in treating its supporters like imbeciles.

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by lee on Jan 17th, 2024 at 11:57am
So you don't want to answer.  ::)

Title: Re: LNP Senator Gerard Rennick's nutty climate theory
Post by freediver on May 27th, 2024 at 9:08pm
This is how badly the LNP wanted to get rid of him:

Renegade senator sues his own party

Renegade LNP Senator Gerard Rennick has launched legal action against his own party after he was booted off the senate ticket during an internal party ballot.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, Nationals Leader David Littleproud and even Brisbane Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner are among the prominent LNP figures named in Senator Rennick’s lawsuit, filed in the Supreme Court in Brisbane several weeks ago.

A judge will now deliberate if Senator Rennick is entitled to appeal the preselection bid following a hearing on Friday.

Senator Rennick was first elected to the senate in 2019 and gained a reputation as an outspoken critic of the efficacy of vaccines during the Morrison government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Senator Rennick lost his position on the LNP’s senate ticket during an internal ballot at the party’s state conference in Brisbane last July.

During Friday’s hearing, the court was told Senator Rennick stood for the third spot on the ticket and lost by just three votes to party treasurer Stuart Fraser.

Senator Rennick’s attempts to appeal the preselection were denied after the LNP State Council determined his appeal was not lodged within the statutory 60 day time frame.

“Much of the evidence relied upon by the senator paints a picture of a state council meeting which was run in an unprofessional manner,” Michael Stewart KC, representing Senator Rennick, said.

The court was told people eligible to vote for senators at State Council, under the party’s constitution, were usually given different coloured lanyards and those entitled to vote were “physically segregated”.

Mr Stewart said neither of these occurred on this occasion.

Reading from Senator Rennick’s affidavit, he said his client was given a voting paper by an LNP employee, despite the fact he was not eligible to vote.

“He properly rejected this,” Mr Stewart said.

Mr Rennick further alleges one person was ineligible to vote at the time of the ballot as she had not paid her party fees on time, but was still able to cast a vote in the ballot.

Senator Rennick – who was seated in the back of the court watching proceedings on Friday – is seeking declarations that he is entitled to appeal this ballot and his appeal was not lost by the expiration of time.

LNP director Ben Riley, president Lawrence Springborg, Mr Littleproud, Mr Schrinner, LNP state leader David Crisafulli, Mr Dutton and former federal Attorney-General George Brandis are among the respondents named in the lawsuit.

“It is our submission there’s a very strong case with contending with the appeal,” Mr Stewart said.

In his submissions, Mr Stewart said there was nothing in the LNP constitution which gave Senator Rennick the right of any further address.

“All he can do is what he was attempting to do in pursuing his appeal, which has been thwarted by the state executive,” Mr Stewart said.

Peter Dunning, representing the respondents, told the court the matter was not about a senate position and preselection.

“It’s about is there a time where a notice of appeal can be lodged and, if so, what is it?” He said.

Mr Dunning argued Senator Rennick’s application fails because the dispute was not justiciable in the Supreme Court.

“(It’s) no more, no less than what the internal rules can mean when it comes to your right of appeal,” he said.

“This controversy isn’t about preselection.”

Mr Dunning said Senator Rennick had also not “exhausted” any options for an internal review process with his party, including the possibility of seeking further directions from the State Council of the LNP.

“Having not done that, the court should not countenance this application,” he said.
Supreme Court Justice Glenn Martin is considering his decision.

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