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Member Run Boards >> Books >> Are bookshops disappearing in your area?

Message started by bogarde73 on Dec 17th, 2014 at 2:00pm

Title: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by bogarde73 on Dec 17th, 2014 at 2:00pm
Chatting to the guy that runs a pretty large online 2nd hand bookshop in my region, I was surprised to hear that maybe 12 bookshops had closed in the area in recent times and that he thought his was about the last one left.

Have you noticed a similar trend where you live?

Are people not reading anymore?

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by John Smith on Dec 17th, 2014 at 2:21pm
they've just about all closed down  ... but the shopping centre nearest me just opened a new bookshop, in the same location where another went bust a little over a year ago. To cover the rent they need to charge $30- $40 a book, online I get most of my books for under $10.

Bookshops are history .. although a few niche ones may survive

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by Black Orchid on Dec 17th, 2014 at 2:35pm
It's such a shame.  Most people are now reading books on their iphones or tablets.  Most Angus & Robertson stores closed down a few years ago and they trade online now.

Many have closed in the areas around where I live but there are still a token few left.  I guess they will disappear soon too.

I am constantly reading and I prefer my books to be made of paper and be able to hold them.  I get enough eye strain using the computer for other things without having to read a book via a screen.   In a few years we will end up with a generation of people with very bad eye sight.

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 17th, 2014 at 2:47pm


All closed down.

We just have a Dymocks in the CBD now.


Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by Black Orchid on Dec 17th, 2014 at 2:55pm
We still have a Dymocks in the CBD and a few remaining local stores.

Borders stores closed down some years ago too  :(

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by Annie Anthrax on Dec 17th, 2014 at 3:08pm
There are bookstores here. Some of them are old school, some have new books at heavily discounted prices. There's a lovely secondhand bookshop not too far from me.

I love secondhand bookshops, especially poorly lit ones with towering piles of dusty books all jumbled up in loose categories. Heaven.

My favourite painting is The Bookworm by Spitzweg. The reason why I love it so much because I identify with the subject. Note how he is reading with a book between his knees and under his elbow etc, oblivious to everything in the world. It will always be paper books for me. If you haven't seen the painting, I recommend looking at the Wikipedia file pic. It's enormous and the detail is excellent.

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by issuevoter on Dec 17th, 2014 at 4:42pm
Where ever I have gone in the English speaking world I have sought out second-hand bookshops. By that I don't mean the pulp exchanges. A website that links many of them is      
It is a wonderful resource if you have something particular in mind.
I am not allowed post links.

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by Annie Anthrax on Dec 17th, 2014 at 9:47pm
I wanted to buy my husband a book that one of his ancestors had written and the only place I could find a copy was Abe's. They're excellent for rare and valuable books.

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by bogarde73 on Dec 18th, 2014 at 2:24pm

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by bogarde73 on Dec 18th, 2014 at 2:31pm
I have been buying my 2nd hand books for so long through Leura Books at Mittagong NSW, that I hadn't noticed the disappearance of so many small dealers.

But I was surprised to learn that one of my old haunts - Berkelouw at Berrima NSW, known as the Book Barn - had gone all upmarket. Apparently they now only sell expensive copies and antiquarian books. I used to enjoy delving among their shelves of 19th century historical works. All gone now, given away or landfill.

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by Dnarever on Dec 18th, 2014 at 2:32pm
Are bookshops disappearing in your area?

Too many books on magic will do that.

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by cods on Dec 18th, 2014 at 3:27pm

bogarde73 wrote on Dec 17th, 2014 at 2:00pm:
Chatting to the guy that runs a pretty large online 2nd hand bookshop in my region, I was surprised to hear that maybe 12 bookshops had closed in the area in recent times and that he thought his was about the last one left.

Have you noticed a similar trend where you live?

Are people not reading anymore?

the second hand book business is disappearing I think.. one I used has not long gone...small business we cant expect much else really......I read a lot but to get my grandkids to pick up a like asking them to make their beds.....wont happen...

I think along with books going so will writing essays and little stories or even poems..

the inclination isnt there the seeds are not being planted anymore....

even newspapers are having trouble selling.....

if it isnt on a screen of some sorts the new generations dont want to I hate reading anything much on the computer....I read magazines from the back to the front....always was bloody different... ;) ;)

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by miketrees on Dec 18th, 2014 at 5:20pm
Its not just book shops.
Petrol Stations, retail nurseries ,corner shops, brothels,,, yes brothels .
Well technically they are not retailers tho :)

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by Black Orchid on Dec 20th, 2014 at 4:57pm
In the past I often thought about starting a small bookstore one day.  I could relate to Meg Ryan's character in whatever that movie was?  You've Got Mail?

No point now.   I will just make my own library with floor to ceiling shelves and a moving ladder.

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by issuevoter on Dec 21st, 2014 at 10:48am
It is regrettable, but it is not just the internet and ebooks that are causing the demise of book shops. Running a book shop was always a matter of slim margins. In the heyday of bookshops, people wanted less, had lower expectations, were lucky to drive one car, did not insure half a dozen aspects of their lives, and did not give their children telephone accounts or expect to send them all to university. The bookshop owners I have known either subsidised their interest or were poor as church mice.

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by Black Orchid on Dec 21st, 2014 at 6:06pm
A bit off topic but, oh well.  Along with the disappearing book stores there is another corner store that is almost extinct.

The deli.  I used to love a good deli and there are none left where I live.  Not a one.  There used to be a great deli in the Spanish Quarter in the city and that disappeared recently to accommodate the expanding Chinatown.

Supermarket delis are NOT the same.

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by Xavier on Dec 7th, 2022 at 8:44am

bogarde73 wrote on Dec 17th, 2014 at 2:00pm:
Chatting to the guy that runs a pretty large online 2nd hand bookshop in my region, I was surprised to hear that maybe 12 bookshops had closed in the area in recent times and that he thought his was about the last one left.

Have you noticed a similar trend where you live?

Are people not reading anymore?

Dumping x7 Boxes of em at the tip today.

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by Belgarion on Dec 7th, 2022 at 12:07pm

Jasin wrote on Dec 7th, 2022 at 8:44am:

bogarde73 wrote on Dec 17th, 2014 at 2:00pm:
Chatting to the guy that runs a pretty large online 2nd hand bookshop in my region, I was surprised to hear that maybe 12 bookshops had closed in the area in recent times and that he thought his was about the last one left.

Have you noticed a similar trend where you live?

Are people not reading anymore?

Dumping x7 Boxes of em at the tip today.

Why would you do that? A charity would be happy to have them.

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by Bobby. on Dec 7th, 2022 at 12:10pm

Belgarion wrote on Dec 7th, 2022 at 12:07pm:

Jasin wrote on Dec 7th, 2022 at 8:44am:

bogarde73 wrote on Dec 17th, 2014 at 2:00pm:
Chatting to the guy that runs a pretty large online 2nd hand bookshop in my region, I was surprised to hear that maybe 12 bookshops had closed in the area in recent times and that he thought his was about the last one left.

Have you noticed a similar trend where you live?

Are people not reading anymore?

Dumping x7 Boxes of em at the tip today.

Why would you do that? A charity would be happy to have them.

When my late Aunty passed away she had about 1,000 books.
Most of them were academic books from university.
Some of them cost over $100.
The university library had no room for them -
no shop wanted them -
they all went to the tip.

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by Xavier on Dec 7th, 2022 at 2:52pm

Belgarion wrote on Dec 7th, 2022 at 12:07pm:

Jasin wrote on Dec 7th, 2022 at 8:44am:

bogarde73 wrote on Dec 17th, 2014 at 2:00pm:
Chatting to the guy that runs a pretty large online 2nd hand bookshop in my region, I was surprised to hear that maybe 12 bookshops had closed in the area in recent times and that he thought his was about the last one left.

Have you noticed a similar trend where you live?

Are people not reading anymore?

Dumping x7 Boxes of em at the tip today.

Why would you do that? A charity would be happy to have them.

It's a throw-away society under the Democrats, is it not?

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by Xavier on Dec 7th, 2022 at 9:56pm
Burn your Ray Bradbury books!

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by Sophia on Dec 8th, 2022 at 4:38pm
Comes the day…. When internet is defunct through whatever may happen… we will have no written material for reference…just like in the original movie The Time Machine… where the traveller asks for books… gets shown the old library only to find the books turn to dust from non use and storage for thousands of years.

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by Xavier on Dec 9th, 2022 at 7:00pm
Written in Stone seems to last the longest.

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by Belgarion on Dec 9th, 2022 at 7:19pm

Sophia wrote on Dec 8th, 2022 at 4:38pm:
Comes the day…. When internet is defunct through whatever may happen… we will have no written material for reference…just like in the original movie The Time Machine… where the traveller asks for books… gets shown the old library only to find the books turn to dust from non use and storage for thousands of years.

Yes, entirely possible.                                                                                                            

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 9th, 2022 at 7:33pm

Sophia wrote on Dec 8th, 2022 at 4:38pm:
Comes the day…. When internet is defunct through whatever may happen… we will have no written material for reference…just like in the original movie The Time Machine… where the traveller asks for books… gets shown the old library only to find the books turn to dust from non use and storage for thousands of years.

My favourite scene from one of my all-time favourite movies.

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by UnSubRocky on May 24th, 2024 at 6:19am
Does not really matter that bookshops are disappearing. We have a lifeline bookfest today and tomorrow at the showgrounds. Bargain books and DVDs on sale.

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by UnSubRocky on Jun 11th, 2024 at 5:15pm
Forget bookstores or discount bookfests. I went to the university today and I had collected about 50 books (history, health, geography and computing) for free. I have no shortage of books to read for the next 5 years.

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by Sophia on Jun 15th, 2024 at 2:27pm
I found this library still surviving!

The largest surviving chained library in the world is at Hereford Cathedral in the UK, where all the books are still kept under lock and key in their original chains. It has been rebuilt in its original arrangement, exactly as it had been from 1611 to 1841.
410C6AD9-AC91-4908-8F34-4A9D1F58DE12.jpeg (133 KB | 6 )

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by Jovial Monk on Jun 15th, 2024 at 3:20pm
Before printing books were rare—and expensive!

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by UnSubRocky on Jun 15th, 2024 at 4:23pm
I have books just waiting to be read (and some to be finished being read). But, if the library wanted to give away books, I was quite happy to take them off their hands. Pity the programming books have CDROMs that can no longer be installed on Windows 10 computer operating systems.

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by Belgarion on Jun 15th, 2024 at 5:40pm
There is a new bookshop in my town, opened about 6 months ago. I make sure I go there and buy something when I can afford it. Business seems to be OK whenever I'm there so hoping it does not suffer the fate of the last and at the time only bookshop that shut down about 8 years ago.

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by Sophia on Jun 16th, 2024 at 12:17am
Now this is unique! But I’ve always loved listening to other peoples life experiences etc and still do.
Sadly with much of our youth spending so much time on internet, real life association and listening skills are not a priority. Some things/skills are just not learnt via internet as in real life.

In Denmark, there are libraries where you can borrow a person instead of a book, to listen to their life story for 30 minutes. The aim is to help people overcome prejudice. Each participant has a label that they identify with - "unemployed", "refugee", "bipolar", etc. - by listening to the other person's story, the participants are able to realize how much you shouldn't "judge a book by its cover". This innovative project is active in more than 50 countries and is called "The Human Library".
Credit: Varun Sinha

Read more:

38099EA9-D8AE-48F6-970A-352391099B47.jpeg (53 KB | 7 )

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by UnSubRocky on Jul 10th, 2024 at 2:54am
Did I mention that the CQU library gave me 50 books from their catalogue for free?

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by Jovial Monk on Jul 10th, 2024 at 4:57pm

Title: Re: Are bookshops disappearing in your area?
Post by Sophia on Jul 10th, 2024 at 10:41pm
Here’s a book place that’s going going… almost gone…

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