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Message started by freediver on Mar 2nd, 2012 at 10:08pm

Title: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 2nd, 2012 at 10:08pm
Here is that article I promised you PJ:

Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen

Marine Parks, properly implemented from a fisheries management perspective, can reduce the regulatory burden on fishermen. They can make fishing cheaper, simpler, more accessible and more rewarding.

In response to the rapid rise in the use of marine parks by fisheries management authorities, the anti marine park lobby has been frantically trying to establish several new principles, mostly through repetition. These principles go along the lines that marine parks should only be used a last resort due to the impost on fishermen, that marine parks should only be used where necessary (I have never seen an explanation of 'necessary' in this context and can only conclude that it is deliberately left without meaning), or that marine parks should only be justified in terms of their environmental or biodiversity benefits.

This article justifies the rejection of all of these principles, mostly through stating the obvious, then goes into some more subtle principles of marine park design through which the benefit to fishermen can be maximised. It then explains some of the incentives that a vocal minority of fishermen have for misleading the public about marine parks, misleading the public about the views of fishermen, and for making fishing less accessible to the average recreational fisherman.

Let's start by stating the obvious. Most recreational fishermen do not own a boat. If you can design regulations that do not impact on those fishermen without a boat, the regulation will not affect the majority of fishermen. If those regulations allow for the simplification or elimination of other rules designed to limit catches, then the overall regulatory burden is reduced. This is the basis of the first principle of marine park design for fisheries management:

1) Design marine parks so that they have little or no impact on fishermen with limited resources.

A simpler statement that almost completely captures this principle is: Do not ban shore based fishing in accessible locations.

The added burden on fishermen with a boat can be reduced by using no take zones with straight edges and clearly marking the corners with buoys. This is usually possible in all but the far offshore zones in deep water. Fishermen in such situations almost universally use a GPS, which is quite cheap these days. Not all boats are created equal, and the principle can also be applied to those areas that offer some protection to smaller boats from the prevailing winds or that are otherwise valuable to boat fishermen, even if they are slightly less productive. Similar principles can also be applied to kayak fishermen and spearfishermen. The ocean is a blank slate and there is enormous flexibility in designing marine parks. For example spearfishermen are strongly limited by visibility, currents, seafloor structure, depth, swell, boat traffic and other dangers. Many of these parameters vary consistently between locations, thus making it possible to choose locations that minimise the impact on spearfishing. The burden of a well implemented system can also be offset if other rules can be relaxed or eliminated. For example, it is much easier to remember to stay outside of your local marine parks than to remember a different size and bag limit for every single species you might catch.

Thus marine parks can make the rules simpler for fishermen. They can also make fishing more accessible and more productive. To explain this, we again start by stating the obvious: as our fisheries have become more heavily exploited, fishermen have gone to far greater lengths to get 'off the beaten track' in pursuit of exciting fishing opportunities. Over recent decades it has also been well established by hard evidence that the spillover effect from no take zones is heavily concentrated around the edge of the no take zone. That is, the benefit to fishermen is heavily localised. This allows fisheries managers to direct at least some of the benefit from marine parks to land based anglers. This is the basis for the second principle of marine park design for fisheries management:

2) Place no take zones adjacent to easily accessible shore based fishing locations.

This does not mean that these shores based fishing spots will become as productive as remote areas that fishermen spend a lot of time and expense to reach. However it will go some way to tipping the balance in favour of the shore based angler who has no four wheel drive, but who wants to drive down to the local breakwall and catch a bream with his son.

By reducing the need to buy a boat and/or a four wheel drive, or to travel long distances to reach more remote areas, marine parks can make fishing cheaper and more accessible. As well as directing the spillover benefit to shore based anglers, marine parks can push those who do choose to use their boat to spend an extra five minutes travelling further, so that the fish adjacent to the most easily accessed spots are left for the fishermen without a boat. That is, the scheme has an added benefit by transferring the resource to land based anglers (in addition to the spillover effect). This is the basis of the third principle of marine park design for fisheries management:

3) Try to keep boat based fishermen out of the immediate vicinity of the most easily accessed locations for shore based fishermen.

Obviously these principles would backfire if taken to the extreme of forcing all fishermen to fish from the shore. There are natural limits to how much additional benefits can be achieved through these principles. Thus a fourth principle is added for balance:

4) The added travel time or expense created for boat fishermen should not be significant compared to how much effort they typically go to.

A fifth principle helps to reinforce this balance and is also a well-established principle for maximising the spillover effect (rather than say, biodiversity or conservation goals):

5) No take zones should be small.

This last principle is limited only by practical limitations on size, for example due to difficulties associated with enforcement and by the ability of fishermen to cast or drift baits or attract fish with burley.

Fishing lobbies do themselves a great disservice by demanding that marine parks be justified based only on goals of biodiversity and conservation, because this would mean that no take zones will be much larger and the spillover benefits to fishermen will not be as great. It would mean that the above principles are ignored.

Applying these principles to the design of marine parks will make fishing simpler, cheaper and more accessible for the majority of recreational fishermen. For the remaining minority, it will have little impact as these fishermen tend to have the resources to travel wherever they need to in order to catch fish, including to those zone boundaries that do not happen to be on the shore.

These principles will also make fishing more rewarding for most anglers, as it can deliver more fish to those fishermen with fewer resources at their disposal. There is a strong scientific consensus that marine parks benefit fishermen in general through the spillover effect. These principles help to deliver as much of that benefit as possible to shore based anglers.

Much of the anti marine park rhetoric is the typical hubris you expect in response to change (and was seen in past responses to the now 'accepted' management strategies the lobby is now defending as the only options we should use). However, the most experienced anglers may feel threatened by the concept of levelling the playing field, even if it is only to a small extent. They may feel that they have a genuine self interest in opposing marine parks and the principles outlined here, even though all fishermen will benefit. They may take pride in their ability to catch fish where others find it difficult, and value this source of pride more than the simple joy of catching a fish. Boat retailers have an obvious financial interest in making it hard to catch fish without a boat, and have significant power over the editorial staff of fishing publications in which they advertise. Whether or not the threat to their income is real, the perception of a threat or risk has been enough to motivate many of them to great efforts. This goes some way to explaining the desperation seen in the anti marine park lobby and the efforts of a small but vocal minority to falsely claim to represent the majority of fishermen. There have been both subtle and overt attempts, using every method imaginable, to silence recreational fishermen who speak up in support of marine parks and to demand the appearance of a unified recreational fishing lobby. It is these very attempts that have caused the issue to become so divisive among recreational fishermen.

Examples of how these principles might be implemented are shown here.

This article explains the scientific consensus behind marine parks and the concept of minimising the size of no take zones to benefit fishermen. It explains the advantages of marine parks over other management tools in terms of resilience and sustainability, and the fundamental flaws that make effective fisheries management so difficulty with traditional tools such as size and catch limits.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 3rd, 2012 at 9:54am
Nice one FD. You have just repeated you original article which I already debunked. It's full of the same distortions and outright lies which I have pointed out in detail - and zombie like you have risen with them again.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 3rd, 2012 at 11:34am
It must be very frustrating for you, having debunked everything about marine parks, but you cannot convince anyone and we keep getting more of them anyway. Does it ever make you doubt yourself?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 3rd, 2012 at 12:44pm

freediver wrote on Mar 3rd, 2012 at 11:34am:
It must be very frustrating for you, having debunked everything about marine parks, but you cannot convince anyone and we keep getting more of them anyway. Does it ever make you doubt yourself?

Yawn, bandwagon effect device. Why do you think the Coalition set up the Audit Panel if there wasn't considerable disquiet about NSW marine parks? Are you still trying to make out they are recommending more marine parks?

PS: how come no other country has gone in for marine parks the extent we have?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by Jasignature on Mar 3rd, 2012 at 1:07pm
The Coral Sea is about to be made a Marine Park, etc.
Mind you - is there much Fishing out that way anyway? I doubt it.

If Fishing is 'sustainable' why the need to disengage Marine Parks, etc and allow the recommencement of Fishing there?

If there was less Fishing territory but more Fish due to more Reserves, etc - wouldn't this make sense over Fishing over large expanses of territory for fewer fish ??? :-?

I can understand Americans making big mistakes as they never had Australia around to learn from a precedence so to speak.
But Australia should know better and understand that Prevention is better than a Cure. We do not have to ruin our resources first to understand why the 'problem is'.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 3rd, 2012 at 2:03pm

wouldn't this make sense over Fishing over large expanses of territory for fewer fish ???

Making sense is not a criteria the anti marine park lobby looks for.

It's full of the same distortions and outright lies

Can you point out any specific lies in the article I posted, or can you only keep this up while you sticking to vague generalisations? Perhaps you have a vague generalisation that kinda sorta contradicts something general I have said if you look at it the right way?

PS: how come no other country has gone in for marine parks the extent we have?

Do you realise the GBR is no longer the biggest marine park in the world?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 3rd, 2012 at 3:43pm
[ that article I promised you PJ:

Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen

OK, I'll debunk it one more time.

Marine Parks, properly implemented from a fisheries management perspective, can reduce the regulatory burden on fishermen. They can make fishing cheaper, simpler, more accessible and more rewarding.

Actually there has been no decrease in regulatory burden adjacent to our marine parks. In places like the GBR it has increased to deal with displaced fishing effort.

In response to the rapid rise in the use of marine parks by fisheries management authorities,

That's a lie. Australian marine parks have never been implemented by or originated from our fisheries management authorities.

the anti marine park lobby

Rhetorical device - legitmate grassroots concern from anglers and informed opposition from our fisheries scientists is portrayed as some sort of eccentric fringe group.

has been frantically trying to establish several new principles, mostly through repetition.

Projection. FD repeates over and over his mantras and avoids any logical debate.

These principles go along the lines that marine parks should only be used a last resort due to the impost on fishermen, that marine parks should only be used where necessary (I have never seen an explanation of 'necessary' in this context and can only conclude that it is deliberately left without meaning), or that marine parks should only be justified in terms of their environmental or biodiversity benefits.

Strawman - there is a lot of compelling evidence behind looking at other methods first.

This article justifies the rejection of all of these principles, mostly through stating the obvious,

Ha, it must be wonderful 'just knowing' everything!

then goes into some more subtle principles of marine park design through which the benefit to fishermen can be maximised. It then explains some of the incentives that a vocal minority of fishermen have for misleading the public about marine parks, misleading the public about the views of fishermen, and for making fishing less accessible to the average recreational fisherman.

Let's start by stating the obvious. Most recreational fishermen do not own a boat.

FD has identified a target audience those who fish only a couple of times a year, with little at stake in the marine park debate and with poor fishing skills likely to be gullible enough to believe his B\S.

If you can design regulations that do not impact on those fishermen without a boat, the regulation will not affect the majority of fishermen. If those regulations allow for the simplification or elimination of other rules designed to limit catches, then the overall regulatory burden is reduced.

Not likely given the actual history of our marine parks.

This is the basis of the first principle of marine park design for fisheries management:

1) Design marine parks so that they have little or no impact on fishermen with limited resources.

A simpler statement that almost completely captures this principle is: Do not ban shore based fishing in accessible locations.

Big deal. Don't you realise that such spots are often few and far between and already prone to overcrowding.

The added burden on fishermen with a boat can be reduced by using no take zones with straight edges and clearly marking the corners with buoys.
This is usually possible in all but the far offshore zones in deep water. Fishermen in such situations almost universally use a GPS, which is quite cheap these days.

A GPS is not of much use in this case unless it is a chart plotter with a map insert showing the marine park zones. Most boats don't have a chart plotter type and these are quite exspensive.

Not all boats are created equal, and the principle can also be applied to those areas that offer some protection to smaller boats from the prevailing winds or that are otherwise valuable to boat fishermen, even if they are slightly less productive. Similar principles can also be applied to kayak fishermen and spearfishermen. The ocean is a blank slate and there is enormous flexibility in designing marine parks. For example spearfishermen are strongly limited by visibility, currents, seafloor structure, depth, swell, boat traffic and other dangers. Many of these parameters vary consistently between locations, thus making it possible to choose locations that minimise the impact on spearfishing. The burden of a well implemented system can also be offset if other rules can be relaxed or eliminated. For example, it is much easier to remember to stay outside of your local marine parks than to remember a different size and bag limit for every single species you might catch.

It's not a matter of remenbering it's knowing where you are (easier said than done).It's more likely that other regualtions will have to be increased.

Thus marine parks can make the rules simpler for fishermen. They can also make fishing more accessible and more productive. To explain this, we again start by stating the obvious: as our fisheries have become more heavily exploited, fishermen have gone to far greater lengths to get 'off the beaten track' in pursuit of exciting fishing opportunities.

A lot of fishing effort has been reduced eg since the mid 1990's in NSW waters. There is exciting fishing within sight of the Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Over recent decades it has also been well established by hard evidence that the spillover effect from no take zones is heavily concentrated around the edge of the no take zone.

The Audit Panel discounted any large spillover from NSW marine parks. Also you are confusing fishermen getting close to the grounds they have been displced from with evdence of a spillover effect.

That is, the benefit to fishermen is heavily localised. This allows fisheries managers to direct at least some of the benefit from marine parks to land based anglers. This is the basis for the second principle of marine park design for fisheries management:

2) Place no take zones adjacent to easily accessible shore based fishing locations.

Highly unlikely that there will better fishing off the shore as a result.

This does not mean that these shores based fishing spots will become as productive as remote areas that fishermen spend a lot of time and expense to reach. However it will go some way to tipping the balance in favour of the shore based angler who has no four wheel drive, but who wants to drive down to the local breakwall and catch a bream with his son.

Duh, bream are naturally found in areas close to shore and not any distance offshore. PS if you are so keen on helping the poor little guy have you thought about the people with limited mobility unable to clamber over rocks, breakwall and beaches?

By reducing the need to buy a boat and/or a four wheel drive, or to travel long distances to reach more remote areas, marine parks can make fishing cheaper and more accessible.

It's personal choice as to what you spend. And the money spent has little correlation with the amount of fish landed.

As well as directing the spillover benefit to shore based anglers,

The spillover effect has already been discounted - why do you, zombie like, keep repeating it?

marine parks can push those who do choose to use their boat to spend an extra five minutes travelling further, so that the fish adjacent to the most easily accessed spots are left for the fishermen without a boat. That is, the scheme has an added benefit by transferring the resource to land based anglers (in addition to the spillover effect). This is the basis of the third principle of marine park design for fisheries management:

3) Try to keep boat based fishermen out of the immediate vicinity of the most easily accessed locations for shore based fishermen.

This raises some serious safety riks for small boats. Eg sometimes it is neccessary to fish near the shore to get a lee effect from the wind.

Obviously these principles would backfire if taken to the extreme of forcing all fishermen to fish from the shore. There are natural limits to how much additional benefits can be achieved through these principles. Thus a fourth principle is added for balance:

4) The added travel time or expense created for boat fishermen should not be significant compared to how much effort they typically go to.

If there is a strong offshore wind and you can't fish close to the shore then you trip is ruined or you have to take a risk by fishing out wider outside your no fishing zone.

A fifth principle helps to reinforce this balance and is also a well-established principle for maximising the spillover effect (rather than say, biodiversity or conservation goals):

What spillover effect?

5) No take zones should be small.

This last principle is limited only by practical limitations on size, for example due to difficulties associated with enforcement and by the ability of fishermen to cast or drift baits or attract fish with burley.

Any (that's an if) spillover would then be correspondingly smaller. Or do you mean lot's of small zones - which is not simple at al.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 3rd, 2012 at 4:52pm

It's full of the same distortions and outright lies

Am I correct that the only 'outright lie' you identified was whether marine parks are implimented by fisheries management authorities?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 3rd, 2012 at 4:57pm
Hi FD,
Did you see the 1970's series by Jacques Cousteau on TV?

He said that we need to preserve out fisheries because it is a vital food source.
He showed examples of the Mediterranean Sea  that were already wiped out in 1973.

Anyway - one of the best TV series ever made.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 3rd, 2012 at 5:14pm
I think I might have seen that one. Do you remember what it was called?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 3rd, 2012 at 5:17pm

freediver wrote on Mar 3rd, 2012 at 4:52pm:

It's full of the same distortions and outright lies

Am I correct that the only 'outright lie' you identified was whether marine parks are implimented by fisheries management authorities?

I think all of it could be termed lies FD. Especially as I have pointed out the errors before and you have just repeated them.

Oh then there's your 3 whoppers earlier in this thread.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 3rd, 2012 at 5:18pm

Oh then there's your 3 whoppers earlier in this thread.

Are you confused again about what thread this is?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 3rd, 2012 at 5:24pm

freediver wrote on Mar 3rd, 2012 at 5:18pm:

Oh then there's your 3 whoppers earlier in this thread.

Are you confused again about what thread this is?

The earlier thread, you know the one with the obnoxious title.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 3rd, 2012 at 5:30pm
Funny, you were trying to change the topic in that thread too. Anyway, let'as get back to all these lies you think my article is 'full of'

It's full of the same distortions and outright lies

Other than whether fisheries management authorities set up marine parks, are all of these lies of the 'vague' kind' where you cannot actually quote anything specific that you think is untrue nor explain why it is a lie? Am I lying because you have told me I am wrong about everything before but you failed to convince me? Can you think of no other explanation for why I am not convinced other than that I must now be lying about what I think?

I think all of it could be termed lies FD

Is this your way of saying 'not an actual lie'?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 3rd, 2012 at 5:42pm

Fishing lobbies do themselves a great disservice by demanding that marine parks be justified based only on goals of biodiversity and conservation, because this would mean that no take zones will be much larger and the spillover benefits to fishermen will not be as great. It would mean that the above principles are ignored.

They know that there are better tools for fisheries management and that they are working well in Australia.

Applying these principles to the design of marine parks will make fishing simpler, cheaper and more accessible for the majority of recreational fishermen. For the remaining minority, it will have little impact as these fishermen tend to have the resources to travel wherever they need to in order to catch fish, including to those zone boundaries that do not happen to be on the shore.

You go fishing to relax, not to keep looking over your shoulder and worring if you are sticking to a hard to comply zoning.

These principles will also make fishing more rewarding for most anglers, as it can deliver more fish to those fishermen with fewer resources at their disposal.

There is a strong scientific consensus that marine parks benefit fishermen in general through the spillover effect. These principles help to deliver as much of that benefit as possible to shore based anglers.

Quoting an overseas consensus of dubious origins and saying it proves your own zoning will work is pretty scurrilous.

Much of the anti marine park rhetoric is the typical hubris you expect in response to change (and was seen in past responses to the now 'accepted' management strategies the lobby is now defending as the only options we should use). However, the most experienced anglers may feel threatened by the concept of levelling the playing field, even if it is only to a small extent.

You keep saying other now accepted methods were opposed but I can't recall it and I have been on the scene a long time. Often they were lobbied for by anglers.

They may feel that they have a genuine self interest in opposing marine parks and the principles outlined here, even though all fishermen will benefit. They may take pride in their ability to catch fish where others find it difficult, and value this source of pride more than the simple joy of catching a fish. Boat retailers have an obvious financial interest in making it hard to catch fish without a boat, and have significant power over the editorial staff of fishing publications in which they advertise. Whether or not the threat to their income is real, the perception of a threat or risk has been enough to motivate many of them to great efforts. This goes some way to explaining the desperation seen in the anti marine park lobby and the efforts of a small but vocal minority to falsely claim to represent the majority of fishermen. There have been both subtle and overt attempts, using every method imaginable, to silence recreational fishermen who speak up in support of marine parks and to demand the appearance of a unified recreational fishing lobby. It is these very attempts that have caused the issue to become so divisive among recreational fishermen.

So the divisiveness is all the fault of anglers and not the actual parks themselves?

Examples of how these principles might be implemented are shown here.

This article explains the scientific consensus behind marine parks and the concept of minimising the size of no take zones to benefit fishermen. It explains the advantages of marine parks over other management tools in terms of resilience and sustainability, and the fundamental flaws that make effective fisheries management so difficulty with traditional tools such as size and catch limits.

What, your discredited genetic changes from fishing theory?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 3rd, 2012 at 5:51pm
[]Funny, you were trying to change the topic in that thread too. Anyway, let'as get back to all these lies you think my article is 'full of'

It's full of the same distortions and outright lies

Other than whether fisheries management authorities set up marine parks, are all of these lies of the 'vague' kind' where you cannot actually quote anything specific that you think is untrue nor explain why it is a lie? Am I lying because you have told me I am wrong about everything before but you failed to convince me? Can you think of no other explanation for why I am not convinced other than that I must now be lying about what I think?

I think all of it could be termed lies FD

Is this your way of saying 'not an actual lie'?[/quote]

I don't think it is neccessary to classify which is an ouright lie or 'merely' a distortion. It's just different degrees of the same B/S. The three in the previous thread are particulary blatant. I have put up explanations, please just don't pretend there not there.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 3rd, 2012 at 6:03pm
How about you start with what you think is the most outragous lie from the article? Honestly, I won't ask you to rank all the lies in terms of their degree of lyingness.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 3rd, 2012 at 6:39pm

freediver wrote on Mar 3rd, 2012 at 5:14pm:
I think I might have seen that one. Do you remember what it was called?

Hi FD - see here:

It's perhaps the best TV series I've ever seen -
a bit like David Attenborough's  Life On Earth.
Spectacular underwater photography & interesting narration.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 4th, 2012 at 8:02am

pjb05 wrote on Mar 3rd, 2012 at 5:51pm:
[]Funny, you were trying to change the topic in that thread too.

I was pointing out the lies in your article regarding the Coalitions Audit - how is that 'changing the topic'? If anyone changed the topic it was you.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 4th, 2012 at 8:26am
OK. Sorry about that. Can you point out any of the lies that you think my article is 'full of'?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 4th, 2012 at 8:35am

freediver wrote on Mar 4th, 2012 at 8:26am:
OK. Sorry about that. Can you point out any of the lies that you think my article is 'full of'?

Which article - the one on the Coalitions audit or the one on 'simpler rules'? I have done it for both.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 4th, 2012 at 8:46am
The simpler rules one. The one in the OP of this thread.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 4th, 2012 at 8:48am

freediver wrote on Mar 4th, 2012 at 8:46am:
The simpler rules one. The one in the OP of this thread.

What do you think all those comments in italics are about?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 4th, 2012 at 8:51am
You disagreeing with me. The only direct accusation of lying I noticed was about which authority was responsible.

Are you suggesting that if you disagree with something it is therefor an outright lie?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 4th, 2012 at 8:57am

freediver wrote on Mar 4th, 2012 at 8:51am:
You disagreeing with me. The only direct accusation of lying I noticed was about which authority was responsible.

Are you suggesting that if you disagree with something it is therefor an outright lie?

Everything in italics points to an outright lie on your part. Now will you drop this inane line of questioning?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 4th, 2012 at 9:36am
Why should I drop the line of questioning? You claimed my article was full of outright lies, yet you cannot point them out. Do you want me to drop this line of questioning to save you the embarrassment? Why not simply refrain from accusing people of lying in the first place?

Can you explain how this points to an outright lie?

This does not mean that these shores based fishing spots will become as productive as remote areas that fishermen spend a lot of time and expense to reach. However it will go some way to tipping the balance in favour of the shore based angler who has no four wheel drive, but who wants to drive down to the local breakwall and catch a bream with his son.

Duh, bream are naturally found in areas close to shore and not any distance offshore.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 4th, 2012 at 11:45am

freediver wrote on Mar 4th, 2012 at 9:36am:
Why should I drop the line of questioning? You claimed my article was full of outright lies, yet you cannot point them out. Do you want me to drop this line of questioning to save you the embarrassment? Why not simply refrain from accusing people of lying in the first place?

Can you explain how this points to an outright lie?

This does not mean that these shores based fishing spots will become as productive as remote areas that fishermen spend a lot of time and expense to reach. However it will go some way to tipping the balance in favour of the shore based angler who has no four wheel drive, but who wants to drive down to the local breakwall and catch a bream with his son.

Duh, bream are naturally found in areas close to shore and not any distance offshore.

Easy, you are lying when you imply that the father and son will catch more bream off the breakwall as a result of your zoning or that they will in any way  benefit from your zoning.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 4th, 2012 at 2:07pm
So when you accuse me of outright lies, what it really means is that you are confused and do not understand?

I am at a loss to explain why you could possibly think the system would not benefit shore based fishermen. Can you explain?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 4th, 2012 at 2:24pm

freediver wrote on Mar 4th, 2012 at 2:07pm:
So when you accuse me of outright lies, what it really means is that you are confused and do not understand?

I am at a loss to explain why you could possibly think the system would not benefit shore based fishermen. Can you explain?

No discernable spillover effect (as I have explained), overcrowding of already overcrowded landbased spots, and they might also own a boat or aspire to own one, or occasional go out on charter or hire boats.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 4th, 2012 at 2:41pm
The article explained two mechanisms through which the fisherman in question may benefit.

Why would the spots become more crowded if there is no discernable benefit? Are boat fishermen going to start abandoning their boats because they can't anchor up and fish in front of the most easily accessible shore based fishing spots?

Most easily accesible shore based fishing spots are not overcrowded at all. The vast majority are empty because there are only a few undersize fish to be caught.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 4th, 2012 at 2:57pm
1330836099]The article explained two mechanisms through which the fisherman in question may benefit.

Your explanations are not credible.

Why would the spots become more crowded if there is no discernable benefit? Are boat fishermen going to start abandoning their boats because they can't anchor up and fish in front of the most easily accessible shore based fishing spots?

Your whole premise to to discourage boat fishing and encourage fishing off the shore. Or maybe the boat fishermen will give up fishing all together if there are enough of your no go zones.

Most easily accesible shore based fishing spots are not overcrowded at all. The vast majority are empty because there are only a few undersize fish to be caught.[/quote]

A lot of them are shoulder to shoulder on the weekend near our cities. You can't even get near the water unless you get there ridiculously early. Eg the Kiama Blowhole and many of the rock platforms around Sydney.

PS: why do you think there are only a few undersized fish to be caught in these locations?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 4th, 2012 at 3:21pm
Can you explain how disagreeing with me on these points means I must be telling 'outright lies'? Are you really so sure that you are right and that you have already convinced me that you can think of no other explanation for why I have not changed my mind, other than that I am lying?

Your whole premise to to discourage boat fishing and encourage fishing off the shore

No it isn't. The premise is to get boat fishermen to not anchor up and fish in front of these locations - that is, the premise is to get them to fish elsewhere, not to stop them using the boat.

Or maybe the boat fishermen will give up fishing all together if there are enough of your no go zones.

Can I suggest you start with what I actually posted? It is kind of hypocritical of you to accuse me of lying when you start to make stuff up every time you fail to win an argument rationally.

A lot of them are shoulder to shoulder on the weekend near our cities. You can't even get near the water unless you get there ridiculously early. Eg the Kiama Blowhole and many of the rock platforms around Sydney.

You appear to be confusing the easily accessible shore based fishing spots with the few that are still productive (relatively speaking - not that I think the Sydney rock shelves are very productive). There are a lot more that would not even occur to you to mention because you would not think of fishing there and hardly anyone does fish there, but they would be more productive under the proposals I put forward.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 5th, 2012 at 6:21am
1330838503]Can you explain how disagreeing with me on these points means I must be telling 'outright lies'? Are you really so sure that you are right and that you have already convinced me that you can think of no other explanation for why I have not changed my mind, other than that I am lying?

What else can I say when I have presented ample and compelling evidence and you don't counter it except by repeating your lies.

Your whole premise to to discourage boat fishing and encourage fishing off the shore

No it isn't. The premise is to get boat fishermen to not anchor up and fish in front of these locations - that is, the premise is to get them to fish elsewhere, not to stop them using the boat.

It's still a discouragement, having to fish somewhwere less safe, stick to a hard to comply with zoning.

Or maybe the boat fishermen will give up fishing all together if there are enough of your no go zones.

Can I suggest you start with what I actually posted? It is kind of hypocritical of you to accuse me of lying when you start to make stuff up every time you fail to win an argument rationally.

It's actually happening with existing marine parks, anglers avoid areas with them or the participation rate declines.

A lot of them are shoulder to shoulder on the weekend near our cities. You can't even get near the water unless you get there ridiculously early. Eg the Kiama Blowhole and many of the rock platforms around Sydney.

You appear to be confusing the easily accessible shore based fishing spots with the few that are still productive (relatively speaking - not that I think the Sydney rock shelves are very productive).

Ingnorance - the Sydney rocks are very productive, what makes you think otherwise?

There are a lot more that would not even occur to you to mention because you would not think of fishing there and hardly anyone does fish there, but they would be more productive under the proposals I put forward.[/quote]

Have you thought there might be a reason why they are not productive, eg lack of natural fish holding features, food sources etc? With no large spillover effect how on earth will they become more productive?

PS: you haven't though about catchability either.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 5th, 2012 at 8:43am

It's still a discouragement, having to fish somewhwere less safe

Again, you should start with what I actually say, which is the opposite. It would leave the safer spots open. I have actually made a request to the authorities for a plan change, based on this justification, and seen zoning regulations changed during the public feedback phase for the benefit of boat fishermen.

anglers avoid areas with them

Because it is illegal to fish there?

or the participation rate declines

Do you have any evidence of that?

Ingnorance - the Sydney rocks are very productive, what makes you think otherwise?

Of course they are - relatively speaking. Hence the crowds. But relative to what?

Have you thought there might be a reason why they are not productive, eg lack of natural fish holding features, food sources etc?

Of course. But to be honest you have to admit that overfishing plays a massive part in that, and reducing the impact of overfishing will make it more productive. The article makes it quite clear that it will not be magic and they won't be as productive as more remote areas, but it will be an improvement.

PS: you haven't though about catchability either.

Thanks for the suggestion. My proposal will significantly increase catchability for shore based fishing, because they will be fishing adjacent to an area where fishing is excluded and the fish are less likely to elarn to avoid being caught. I will add that to the article.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 5th, 2012 at 9:00am
Thanks for your help PJ. I have removed the reference to fisheries management authorities and added the following paragraph below principle 3:

An additional mechanism also helps improve catches for shore based fishermen. By fishing adjacent to an area that is unfished, marine parks can improve the catchability of those fish that do spill over, as they are less likely to learn to avoid being caught. There are at least four separate mechanisms through which shore based fishermen will benefit from a fisheries management approach to marine parks: the spillover effect, which increases total catches, directing the benefits of spillover to shore based anglers, direct transfer of the resource from boat based to shore based fishermen (even if you exclude the benefits from the spillover effect), and increasing the catchability for shore based fishermen (and boat fishermen).

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 5th, 2012 at 7:33pm
]Thanks for your help PJ. I have removed the reference to fisheries management authorities

While you at it you should remove your statement that the main recommendation of the audit panel was for more marine parks. 

and added the following paragraph below principle 3:

An additional mechanism also helps improve catches for shore based fishermen. By fishing adjacent to an area that is unfished, marine parks can improve the catchability of those fish that do spill over, as they are less likely to learn to avoid being caught.

You don't know if there will be any appreachable spillover let alone it will affect catchability.

There are at least four separate mechanisms through which shore based fishermen will benefit from a fisheries management approach to marine parks: the spillover effect, which increases total catches, directing the benefits of spillover to shore based anglers,

Not likely. Also with coastal examples very improbable as a lot of species tend to hug the shore. 

direct transfer of the resource from boat based to shore based fishermen (even if you exclude the benefits from the spillover effect),

I don't follow that - the closed ground are off limits to all fishermen. PS what is the point of favouring shore based fishermen over boat fishermen?[i]

and increasing the catchability for shore based fishermen (and boat fishermen).

[i]Did you put as much thought into your other theories? I mention catchability and the next thing it is a tenent of marine parks.

PS: is it really a bad thing that fish wise up to angling methods? It makes angling somewhat self limiting.

Also you have made no mention of the recreational fishing havens around our metro areas where anglers both shore and boat based are well looked after (aided by the stocking programs of hatchery bred fish).   

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 5th, 2012 at 7:52pm

PS what is the point of favouring shore based fishermen over boat fishermen?

It reduces the need for a boat and helps out those fishermen who simply cannot afford one, or do not go fishing often enough to justify the expense.

PS: is it really a bad thing that fish wise up to angling methods? It makes angling somewhat self limiting.

If fisheries management has inherent problems with resilience then this will partly make up for it. I have seen heavily fished areas where there are plenty of bream around but they do not go near most baits. They also tend to all be undersize so obviously someone is getting a few.

However, it would be better to have a system that is inherently resilient but where the fish don't learn to avoid capture. Otherwise you risk the situation where there are plenty of fish around but none bite, even though it would not undermine stocks if they were captured. The worst possible outcome would be a river full of dwarf bream that don't take bait and never reach minimum size.

Did you put as much thought into your other theories? I mention catchability and the next thing it is a tenent of marine parks.

I think it has come up before. I just didn't think of it when putting the article together. Again, thanks for reminding me. This is one clear advantage of my proposals, as it is the fish in the most easily accessible locations that are most likely to learn to avoid being caught.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 6th, 2012 at 6:08pm
PS what is the point of favouring shore based fishermen over boat fishermen?

It reduces the need for a boat and helps out those fishermen who simply cannot afford one, or do not go fishing often enough to justify the expense.

Sometimes it's easier to fish from a boat eg lack of safe, uncrowded landbased spots, people with limited mobility. PS: where is the equity in a major rejig of fisheries management to 'benefit' people who can't be bothered to fish more than occasionally?

PS: is it really a bad thing that fish wise up to angling methods? It makes angling somewhat self limiting.

If fisheries management has inherent problems with resilience then this will partly make up for it.

Can you point to a lack of resilience? If anything experience has shown that NSW fish stocks have a great deal of resilence with respect to fishing pressure.

I have seen heavily fished areas where there are plenty of bream around but they do not go near most baits. They also tend to all be undersize so obviously someone is getting a few.

I haven't heard anyone suggest that bream are overfished. Also as I mentioned the areas with the most heavy recreational fish pressure are also rec fishing havens and I can assure you that there are plenty of big bream in places like Port Hacking, Botany Bay and the Georges River. 

However, it would be better to have a system that is inherently resilient but where the fish don't learn to avoid capture. Otherwise you risk the situation where there are plenty of fish around but none bite, even though it would not undermine stocks if they were captured. The worst possible outcome would be a river full of dwarf bream that don't take bait and never reach minimum size.

That's a contradiction - if they never take a bait then how can they be overfished?

Did you put as much thought into your other theories? I mention catchability and the next thing it is a tenent of marine parks.

I think it has come up before.

Not as a marine park benefit. You just made that up on the spot.

I just didn't think of it when putting the article together. Again, thanks for reminding me. This is one clear advantage of my proposals, as it is the fish in the most easily accessible locations that are most likely to learn to avoid being caught.

So your making fish harder to be caught (no fishing zones) then make them easier to be caught (catchability) - is that not a zero sum game?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 6th, 2012 at 6:34pm
PJ, do you agree with this principle: where no take zones are implimented, they should avoid restricting land based fishing?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 6th, 2012 at 6:41pm

freediver wrote on Mar 6th, 2012 at 6:34pm:
PJ, do you agree with this principle: where no take zones are implimented, they should avoid restricting land based fishing?

They are often done this way - I strongly supect so as to merely not upset the punters (ie voters).

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 6th, 2012 at 7:30pm
Do you agree with it?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 6th, 2012 at 7:35pm

freediver wrote on Mar 6th, 2012 at 7:30pm:
Do you agree with it?


Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 6th, 2012 at 7:39pm
So you think shore based fishing spots should be included in NTZs?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 6th, 2012 at 7:45pm

freediver wrote on Mar 6th, 2012 at 7:39pm:
So you think shore based fishing spots should be included in NTZs?

Nice one FD, you have followed one loaded question with another loaded question. Don't you realise by now I am not enthused by any NTZ?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by Jasignature on Mar 6th, 2012 at 8:36pm
Hmm good question: Land based fishing in No Take Zones. Usually I wouldn't think it too much of an impact, even catching 150kg Marlin off Point Perpendicular at Jervis Bay.
If you go to many beaches nowadays and other hot 'shore fishing' spots. Most guys, especially on the beaches, have anything up to x10 Rods going each. :o

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 6th, 2012 at 8:55pm

pjb05 wrote on Mar 6th, 2012 at 7:45pm:

freediver wrote on Mar 6th, 2012 at 7:39pm:
So you think shore based fishing spots should be included in NTZs?

Nice one FD, you have followed one loaded question with another loaded question. Don't you realise by now I am not enthused by any NTZ?

I am asking you whether shore based fishing spots should be included or excluded. Surely you are still capable of answering the question?

Most guys, especially on the beaches, have anything up to x10 Rods going each.

I've never seen that. It would have to be a pretty slow day to get ten lines out.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by Jasignature on Mar 6th, 2012 at 10:18pm
Yeah - I don't like saying it. But the guys with heaps of rods tend to be , um ...Asian.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 7th, 2012 at 6:18am
link=1330690120/43#43 date=1331027134]
freediver wrote on Mar 6th, 2012 at 7:39pm:
So you think shore based fishing spots should be included in NTZs?

Nice one FD, you have followed one loaded question with another loaded question. Don't you realise by now I am not enthused by any NTZ?[/quote]

I am asking you whether shore based fishing spots should be included or excluded. Surely you are still capable of answering the question?

I don't support NTZ's, surely you are still capable of understanding that?

Most guys, especially on the beaches, have anything up to x10 Rods going each.

I've never seen that. It would have to be a pretty slow day to get ten lines out.[/quote]

That's BS. I have never seen anyone with anywhere near ten rods going. Firstly it's illegal. Secondly it would be impractical to carry that many, cast them , keep them baited and stay out of the way of other fishermen. More than two rods is impractical.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by Jasignature on Mar 7th, 2012 at 7:27pm
I agree PJ. But you have to see it to believe it.
I mostly see it at Stockton Beach up north as they plant em deep in the sand, and catch the salmon run.
Not every guy had x10 but one guy did. Every guy definately had more than x3 rods.
I see this more often these past 10 years. Fishermen with more than a few rods. I can only guess they are catching for restaurants and such is the common case in NZ.
I think down south a number of Aboriginals were doing such for a Restaurant and got busted last year.

I've always liked the Father & Son sitting on the wharf having a fish, but as always - people take a mile off that metre given.
...just like the Fishing Industry does. ;)

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 8th, 2012 at 4:39pm
[]I agree PJ. But you have to see it to believe it.

Looks like your seeing what you want to believe. I have fished beaches for many years and I have never seen it. Do you know what effort it would take to work up to 10 rods and the fact that you would have to take up 300 - 500m of beach?

I mostly see it at Stockton Beach up north as they plant em deep in the sand, and catch the salmon run.
Not every guy had x10 but one guy did. Every guy definately had more than x3 rods.

Whatever, in any case it is self defeating working more than one or two rods off the beach. You will just miss bites while you are casting and rebaiting them.

I see this more often these past 10 years. Fishermen with more than a few rods. I can only guess they are catching for restaurants and such is the common case in NZ.

So you don't known that salmon are very poor eating?

The will catch less fish more often than not. If your that concerned did you ring the illegal fishing hotline? If not why not?

I think down south a number of Aboriginals were doing such for a Restaurant and got busted last year.

I've always liked the Father & Son sitting on the wharf having a fish, but as always - people take a mile off that metre given.

Just an emotive device from FD. Marine parks allow fishing at spots like that because they prefer out of sight out of mind.

...just like the Fishing Industry does. ;)[/quote]

The Australian Fishing Industry is regulated by government scientists and fisheries managers. We have the most regulated/ restricted fishing industry in the World.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by Jasignature on Mar 8th, 2012 at 5:59pm
300 - 500m worth of beach ;D Don't make me laugh.
You must be crap because they just need a metre between each rod. ;D

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 8th, 2012 at 6:21pm

It_is_the_Darkness wrote on Mar 8th, 2012 at 5:59pm:
300 - 500m worth of beach ;D Don't make me laugh.
You must be crap because they just need a metre between each rod. ;D

Oh, really? Do you ever think or check out anything before you post? If you have a meter between 'up to' ten rods then you will be spending most of your time sorting out tangles! The lines move around with the wave action, on top of that there is usually a strong sideways sweep which will drag your line/ rig down the beach. Without 30-50 m between rods one line will end up on top of another very quickly.   

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 8th, 2012 at 7:44pm

I don't support NTZ's, surely you are still capable of understanding that?

I am not asking you whether you support NTZs. Would you have as much trouble answering the question if I was asking whether your favourite fishing spot should be excluded from NTZs?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 8th, 2012 at 8:21pm

freediver wrote on Mar 8th, 2012 at 7:44pm:

I don't support NTZ's, surely you are still capable of understanding that?

I am not asking you whether you support NTZs. Would you have as much trouble answering the question if I was asking whether your favourite fishing spot should be excluded from NTZs?

Do you know what loaded question is? You seem to like asking them when you have been shown to be wrong with just about everything you post.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 8th, 2012 at 10:03pm
Yes I do? Do you? Can you explain how the question is loaded? If you explain perhaps I can rephrase the question so it is harder for you to give such silly excuses for not answering.

For someone with so much to say about these principles you are remarkably coy when it comes to giving your own opinion.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 9th, 2012 at 6:06am
[120/54#54 date=1331208197]Yes I do? Do you? Can you explain how the question is loaded? If you explain perhaps I can rephrase the question so it is harder for you to give such silly excuses for not answering.

A questioned designed so that an answer will support the questioners agenda. Usually it asks for a simple yes/ no answer.

For someone with so much to say about these principles you are remarkably coy when it comes to giving your own opinion.

Your remarkably coy responding to all I have said about what is wrong with your 'principles'.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 9th, 2012 at 8:36am
That is not what a loaded question is. The reason your answer may support my agenda is because we may actually agree on certain issues and if you admit that it would be harder for you to misrepresent the contents of this particular article. I am saying that I do not think you believe what you have written here yourself, which is why you are now unable to answer such a simple question.

A loaded question involves an assumption that you cannot directly answer the question without supporting. For example:

Why are you such an idiot?

is a loaded question because you cannot give a direct answer without implying that you are an idiot. Of course, it does not take a great mental leap to be able to respond to the question without making that implication.

So lets try this again. I will include two questions this time so it is even more obvious that the question is not loaded:

Do you think shore based fishing spots should be excluded from no take zones?

Do you think your favourite fishing spot should be excluded from no take zones?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 9th, 2012 at 3:40pm
[quote author=7E6A7D7D7C716E7D6A180 link=1330690120/56#56 date=1331246174]That is not what a loaded question is. The reason your answer may support my agenda is because we may actually agree on certain issues and if you admit that it would be harder for you to misrepresent the contents of this particular article. I am saying that I do not think you believe what you have written here yourself, which is why you are now unable to answer such a simple question.

If what I have written is so unbelievable then why can't you counter it? Most of it you have simply ignored.

A loaded question involves an assumption that you cannot directly answer the question without supporting. For example:

Why are you such an idiot?

is a loaded question because you cannot give a direct answer without implying that you are an idiot. Of course, it does not take a great mental leap to be able to respond to the question without making that implication.

Yes and your questions are exactly the same. You cannot give a direct answer without implying that NTZ's are a done deal and the only legitimate debate is about where they should be placed!

PS: Asking for a yes/ no answer is another giveaway for a loaded question. 

So lets try this again. I will include two questions this time so it is even more obvious that the question is not loaded:

You have simply repeated the same questions.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by Jasignature on Mar 9th, 2012 at 7:31pm
If it was a choice between your 'pedantic' PJ, even if right to some degree
...and 'common sense'.
I know which one I would be agreeing with.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 9th, 2012 at 8:25pm
PJ subjugates all principles, including common sense itself, to his opposition to marine parks.

You cannot give a direct answer without implying that NTZ's are a done deal

So you refuse to answer the question on the grounds that it may involve acknowleding reality?

Answering the question implies nothing about your support for marine parks in general or the liklihood of their use. This is all just your overactive imagination. Either that or a really lame excuse you had to come up with when you realised you have spent a few pages arguing indirectly against a principle that you cannot bring yourself to oppose directly becuase you would then look even sillier than you do now.

and the only legitimate debate is about where they should be placed

Can you explain how answering a question implies that no other questions are worth asking?

Asking for a yes/ no answer is another giveaway for a loaded question.

I did not ask for a yes/no answer. Any kind of answer would be better than your BS excuses.

PJ, if you had the opportunity to exclude your favourite fishing spot from a NTZ, would you refuse the opportunity on the grounds that it is a loaded question?

If you had a choice between vanilla and chocolate ice cream, would you refuse to choose unless they included your favourite flavour?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by Jasignature on Mar 10th, 2012 at 3:00am

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 10th, 2012 at 6:40am
[]PJ subjugates all principles, including common sense itself, to his opposition to marine parks.

Yes you and Jagsignature like talking about 'common sense', this would seem to be code for 'it sounds like a good idea even though I know nothing about fisheries'.

You cannot give a direct answer without implying that NTZ's are a done deal

So you refuse to answer the question on the grounds that it may involve acknowleding reality?

There aren't any marine parks where I live and there aren't likely to be. Do you think about anything you post? You have just contradicted your second question.

Answering the question implies nothing about your support for marine parks in general or the liklihood of their use. This is all just your overactive imagination. Either that or a really lame excuse you had to come up with when you realised you have spent a few pages arguing indirectly against a principle that you cannot bring yourself to oppose directly becuase you would then look even sillier than you do now.

So you are saying it's a loaded question!

and the only legitimate debate is about where they should be placed

Can you explain how answering a question implies that no other questions are worth asking?

You have just explained it above.

Asking for a yes/ no answer is another giveaway for a loaded question.

I did not ask for a yes/no answer. Any kind of answer would be better than your BS excuses.

You are insisting on a yes/ no answer. Would you accept that I don't have an opinion or am not keen on either alternatve.

PJ, if you had the opportunity to exclude your favourite fishing spot from a NTZ, would you refuse the opportunity on the grounds that it is a loaded question?

I don't have any one favourite fishing spot. The one I favour also depend on the time of year, weather and other factors.

If you had a choice between vanilla and chocolate ice cream, would you refuse to choose unless they included your favourite flavour?

Trust you to compare NTZ's to yummy ice cream. What you are offering is termed a flase dichotomy. A rhetorical device comparing two unpallatable alternatives when really there are other choices available.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 10th, 2012 at 10:16am

You have just contradicted your second question.

Can you explain how it is possible to contradict a question?

So you are saying it's a loaded question!

No PJ. It is saying that it is not a loaded question. Remember, the term loaded has a meaning, beyond you being unable to give a straight answer.

You are insisting on a yes/ no answer.

Quote me.

Would you accept that I don't have an opinion or am not keen on either alternatve

It would be a little strange for you to argue against these principles for so many pages then when I turn around and ask what you think to suddenly pretend you have no opinion.

Is this what you are saying - that you do not really oppose them?

What you are offering is termed a flase dichotomy.

NO it is not PJ - any more than asking you whether vanilla or chocalate is better is a false dichotomy. It is all in your imagination.

I don't have any one favourite fishing spot. The one I favour also depend on the time of year, weather and other factors

OK I'll rephrase the question for you so that you do not get so confused by the possibilities:

PJ, if you had the opportunity to exclude your favourite fishing spots from a NTZ, would you refuse the opportunity on the grounds that it is a loaded question?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 10th, 2012 at 11:20am
link=1330690120/62#62 date=1331338575]
You have just contradicted your second question.

Can you explain how it is possible to contradict a question?

If the question is built on a premise.

So you are saying it's a loaded question!

No PJ. It is saying that it is not a loaded question. Remember, the term loaded has a meaning, beyond you being unable to give a straight answer.

In that papragraph you revealed what mileage you would make out of my potential answer.

You are insisting on a yes/ no answer.

Quote me.

See below!

Would you accept that I don't have an opinion or am not keen on either alternatve

It would be a little strange for you to argue against these principles for so many pages then when I turn around and ask what you think to suddenly pretend you have no opinion.

Is this what you are saying - that you do not really oppose them?

No , moron.

What you are offering is termed a flase dichotomy.

NO it is not PJ - any more than asking you whether vanilla or chocalate is better is a false dichotomy. It is all in your imagination.

A flat denial is not very convincing.

I don't have any one favourite fishing spot. The one I favour also depend on the time of year, weather and other factors

OK I'll rephrase the question for you so that you do not get so confused by the possibilities:

PJ, if you had the opportunity to exclude your favourite fishing spots from a NTZ, would you refuse the opportunity on the grounds that it is a loaded question?

If I took the opportunity it's merely a matter of expediency or damage limitation. If this scenario was actually happening then it would not be a loaded question - just a reality I would have to deal with. This is not the same as saying your not making a false ditchotomy or loaded question. These premises are ones you have created.

PS: are you the only one allowed to ask questions?

Do you think it is a good idea to base a marine park zoning around not including one persons favourite fishing spots in NTZ's?

How likely do you think it is that will happen?

What does it say about the merits of your policy when your ignore relevant criticisms to instead resort to time wasting loaded questions and false dichotomies?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 10th, 2012 at 12:34pm

If the question is built on a premise.

What premise? It is all your imagination.

In that papragraph you revealed what mileage you would make out of my potential answer.

That does not make it loaded. It just makes you silly.

If I took the opportunity it's merely a matter of expediency or damage limitation. If this scenario was actually happening then it would not be a loaded question - just a reality I would have to deal with. This is not the same as saying your not making a false ditchotomy or loaded question. These premises are ones you have created.

OK then PJ, if it was actually happening, what would your response be? What about the situations where it has happened elsewhere and shore based fishing has beene excluded or included? Are you allowed to have an opinion on that, or would that be a loaded opinion?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 11th, 2012 at 2:01pm
If the question is built on a premise.

What premise? It is all your imagination.

In that papragraph you revealed what mileage you would make out of my potential answer.

That does not make it loaded. It just makes you silly.

Once again your flat denials aren't convincing.

If I took the opportunity it's merely a matter of expediency or damage limitation. If this scenario was actually happening then it would not be a loaded question - just a reality I would have to deal with. This is not the same as saying your not making a false ditchotomy or loaded question. These premises are ones you have created.

OK then PJ, if it was actually happening, what would your response be? What about the situations where it has happened elsewhere and shore based fishing has beene excluded or included? Are you allowed to have an opinion on that, or would that be a loaded opinion?[/quote]

I have discussed situations of actual marine parks. Yes, some tend to leave landbased spots popular with casual fishermen open to fishing. This is merely so as not to upset the punters and have an out of sight out of mind approach.

Your approach on the other hand is merely a fisheries allocation mechanism and a poorly designed one.

In other examples of real marine parks shore based spots are included in fishing bans because they wish to include all habitat types. We have the situations of fishing bans on some beaches for instance. The effacacy of such bans is extremely doubtful, as has been pointed out by several fisheries scientists.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 11th, 2012 at 2:08pm

Once again your flat denials aren't convincing.

It is not just a flat denial. I explained to you the real meaning of a loaded question. Just because it makes you look silly does not mean it's loaded.

I have discussed situations of actual marine parks. Yes, some tend to leave landbased spots popular with casual fishermen open to fishing. This is merely so as not to upset the punters and have an out of sight out of mind approach.

Does this mean you are allowed to have an opinion on this aspect? Do you support it or oppose it? Or would that be a loaded opinion?

Your approach on the other hand is merely a fisheries allocation mechanism and a poorly designed one

Can you make a distinction between them?

In other examples of real marine parks shore based spots are included in fishing bans because they wish to include all habitat types. We have the situations of fishing bans on some beaches for instance. The effacacy of such bans is extremely doubtful, as has been pointed out by several fisheries scientists.

Is this 'effacacy' measured in terms of environmental outcomes or more direct outcomes for fishermen? Do your views on 'effacacy' ever translate into support or opposition, or would that again be a loaded opinion?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 11th, 2012 at 2:17pm
Once again your flat denials aren't convincing.

It is not just a flat denial. I explained to you the real meaning of a loaded question. Just because it makes you look silly does not mean it's loaded.

Duh, the statement this referred to was a flat denial. As to you previous explanation you offered an example - which I pointed out was very similar to your loaded question.

I have discussed situations of actual marine parks. Yes, some tend to leave landbased spots popular with casual fishermen open to fishing. This is merely so as not to upset the punters and have an out of sight out of mind approach.

Does this mean you are allowed to have an opinion on this aspect? Do you support it or oppose it? Or would that be a loaded opinion?

I am saying it is a cynical approach.

Your approach on the other hand is merely a fisheries allocation mechanism and a poorly designed one

Can you make a distinction between them?

A distinction between what?

In other examples of real marine parks shore based spots are included in fishing bans because they wish to include all habitat types. We have the situations of fishing bans on some beaches for instance. The effacacy of such bans is extremely doubtful, as has been pointed out by several fisheries scientists.

Is this 'effacacy' measured in terms of environmental outcomes or more direct outcomes for fishermen? Do your views on 'effacacy' ever translate into support or opposition, or would that again be a loaded opinion?

Why would I support a policy with no benefit? There would be no environmental or fisheries benefit from the beach fishing bans. PS: the term is loaded question not opinion!

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 11th, 2012 at 2:28pm

Duh, the statement this referred to was a flat denial.

You mean this one?

That does not make it loaded.

It is not just a flat denial. I explained to you the real meaning of a loaded question. Just because it makes you look silly does not mean it's loaded.

Do you think you look less silly getting into a disagreement over what a loaded question or a flat denail is, or more silly?

A distinction between what?

Between my approach and the other one, in refence to this from you: 
Your approach on the other hand

Do you think forgetting what you are talking about makes you look less silly, or more? Are these also loaded questions?

Why would I support a policy with no benefit? There would be no environmental or fisheries benefit from the beach fishing bans. PS: the term is loaded question not opinion!

You define a loaded question as one that makes you look silly. Hence your opinions are also loaded. Unless of course you want to switch to the real meaning of a loaded question, but that would make your frantic backpedalling over the last few pages look even more absurd.

I am saying it is a cynical approach.

Because it combines something you support in principle with something you oppose in principle? Or would that be a loaded way of explaining it?

This is merely so as not to upset the punters and have an out of sight out of mind approach.

Can you explain how having fishermen lined up in front of a marine park, looking straight at it and trying to catch fish from it, is an 'out of sight, out of mind' approach?

Do you think it is a bad thing to 'not upset the punters'?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 11th, 2012 at 2:54pm
Duh, the statement this referred to was a flat denial.

You mean this one?

That does not make it loaded.

It is not just a flat denial. I explained to you the real meaning of a loaded question. Just because it makes you look silly does not mean it's loaded.

Yes in other statement (duh), where you offered an example which basically proved my point as it was very similar to your loaded question.

Do you think you look less silly getting into a disagreement over what a loaded question or a flat denail is, or more silly?

You look silly saying that. A question loaded or not has nothing to do with a flat denial.

A distinction between what?

Between my approach and the other one, in refence to this from you: 
Your approach on the other hand

Do you think forgetting what you are talking about makes you look less silly, or more? Are these also loaded questions?

The problems was you were vague and a just wanted to make sure what you were talking about.

Why would I support a policy with no benefit? There would be no environmental or fisheries benefit from the beach fishing bans. PS: the term is loaded question not opinion!

You define a loaded question as one that makes you look silly.

No that was just you interpretion, with no actual basis.

Hence your opinions are also loaded.

There is no such term as a loaded opinion. 

Unless of course you want to switch to the real meaning of a loaded question, but that would make your frantic backpedalling over the last few pages look even more absurd.

The last few pages merely demonstrate you have lost the plot and lost the argument.

I am saying it is a cynical approach.

Because it combines something you support in principle with something you oppose in principle? Or would that be a loaded way of explaining it?

This is merely so as not to upset the punters and have an out of sight out of mind approach.

Can you explain how having fishermen lined up in front of a marine park, looking straight at it and trying to catch fish from it, is an 'out of sight, out of mind' approach?

I'm talking about existing maine parks - can you tell me of any that fit that description?

Do you think it is a bad thing to 'not upset the punters'?

It can be.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 11th, 2012 at 3:28pm

I'm talking about existing maine parks - can you tell me of any that fit that description?

Most of them tend to leave land based fishing spots open. You even alluded to this.

It can be.

Can you elaborate? Does this mean it is good to deliberatly 'upset the punters' in some situations?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 11th, 2012 at 3:58pm
I'm talking about existing maine parks - can you tell me of any that fit that description?

Most of them tend to leave land based fishing spots open. You even alluded to this.

With offshore NTZ's immediately adjacent? Plenty of them have landbased closures as well.

It can be.

Can you elaborate? Does this mean it is good to deliberatly 'upset the punters' in some situations?

Proper management does not always coincide with the most popularist approach.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 11th, 2012 at 8:56pm
So are you going to allow yourself to have an opinion or just waffle on indefinitely?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 12th, 2012 at 6:16am

freediver wrote on Mar 11th, 2012 at 8:56pm:
So are you going to allow yourself to have an opinion or just waffle on indefinitely?

Where is the 'waffle' in the last post?  Your fond of projecting your own faults onto me.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 12th, 2012 at 7:17pm

Proper management does not always coincide with the most popularist approach.

Sounds like an ancient Chinese proverb. Certainly not like someone who is not afraid to voice their opinions.

Should easily accessible land based fishing spots be excluded from NTZs? Note that this is not a question about the 'effacacy', the real reason for doing so, or whether it has actually happened. I am asking you your opinion on the idea. Do you allow yourself to have one?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 12th, 2012 at 7:39pm
Proper management does not always coincide with the most popularist approach.

Sounds like an ancient Chinese proverb. Certainly not like someone who is not afraid to voice their opinions.

Some things (such as fisheries management) are best left to the experts and professionals coupled with consultation with stakeholders. Governments do this all the time. On the other hand a lowest common denominator approach is fraught with danger and the potential for abuse.

Should easily accessible land based fishing spots be excluded from NTZs? Note that this is not a question about the 'effacacy', the real reason for doing so, or whether it has actually happened. I am asking you your opinion on the idea. Do you allow yourself to have one?

So you are asking for a yes/ no answer? Why is that so important for you?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 12th, 2012 at 7:54pm

Some things (such as fisheries management) are best left to the experts and professionals coupled with consultation with stakeholders.

I agree that you should play no part in the decision making process.

So you are asking for a yes/ no answer?

Yes/no will do if your position is that simple, but you are welcome to qualify it however you want.

Why is that so important for you?

It's what this thread is about PJ.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by Dnarever on Mar 12th, 2012 at 8:34pm
Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen

I am not going to argue about this but as a statment of fact the claim in this title is absolute rubbish.

The pre park situation was that you could basically go and fish where you like.

Now it is very confusing and impossible to just go to an unknow location to fish without some extensive research to identify which areas you can use.

All the previous rules on fish size and numbers still exist - nothing was made easier at all.

THe claim is carp.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 13th, 2012 at 6:26am

Dnarever wrote on Mar 12th, 2012 at 8:34pm:
Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen

I am not going to argue about this but as a statment of fact the claim in this title is absolute rubbish.

The pre park situation was that you could basically go and fish where you like.

Now it is very confusing and impossible to just go to an unknow location to fish without some extensive research to identify which areas you can use.

All the previous rules on fish size and numbers still exist - nothing was made easier at all.

THe claim is carp.

They have increased other regulations adjacent to marine parks to counter the displaced fishing effort from the NTZ's eg on the southern GBR closed seasons for reef fish.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 13th, 2012 at 6:37am
Some things (such as fisheries management) are best left to the experts and professionals coupled with consultation with stakeholders.

I agree that you should play no part in the decision making process.

Why is that? I am a stakeholder am I not? Do you think you should play a part when all you can do is tell lies? I know far more about fisheries than you FD and am far less biased.

So you are asking for a yes/ no answer?

Yes/no will do if your position is that simple, but you are welcome to qualify it however you want.

I can't really answer because you don't say where the actual NTZ's will be. It's all very well to say the landbased areas be left open but the end result may well be unacceptable when the NTZ's are factored in. In other words it doesn't mean much on it's own.

This line of questioning is remarkably similar to what happens when the marine park bandwagon rolls into town. The actual zoning is left vague and reassurances are given that favourite fishing spots will not be included, there will be more fish to catch from spillover etc. This is done to make it hard to oppose the concept. When the zoning is implemented the reality is sadly rather different.   

Why is that so important for you?

It's what this thread is about PJ.

No it isn't it started off as marine parks will make for simpler rules for fishermen and will benefit them in other ways as well. You got into trouble justifying this statement and resorted to rhetorical devices.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 17th, 2012 at 12:40pm

The pre park situation was that you could basically go and fish where you like.

If they are implimented properly, this situation will not change for the majority of fishermen. However, to claim that this is the extent of the complexity of fisheries regulations is absurd.

All the previous rules on fish size and numbers still exist - nothing was made easier at all.

Hence my suggestion that they be approached from a fisheries management perspective.

I can't really answer because you don't say where the actual NTZ's will be.

Would it make a difference to whether you would support keeping the land based spots open? Or are you just making stuff up?

No it isn't it started off as marine parks will make for simpler rules for fishermen and will benefit them in other ways as well. You got into trouble justifying this statement and resorted to rhetorical devices.

One of the ways to ensure that marine parks mean simpler rules for fishermen is to leave open the easily accessible shore based fishing spots. Do you support this principle? Do you see in the opening post where this is the first principle I put forward? Why are you so afraid to give your opinion on it? Why do you think I ought to argue with you about these principles when you appear to support them but won't admit it?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 17th, 2012 at 6:43pm
The pre park situation was that you could basically go and fish where you like.

If they are implimented properly, this situation will not change for the majority of fishermen.

So the majority does not include people who own a boat or fish out of someone elses? Also is the inference then that our marine parks have not been implemented properly?

However, to claim that this is the extent of the complexity of fisheries regulations is absurd.

That's not what was suggested.

All the previous rules on fish size and numbers still exist - nothing was made easier at all.

Hence my suggestion that they be approached from a fisheries management perspective.

Your original post says they were implemented by our fisheries management authorities.

I can't really answer because you don't say where the actual NTZ's will be.

Would it make a difference to whether you would support keeping the land based spots open? Or are you just making stuff up?

I'd keep all spots open to recreational fishing. Is that clear enough?

No it isn't it started off as marine parks will make for simpler rules for fishermen and will benefit them in other ways as well. You got into trouble justifying this statement and resorted to rhetorical devices.

One of the ways to ensure that marine parks mean simpler rules for fishermen is to leave open the easily accessible shore based fishing spots. Do you support this principle? Do you see in the opening post where this is the first principle I put forward? Why are you so afraid to give your opinion on it? Why do you think I ought to argue with you about these principles when you appear to support them but won't admit it?[/quote]

They are already open to fishing - at least where marine parks don't exist.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 17th, 2012 at 7:05pm

I'd keep all spots open to recreational fishing. Is that clear enough?

You still appear incapable of making the mental leap of separating this priniple from your stance on marine parks in general.

Suppose you did not have a choice about the use of no take zones. I believe you even admitted to supporting them in some circumstances. It is easy enough to exclude accessible land based fishing spots from them. Would you support that?

Should land based spots take priority over spots that can only be accessed by boat?

They are already open to fishing - at least where marine parks don't exist.

And in almost all cases, they are open to fishing where marine parks do exist.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 18th, 2012 at 10:30am
I'd keep all spots open to recreational fishing. Is that clear enough?

You still appear incapable of making the mental leap of separating this priniple from your stance on marine parks in general.

Suppose you did not have a choice about the use of no take zones. I believe you even admitted to supporting them in some circumstances. It is easy enough to exclude accessible land based fishing spots from them. Would you support that?

It's called a false dichotomy FD, why are you incapable of making the mental leap to understand that?

Should land based spots take priority over spots that can only be accessed by boat?

You can make a reasonable case for that. Then again you can make a case for safe easily accessable boat fishing spots to have a priority too. These will be NTZ's under your plan.

They are already open to fishing - at least where marine parks don't exist.

And in almost all cases, they are open to fishing where marine parks do exist.

Rubbish. There are plenty of such spots in NTZ's. In NSW people have bought houses next to a  beach so they can walk down to fish off the beach, only to have them declared NTZ's!

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 18th, 2012 at 10:39am

It's called a false dichotomy FD, why are you incapable of making the mental leap to understand that?

So first it was a loaded question, now it is a false dichotomy? Are you suggesting that no take zones are imaginary?

You can make a reasonable case for that.

Spoken like a true politician. Does this mean you support it? Or do you reject reasonable arguments if it involves loaded dichotomies?

Then again you can make a case for safe easily accessable boat fishing spots to have a priority too. These will be NTZ's under your plan.

No they won't. If you actually read the article you will see it states the opposite.

Rubbish. There are plenty of such spots in NTZ's. In NSW people have bought houses next to a  beach so they can walk down to fish off the beach, only to have them declared NTZ's!

Is this is a good thing or a bad thing PJ? Or is it merely something that a case could be made for and/or against without actually taking a stand?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 18th, 2012 at 1:16pm
[link=1330690120/84#84 date=1332031176]
It's called a false dichotomy FD, why are you incapable of making the mental leap to understand that?

So first it was a loaded question, now it is a false dichotomy?

There are similarities, you could use both terms to describe the same phrase.

Are you suggesting that no take zones are imaginary?

I'm suggesting there not inevitable.

You can make a reasonable case for that.

Spoken like a true politician. Does this mean you support it? Or do you reject reasonable arguments if it involves loaded dichotomies?

The argument is about whether marine parks make for simpler rules for fishermen and better fishing.

Then again you can make a case for safe easily accessable boat fishing spots to have a priority too. These will be NTZ's under your plan.

No they won't. If you actually read the article you will see it states the opposite.

No, you just made the bland assertion they won't. In fact the whole premise of you policy is based on banning boat fishing close to land - as can be seen by the maps you put up.


Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 18th, 2012 at 3:14pm

I'm suggesting there not inevitable.

Is the question of whether shore based fishing spots should be included irrelevant?

The argument is about whether marine parks make for simpler rules for fishermen and better fishing

Do I need to start a new thread to ask the same question that I have been trying to get a straight answer on for 5 pages? would you duck and weave like you have been here?

No, you just made the bland assertion they won't.

PJ, the article is not a prediction of what will happen. It is a suggestion of what should happen.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 19th, 2012 at 6:02am
Do I need to start a new thread to ask the same question that I have been trying to get a straight answer on for 5 pages? would you duck and weave like you have been here?

I have answered it - if you don't like the answer too bad. PS: you have largely ignored my own, more pertinent questions. Talk about a double standard.

PJ, the article is not a prediction of what will happen. It is a suggestion of what should happen. [/quote]

So there is no field evidence of marine parks being the ideal fisheries management tool or that fishermen will benefit?

Your perfectly happy to point out failures in traditional fisheries management, no matter how lacking in relevance due to time, or that they are from other countries or that the fisheries scientists weren't actually listented to. Your just a one eyed advocate who knows little about the subject matter.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 19th, 2012 at 8:58am

I have answered it

You have given tons of excuses for not answering it, and 'suggested' what an answer might be, but have not actually answered the question. Does suggesting that a reasonable argument could be made in favour of the principle mean you actually support it? Or does it just mean you reject it in the face of reason?

So there is no field evidence of marine parks being the ideal fisheries management tool or that fishermen will benefit?

Wrong PJ. I was merely pointing out for your benefit what the article was about. Please try to read what I actually post, not what you want to see.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 19th, 2012 at 3:42pm
[link=1330690120/88#88 date=1332111503]
I have answered it

You have given tons of excuses for not answering it, and 'suggested' what an answer might be, but have not actually answered the question. Does suggesting that a reasonable argument could be made in favour of the principle mean you actually support it? Or does it just mean you reject it in the face of reason?

So you are asking for a yes/ no answer. Why is that?

So there is no field evidence of marine parks being the ideal fisheries management tool or that fishermen will benefit?

Wrong PJ. I was merely pointing out for your benefit what the article was about. Please try to read what I actually post, not what you want to see.

Sure sounded like it. It at least represents a double standard, ie with regards to your depiction of the record of traditional fisheries management.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 19th, 2012 at 7:30pm

So you are asking for a yes/ no answer. Why is that?

After 6 pages I think something a bit more substantial than 'a reasonable argument can be made' is in order. For example, would you agree with such an argument? Is the 'reasonable argument' the one that I have made, or something different?

Sure sounded like it.

Not sure why. It is not what I posted.

It at least represents a double standard

PJ, the only thing it 'depicts' is what it actually says. The rest is your imagination.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 19th, 2012 at 7:40pm
[link=1330690120/90#90 date=1332149457]
So you are asking for a yes/ no answer. Why is that?

After 6 pages I think something a bit more substantial than 'a reasonable argument can be made' is in order. For example, would you agree with such an argument? Is the 'reasonable argument' the one that I have made, or something different?

I have made many substantive points over the last six pages. If you are refering to you silly diversion (taking one part of your marine park plan in total isolation), that only came up after several pages.

Sure sounded like it.

Not sure why. It is not what I posted.

It at least represents a double standard

PJ, the only thing it 'depicts' is what it actually says. The rest is your imagination.

Well can you elaborate as to what this meant? :

"PJ, the article is not a prediction of what will happen. It is a suggestion of what should happen".

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 19th, 2012 at 8:58pm

I have made many substantive points over the last six pages.

I am sure you consider your points to be substantive, but that is not the same thing as answering the question that was put to you - do you support the principle of excluding shore based spots from NTZs? No amount of pertinent point making can make up for you inability to give a straight answer to such a simple question.

If you are refering to you silly diversion (taking one part of your marine park plan in total isolation), that only came up after several pages.

Do you think the question of excluding shore based fishing spots is irrelevant?

Well can you elaborate as to what this meant? :

OK PJ I will go over it bit by bit for you.

You said this:

Then again you can make a case for safe easily accessable boat fishing spots to have a priority too. These will be NTZ's under your plan.

Then I said this:

No they won't. If you actually read the article you will see it states the opposite.

Then you said this:

No, you just made the bland assertion they won't.

If my article asserts that such fishing spots should be left open, then there is nothing more I can add. For you to insist that my 'plan' is the opposite of what my article states is absurd.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 20th, 2012 at 12:03am
link=1330690120/92#92 date=1332154688]
I have made many substantive points over the last six pages.

I am sure you consider your points to be substantive, but that is not the same thing as answering the question that was put to you - do you support the principle of excluding shore based spots from NTZs? No amount of pertinent point making can make up for you inability to give a straight answer to such a simple question.

Your a bit simple aren't you?

If you are refering to you silly diversion (taking one part of your marine park plan in total isolation), that only came up after several pages.

Do you think the question of excluding shore based fishing spots is irrelevant?

Well it's not particularly relevent. As I have pointed out a lot of these 'easily accessible landbased spots' aren't particularly productive and are prone to overcrowding. If you you expect me to be overjoyed at being thrown such a morsel you are mistaken.

Well can you elaborate as to what this meant? :

OK PJ I will go over it bit by bit for you.

You said this:

Then again you can make a case for safe easily accessable boat fishing spots to have a priority too. These will be NTZ's under your plan.

Then I said this:

No they won't. If you actually read the article you will see it states the opposite.

Then you said this:

No, you just made the bland assertion they won't.

If my article asserts that such fishing spots should be left open, then there is nothing more I can add. For you to insist that my 'plan' is the opposite of what my article states is absurd. [/quote]

Your forgetting the little matter of the maps you have put up in the past - where it looks very much like the safe boats spots close to shore are off limits. As to your article there is a contradiction between shore based fishermen casting towards NTZ's near the shore and then saying you will allow boat fishing near the shore!

PS: you still haven't explained what the statement in bold means.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 20th, 2012 at 8:31am

Well it's not particularly relevent. As I have pointed out a lot of these 'easily accessible landbased spots' aren't particularly productive and are prone to overcrowding. If you you expect me to be overjoyed at being thrown such a morsel you are mistaken.

So the fact that so many people want to fish from these locations means it is irrelevant whether they are banned from doing so?

Do you only care about yourself?

Your forgetting the little matter of the maps you have put up in the past - where it looks very much like the safe boats spots close to shore are off limits.

Those maps are still there and have not changed since I first put them up. Most are in enclosed waters. Feel free to suggest any improvements. Just because it is close to the shore does not mean it is a particularly safe spot for boats.

As to your article there is a contradiction between shore based fishermen casting towards NTZ's near the shore and then saying you will allow boat fishing near the shore!

There is no contradiction because it does not actually say that boat fishing will be allowed near the shore. It syas that boat fishing spots that are protected from the prevailing winds etc should be left open. This does not apply for the vast majority of the shoreline. Where it does it is simple to accomodate.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 20th, 2012 at 3:56pm
link=1330690120/94#94 date=1332196294]
Well it's not particularly relevent. As I have pointed out a lot of these 'easily accessible landbased spots' aren't particularly productive and are prone to overcrowding. If you you expect me to be overjoyed at being thrown such a morsel you are mistaken.

So the fact that so many people want to fish from these locations means it is irrelevant whether they are banned from doing so?

It's more of a case that such spots are limited, eg due to private property, lack of accessability, natural features like shallow water, mangroves etc.

Do you only care about yourself?

There are plenty more like me, that's why boating is popular.

Your forgetting the little matter of the maps you have put up in the past - where it looks very much like the safe boats spots close to shore are off limits.

Those maps are still there and have not changed since I first put them up. Most are in enclosed waters.

Enclosed waters can be rough if you fishing from a kayak for instance.

Feel free to suggest any improvements. Just because it is close to the shore does not mean it is a particularly safe spot for boats.

If the wind is blowing from the shore then you get a lee effect.

As to your article there is a contradiction between shore based fishermen casting towards NTZ's near the shore and then saying you will allow boat fishing near the shore!

There is no contradiction because it does not actually say that boat fishing will be allowed near the shore. It syas that boat fishing spots that are protected from the prevailing winds etc should be left open. This does not apply for the vast majority of the shoreline. Where it does it is simple to accomodate.

It's not simple at all. The 'prevailing wind' changes from day to day. Also the reason you buy a boat is for mobility and you want to take that away.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 20th, 2012 at 3:57pm

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 20th, 2012 at 5:55pm

It's more of a case that such spots are limited, eg due to private property, lack of accessability

I am having trouble figuring out what your point is. Are you trying to say that easily accessible shore based fishing spots are difficult to access, or that they are irrelevant because they are not many of them?

There are plenty more like me, that's why boating is popular

I have not come accross any other boat fishos who argue that shore based fishermen don't count because they don't try hard enough. Some may think that, but they would be too smart to actually say it.

Enclosed waters can be rough if you fishing from a kayak for instance.

Not in my experience. I often take my fishing kayak through the surf. It would be hard to imagine any enclosed waters coming close. In any case, all of the examples I gave from enclosed waters are for a small fraction from a large body of enclosed water. The first thing I would do in a yak in these enclosed waters is get away from the most heavily fished spots, and the proposals do not cut out any sites that are unique in terms of protection from wind or chop from any direction. If you can suggest any ways that the proposals could be improved from the perspecvtive of kayak fishermen, go ahead.

If the wind is blowing from the shore then you get a lee effect.

And if you have a boat you have the entire shoreline available to you and would usually choose a spot that is not as heavily fished by shore based anglers.

Also the reason you buy a boat is for mobility and you want to take that away

No I don't. That is a stupid conclusion to draw.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 20th, 2012 at 6:27pm
It's more of a case that such spots are limited, eg due to private property, lack of accessability

I am having trouble figuring out what your point is. Are you trying to say that easily accessible shore based fishing spots are difficult to access, or that they are irrelevant because they are not many of them?

I merely pointed out they are prone to overcrowding because they are limited in number.

There are plenty more like me, that's why boating is popular

I have not come accross any other boat fishos who argue that shore based fishermen don't count because they don't try hard enough. Some may think that, but they would be too smart to actually say it.

Don't project you own faults on to me. Remember your the only one deciding who can fish where.

Enclosed waters can be rough if you fishing from a kayak for instance.

Not in my experience. I often take my fishing kayak through the surf. It would be hard to imagine any enclosed waters coming close.
If the wind is blowing from the shore then you get a lee effect.

There often shallow so the wind can whip up steep waves. These waters can be more dangerous than the ocean.

And if you have a boat you have the entire shoreline available to you and would usually choose a spot that is not as heavily fished by shore based anglers.

Then why do we need your micro management?

Also the reason you buy a boat is for mobility and you want to take that away

No I don't. That is a stupid conclusion to draw.[/quote]

You want to limit where you can use the boat.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 20th, 2012 at 7:44pm

I merely pointed out they are prone to overcrowding because they are limited in number.

And we have come full circle, back to the original idiotic statement that started this:

Well it's not particularly relevent. As I have pointed out a lot of these 'easily accessible landbased spots' aren't particularly productive and are prone to overcrowding.

Can you explain (without going off on a tangent about why they are popular) how the popularity of these spots makes them less relevant rather than more relvant when it comes to deciding whether they should be excluded from NTZs? Is it back to the argument that it is irrelevant because the people don't matter because you have no respect for them as fishermen?

Don't project you own faults on to me

You are the one who argued that these fishermen don't count.

These waters can be more dangerous than the ocean.

Only in very large bays - in which case there would be plenty of other boat fishing spots around.

Then why do we need your micro management?

Why do you keep using the term need? Are you suggesting that the selection of specific locations for NTZs is the sort of micromanagement we should not even bother with and we should leave it up to the vagaries of bureacracy instead? We do not 'need' good management that takes the interests of fishermen into account, but it is a lot better than what you appear to propose.

You want to limit where you can use the boat.

This has no impact at all on the ability of a boat to move. If anything it would encourage boaties to take more advantage of the mobility by not anchoring up in front of the boat ramp if there is a bunch of people shore fishing there.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 21st, 2012 at 6:48pm
I merely pointed out they are prone to overcrowding because they are limited in number.

And we have come full circle, back to the original idiotic statement that started this:

Well it's not particularly relevent. As I have pointed out a lot of these 'easily accessible landbased spots' aren't particularly productive and are prone to overcrowding.

Can you explain (without going off on a tangent about why they are popular) how the popularity of these spots makes them less relevant rather than more relvant when it comes to deciding whether they should be excluded from NTZs? Is it back to the argument that it is irrelevant because the people don't matter because you have no respect for them as fishermen?

Your hare-brained scheme is about having the whole design of NTZ's to favour landbased fishing, not quite the same as what you have just depicted. On top of that you haven't demonstrated any likelyhood they will benefit.   

Don't project you own faults on to me

You are the one who argued that these fishermen don't count.

No thats what you have attributed to me. I don't want to stop them fishing.

These waters can be more dangerous than the ocean.

Only in very large bays - in which case there would be plenty of other boat fishing spots around.

Then why do we need your micro management?

Why do you keep using the term need? Are you suggesting that the selection of specific locations for NTZs is the sort of micromanagement we should not even bother with and we should leave it up to the vagaries of bureacracy instead? We do not 'need' good management that takes the interests of fishermen into account, but it is a lot better than what you appear to propose.

How would you know what our interests are given that your not a fisherman (ie angler)?

You want to limit where you can use the boat.

This has no impact at all on the ability of a boat to move. If anything it would encourage boaties to take more advantage of the mobility by not anchoring up in front of the boat ramp if there is a bunch of people shore fishing there.

They tend to give shore anglers a wide berth anyway without your silly rules.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 21st, 2012 at 7:46pm
PJ you still haven't been able to explain what this comment means:

Well it's not particularly relevent. As I have pointed out a lot of these 'easily accessible landbased spots' aren't particularly productive and are prone to overcrowding.

Can you explain how the popularity of these spots makes them less relevant rather than more relvant when it comes to deciding whether they should be excluded from NTZs?

On top of that you haven't demonstrated any likelyhood they will benefit.

Are you denying that they would benefit from not having their fishing spots banned?

How would you know what our interests are given that your not a fisherman (ie angler)?

You really don't mind making it up as you go along do you?

They tend to give shore anglers a wide berth anyway without your silly rules.

So why complain so much about them? If boat fishermen tend to avoid these spots anyway, doesn't that make them ideal locations for a fishing ban?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 22nd, 2012 at 4:45pm
[link=1330690120/101#101 date=1332323169]PJ you still haven't been able to explain what this comment means:

Well it's not particularly relevent. As I have pointed out a lot of these 'easily accessible landbased spots' aren't particularly productive and are prone to overcrowding.

Can you explain how the popularity of these spots makes them less relevant rather than more relvant when it comes to deciding whether they should be excluded from NTZs?

I don't want to make them NTZ's. PS: 'overcrowded' is not synonomous with 'popular'.

On top of that you haven't demonstrated any likelyhood they will benefit.

Are you denying that they would benefit from not having their fishing spots banned?

I don't want to ban them. What sort of twisted logic is that?

How would you know what our interests are given that your not a fisherman (ie angler)?

You really don't mind making it up as you go along do you?

You have never given any idication you are an angler or that you have an more than a superficial knowledge of the sport.

They tend to give shore anglers a wide berth anyway without your silly rules.

So why complain so much about them? If boat fishermen tend to avoid these spots anyway, doesn't that make them ideal locations for a fishing ban?

I was responding to your point about boat fishermen stopping to fish right next to the boat ramp. You plan involves far more than that.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 22nd, 2012 at 5:59pm

I don't want to make them NTZ's.

You have a knack for appearing to have no clue what the question is PJ.

This is what I actually asked, in response to your claim that they are less relevant:

Can you explain how the popularity of these spots makes them less relevant rather than more relvant when it comes to deciding whether they should be excluded from NTZs?

How many times do I have to ask the same question before you can give a straight answer? This entire thread has been nothing but an elaborate game of backpedalling by you on every issue.

PS: 'overcrowded' is not synonomous with 'popular'.

In this context it means the same thing. Having lots of people in the one spots means both that it is overcroded and that it is popular. Try arguing your way out of this one. I imagine it will be as much fun as you trying to backpedal from your claim that they ae irrelevant because they are popular.

I don't want to ban them. What sort of twisted logic is that?

Again PJ, you appear to have forgotten what we were actually talking about. The question was specifically about whether they would benefit, in response to you bringing this up. Were you asking me to prove something that you already agree with, or do you actually think these fishermen would see no benefit in having their spots kept out of NTZs?

I was responding to your point about boat fishermen stopping to fish right next to the boat ramp. You plan involves far more than that.

It is a set of principles, not a plan and does not have any scope at all.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 22nd, 2012 at 6:27pm
I don't want to make them NTZ's.

You have a knack for appearing to have no clue what the question is PJ.

This is what I actually asked, in response to your claim that they are less relevant:

Can you explain how the popularity of these spots makes them less relevant rather than more relvant when it comes to deciding whether they should be excluded from NTZs?

How many times do I have to ask the same question before you can give a straight answer? This entire thread has been nothing but an elaborate game of backpedalling by you on every issue.

It takes a special type of moron to persist with these sort of rhetorical devices. The thread was about marine parks giving simpler rules for fishermen as well as other benefits. You are the one who came up with the diversion of obvious rhetorical devices.

PS: 'overcrowded' is not synonomous with 'popular'.

In this context it means the same thing. Having lots of people in the one spots means both that it is overcroded and that it is popular. Try arguing your way out of this one.

It's quite simple; if the spots are limited in number and space it doesn't take many fishermen to overcrowd them does it? Try arguing out of that!

I don't want to ban them. What sort of twisted logic is that?

Again PJ, you appear to have forgotten what we were actually talking about. The question was specifically about whether they would benefit, in response to you bringing this up. Were you asking me to prove something that you already agree with, or do you actually think these fishermen would see no benefit in having their spots kept out of NTZs?

You really thought about that! You proposal is merely about keeping the status quo, there is therefore no direct benefit or detriment.

I was responding to your point about boat fishermen stopping to fish right next to the boat ramp. You plan involves far more than that.

It is a set of principles, not a plan and does not have any scope at all.

At some point it has to become specific.

PS: have you forgotten that you drew up maps?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 23rd, 2012 at 8:26am

It takes a special type of moron to persist with these sort of rhetorical devices. The thread was about marine parks giving simpler rules for fishermen as well as other benefits. You are the one who came up with the diversion of obvious rhetorical devices.

PJ we have been over this before. I have offered to start a new thread for you. Is that what it takes to get you to say whether you agree with the first principle I outlined in the opening post of this thread? Perhaps if you read the opening post (for the first time?) or check the seven pages of discussion you will realise that this is what this thread is about.

It's quite simple; if the spots are limited in number and space it doesn't take many fishermen to overcrowd them does it? Try arguing out of that!

I am not saying they are not overcrowded. I am saying that they are popular. You appear to be under the delusion that being able to explain why they are popular means they are not popular. Can you explain how you go from being able to explainw hy they are popular to saying it doesn't matter whether fishermen get locked out of them?

You really thought about that! You proposal is merely about keeping the status quo, there is therefore no direct benefit or detriment

No PJ. The principles I outlined will only come into play when there is a change happening, when a decision has to be made on whether to exclude shore based fishing spots from NTZs. This has not always happened. Furthermore, the later principles will result in an actual direct benefit and a change. I would like to discuss these with you also, but seeing as we have spent 7 pages going over your idiotic excuses for not admitting whether you support or oppose the first principle this may not happen for a few years.

At some point it has to become specific

Sure, the principle can be applied in all sorts of circumstances. If you would feel more comfortable voicing your support for or opposition to it in specific circumstances, go ahead, but I can't see how you would support it in some situations and oppose it in others. Is this just another silly excuse for you being afraid to give your opinion?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 24th, 2012 at 12:26pm
It takes a special type of moron to persist with these sort of rhetorical devices. The thread was about marine parks giving simpler rules for fishermen as well as other benefits. You are the one who came up with the diversion of obvious rhetorical devices.

PJ we have been over this before. I have offered to start a new thread for you. Is that what it takes to get you to say whether you agree with the first principle I outlined in the opening post of this thread? Perhaps if you read the opening post (for the first time?) or check the seven pages of discussion you will realise that this is what this thread is about.

As I recall you started up this thread after you were caught telling lies on the previous thread.

It's quite simple; if the spots are limited in number and space it doesn't take many fishermen to overcrowd them does it? Try arguing out of that!

I am not saying they are not overcrowded. I am saying that they are popular. You appear to be under the delusion that being able to explain why they are popular means they are not popular. Can you explain how you go from being able to explainw hy they are popular to saying it doesn't matter whether fishermen get locked out of them?

If you recall you were using a weight of numbers argument. Just because these spots tend to be overcrowded doesn't mean that they are frequented by a large proportion of fishermen.

Also these spots are favoured by a segment of fishermen merely because they are easily accessible. They tend to be very casual fishermen and it is a valid argument as to why you would want to make fisheries management revolve around those with very little commitment to the sport. While your at it why don't you make tennis nets lower or snooker pockets larger?   

You really thought about that! You proposal is merely about keeping the status quo, there is therefore no direct benefit or detriment

No PJ. The principles I outlined will only come into play when there is a change happening, when a decision has to be made on whether to exclude shore based fishing spots from NTZs. This has not always happened. Furthermore, the later principles will result in an actual direct benefit and a change. I would like to discuss these with you also, but seeing as we have spent 7 pages going over your idiotic excuses for not admitting whether you support or oppose the first principle this may not happen for a few years.

Any high school debating team member would know what a false dichotomy like that is and would refrain from such tactic lest they be deducted points.And I have demonstrated why there would be no direct benefit to shore anglers

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 24th, 2012 at 2:35pm

Just because these spots tend to be overcrowded doesn't mean that they are frequented by a large proportion of fishermen.

Again PJ, I did not say 'they are frequented by a large proportion of fishermen'. I said they are popular. How many times can you misunderstand such a simple statement?

Also these spots are favoured by a segment of fishermen merely because they are easily accessible. They tend to be very casual fishermen and it is a valid argument as to why you would want to make fisheries management revolve around those with very little commitment to the sport.

Are you talking about your argument, the one you cannot make up your mind about whether to peddle backwards or forwards on? Didn't you disown this argument only a few posts ago? Can you spell it out for me so you don't have to keep denying that you said it?

Any high school debating team member would know what a false dichotomy like that is

It is not false PJ, it is real. Marine parks are not imaginary and decisions like this are made all the time. Nor is it a dichotomy. It is a set of five principles that gives you an infinite number of options. Nor is this high school debating. It is about actual policy.

And I have demonstrated why there would be no direct benefit to shore anglers

Can you spell this one out too please? Your arguments tend to vaporise into thin air the moment I try to criticise them.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 25th, 2012 at 7:01pm
Just because these spots tend to be overcrowded doesn't mean that they are frequented by a large proportion of fishermen.

Again PJ, I did not say 'they are frequented by a large proportion of fishermen'. I said they are popular. How many times can you misunderstand such a simple statement?

You also used a weight of numbers arguement to justify shore based anglers being favoured.

Also these spots are favoured by a segment of fishermen merely because they are easily accessible. They tend to be very casual fishermen and it is a valid argument as to why you would want to make fisheries management revolve around those with very little commitment to the sport.

Are you talking about your argument, the one you cannot make up your mind about whether to peddle backwards or forwards on? Didn't you disown this argument only a few posts ago?

Not at all.

Can you spell it out for me so you don't have to keep denying that you said it?

It looks perfectly clear to me.

Any high school debating team member would know what a false dichotomy like that is

It is not false PJ, it is real. Marine parks are not imaginary and decisions like this are made all the time. Nor is it a dichotomy. It is a set of five principles that gives you an infinite number of options.

Duh, except not having a marine park!


And I have demonstrated why there would be no direct benefit to shore anglers

Can you spell this one out too please? Your arguments tend to vaporise into thin air the moment I try to criticise them.

They vaporise because you do not respond to them.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 25th, 2012 at 7:17pm

Also these spots are favoured by a segment of fishermen merely because they are easily accessible. They tend to be very casual fishermen and it is a valid argument as to why you would want to make fisheries management revolve around those with very little commitment to the sport.

Well it's not particularly relevent. As I have pointed out a lot of these 'easily accessible landbased spots' aren't particularly productive and are prone to overcrowding. If you you expect me to be overjoyed at being thrown such a morsel you are mistaken.

So what point are you trying to make with these statements PJ? All I can make out is that you want to get as close to disagreeing with the principle as you can without actually saying that you disagree with it.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by Jasignature on Mar 26th, 2012 at 7:45pm

Why can't the Fishing Industry create more fish than there originally was 200 years ago, let alone what there is (left) today?????


Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 26th, 2012 at 8:03pm
They can, in farms.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 26th, 2012 at 8:21pm

freediver wrote on Mar 25th, 2012 at 7:17pm:

Also these spots are favoured by a segment of fishermen merely because they are easily accessible. They tend to be very casual fishermen and it is a valid argument as to why you would want to make fisheries management revolve around those with very little commitment to the sport.

[quote]Well it's not particularly relevent. As I have pointed out a lot of these 'easily accessible landbased spots' aren't particularly productive and are prone to overcrowding. If you you expect me to be overjoyed at being thrown such a morsel you are mistaken.

So what point are you trying to make with these statements PJ? All I can make out is that you want to get as close to disagreeing with the principle as you can without actually saying that you disagree with it.[/quote]

It's fairly self evident isn't it? These spots aren't particularly high value and they won't fish better under your plan in any case.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 26th, 2012 at 8:23pm

It_is_the_Darkness wrote on Mar 26th, 2012 at 7:45pm:

Why can't the Fishing Industry create more fish than there originally was 200 years ago, let alone what there is (left) today?????


The idea of fisheries management is not to maximise the fish population.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by Jasignature on Mar 26th, 2012 at 10:30pm
I understand. Shame really, those 'grain' fed pens and grain fed live catches just don't taste the same.

Pity the Fishing Industry and humanity in general can't adapt to a natural world in a productive manner without compromising the 'natural' order of things.

All this 'harvesting' and no real 'sowing'. Quite 'stupid' really, if not 'backwards'. :-?

I'm sure though that things will eventually improve ...or humanity is just a precedence. ;) for something better.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 27th, 2012 at 7:46am

pjb05 wrote on Mar 26th, 2012 at 8:21pm:

freediver wrote on Mar 25th, 2012 at 7:17pm:

Also these spots are favoured by a segment of fishermen merely because they are easily accessible. They tend to be very casual fishermen and it is a valid argument as to why you would want to make fisheries management revolve around those with very little commitment to the sport.

[quote]Well it's not particularly relevent. As I have pointed out a lot of these 'easily accessible landbased spots' aren't particularly productive and are prone to overcrowding. If you you expect me to be overjoyed at being thrown such a morsel you are mistaken.

So what point are you trying to make with these statements PJ? All I can make out is that you want to get as close to disagreeing with the principle as you can without actually saying that you disagree with it.

It's fairly self evident isn't it? These spots aren't particularly high value and they won't fish better under your plan in any case. [/quote]

In what sense are they low value - ie how do you measure this value?

As for the argument that they won't fish any better, that is just stupid.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 27th, 2012 at 3:59pm
In what sense are they low value - ie how do you measure this value?

Not generally very productive, limited space means overcrowding.

As for the argument that they won't fish any better, that is just stupid.[/quote]

Why is it stupid? As I have pointed out you are not going to get any significant spillover effect in fisheries that are already well managed, your NTZ's don't take into account the range and habits of popular species, and you ignore the fact that a lot of these areas are recreational fishing havens.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 27th, 2012 at 6:08pm

Not generally very productive, limited space means overcrowding.

So you think the fact that they are popular is irrelevant? Does this mean we shouldignore issues like accesibility and popularity in choosing NTZs? Or is your comment about value a completely moot point?

Why is it stupid? As I have pointed out you are not going to get any significant spillover effect in fisheries that are already well managed

What about transfer of effort?

Also, the most heavily fished land based spots tend to be the most prone to overfishing because the recreational fishing effort cannot be micromanaged the same way the commercial sector can, and the people fishing these spots obviously cannot respond to actual catch rate the same way pros do either.

your NTZ's don't take into account the range and habits of popular species

The spillover effect (and any similar transfer of effort) tends to be highly localised. This is one of the most firmly established observations. Obviously if this were not the case it would decrease the effectiveness of the principles outlined. But is the case.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 27th, 2012 at 6:49pm
Not generally very productive, limited space means overcrowding.

So you think the fact that they are popular is irrelevant? Does this mean we shouldignore issues like accesibility and popularity in choosing NTZs? Or is your comment about value a completely moot point?

I don't want to make them NTZ's.

Why is it stupid? As I have pointed out you are not going to get any significant spillover effect in fisheries that are already well managed

What about transfer of effort?

What about it?

Also, the most heavily fished land based spots tend to be the most prone to overfishing because the recreational fishing effort cannot be micromanaged the same way the commercial sector can, and the people fishing these spots obviously cannot respond to actual catch rate the same way pros do either.

Recreational fishing is dilute, ie spread out in space and time. It doesn't need to be 'micromanaged'. Also how to you work out that htese spots are overfished when most of the species are wide ranging and we are talking about small areas?

your NTZ's don't take into account the range and habits of popular species

The spillover effect (and any similar transfer of effort) tends to be highly localised. This is one of the most firmly established observations. Obviously if this were not the case it would decrease the effectiveness of the principles outlined. But is the case.[/quote]

Really? Give me some examples then. I will make it easier, tell me where there has been demonstrated a statistically significant increase in fish numbers inside a NTZ in NSW waters.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 30th, 2012 at 7:43pm

pjb05 wrote on Mar 18th, 2012 at 10:30am:
You can make a reasonable case for that.

Can you explain what that reasonable case is?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Mar 31st, 2012 at 9:48am

freediver wrote on Mar 30th, 2012 at 7:43pm:

pjb05 wrote on Mar 18th, 2012 at 10:30am:
You can make a reasonable case for that.

Can you explain what that reasonable case is?

It would be helpful and more meaningful if you put up the whole quote instead of chopping it in half.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Mar 31st, 2012 at 10:08am
That's what the link is for.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 4th, 2012 at 8:24pm
PJ do you need me to quote the entire post before you can respond? Will you get confused about which bit I am asking you about?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Apr 4th, 2012 at 9:05pm

freediver wrote on Apr 4th, 2012 at 8:24pm:
PJ do you need me to quote the entire post before you can respond? Will you get confused about which bit I am asking you about?

I didn't say anything about putting up the entire post. I merely pointed out you chopped my quote in half, no doubt to distort it's meaning.

PS: why is it that you can simply ignore my points and questions?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 10th, 2012 at 8:50pm
Is the meaning distorted?

Can you explain what that reasonable case is? Or is this just another desperate attempt to change the topic?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 12th, 2012 at 6:31pm
I've never seen someone so afraid of their own opinion.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Apr 12th, 2012 at 8:32pm

freediver wrote on Apr 12th, 2012 at 6:31pm:
I've never seen someone so afraid of their own opinion.

Your mind is like a sieve. We have been over this before.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 12th, 2012 at 9:27pm
Do you mean where you spent the last 9 pages giving pissweak excuses for why you cannot even give your opinion?

What are you so afraid of?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Apr 13th, 2012 at 5:08pm

freediver wrote on Apr 12th, 2012 at 9:27pm:
Do you mean where you spent the last 9 pages giving pissweak excuses for why you cannot even give your opinion?

What are you so afraid of?

I don't want to ban shore based fishing. Given, though I have two boats and rarely fish off easily accessible shore based spots, I would have more to lose from the boating bans.  A lot of boat and shore spots I do fish are recreational fishing havens in any case.

Regarding the last nine pages a have made numerous relevant points and questions which you have ignored. You came up with this diversion half way through the thread.

You came up with this thread when you were caught lying on the previous one!

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 13th, 2012 at 6:20pm
Can you explain what that reasonable case is?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Apr 13th, 2012 at 6:30pm

freediver wrote on Apr 13th, 2012 at 6:20pm:
Can you explain what that reasonable case is?

Look at the last post , moron.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 13th, 2012 at 6:39pm
Nothing in that post is a reasonable argument for why land based spots should take priority over spots that can only be accessed by boat. If anything you appear to be arguing the opposite. You have been like this the whole way through this thread - appearing to argue against a position while actually agreeing with it.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Apr 13th, 2012 at 6:44pm

freediver wrote on Apr 13th, 2012 at 6:39pm:
Nothing in that post is a reasonable argument for why land based spots should take priority over spots that can only be accessed by boat. If anything you appear to be arguing the opposite. You have been like this the whole way through this thread - appearing to argue against a position while actually agreeing with it.

Why do I have to choose between boat and landbased spot? It's a false dichotomy.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by PoliticalPuppet on Apr 13th, 2012 at 6:46pm
Freediver, dont you think Avram might find that jewfish in your picture offensive?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 13th, 2012 at 6:48pm

pjb05 wrote on Apr 13th, 2012 at 6:44pm:

freediver wrote on Apr 13th, 2012 at 6:39pm:
Nothing in that post is a reasonable argument for why land based spots should take priority over spots that can only be accessed by boat. If anything you appear to be arguing the opposite. You have been like this the whole way through this thread - appearing to argue against a position while actually agreeing with it.

Why do I have to choose between boat and landbased spot? It's a false dichotomy.

And yet you claim that a reasonable argument can be made in favor. Nice of you to at least be consistent in contradicting yourself.

Freediver, dont you think Avram might find that jewfish in your picture offensive?

You mean the Mulloway?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by PoliticalPuppet on Apr 13th, 2012 at 6:49pm
Commonly known as jewfish

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Apr 13th, 2012 at 6:54pm
[link=1330690120/131#131 date=1334306345]Nothing in that post is a reasonable argument for why land based spots should take priority over spots that can only be accessed by boat. If anything you appear to be arguing the opposite. You have been like this the whole way through this thread - appearing to argue against a position while actually agreeing with it.[/quote]

Why do I have to choose between boat and landbased spot? It's a false dichotomy. [/quote]

And yet you claim that a reasonable argument can be made in favor. Nice of you to at least be consistent in contradicting yourself.

What have you got for a brain FD? Remember you chopped the quote in half to change it's meaning? My point was I don't want shore based or boat based fishing bans!

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 13th, 2012 at 7:14pm
How was the meaning changed? Are you now saying that you cannot make a reasonable argument for giving priority to shore based spots?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Apr 13th, 2012 at 7:19pm

freediver wrote on Apr 13th, 2012 at 7:14pm:
How was the meaning changed? Are you now saying that you cannot make a reasonable argument for giving priority to shore based spots?

Get it through your skull, I don't support your stupid, inept plan. If you left the quote intact I said you could make just as reasonable case for leaving accessible boat fishing spots opened.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 13th, 2012 at 7:28pm
Let's start with the reasonable case for why land based spots should have priority.

What is it?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Apr 13th, 2012 at 7:39pm

freediver wrote on Apr 13th, 2012 at 7:28pm:
Let's start with the reasonable case for why land based spots should have priority.

What is it?

Give it up moron. If I said in the next breath it would just as reasonable to leave the boat based spots opened then how am I giving one priority over the other?

Also if I don't support marine parks for fisheries management why should I?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 13th, 2012 at 10:16pm
You said it PJ, not me. Let's start with what the case is first before you try to dismantle it.

Why are you so afraid of your own opinion?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Apr 14th, 2012 at 9:45am

freediver wrote on Apr 13th, 2012 at 10:16pm:
You said it PJ, not me. Let's start with what the case is first before you try to dismantle it.

Why are you so afraid of your own opinion?

How could you possibly come up with after reading my last post?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 14th, 2012 at 1:10pm
You said that there is a reasonable argument in favour. I want to know what that argument is that you consider reasonable.

That is, if you are not afraid of your own opinion.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Apr 14th, 2012 at 6:21pm
You said that there is a reasonable argument in favour. I want to know what that argument is that you consider reasonable.

That is, if you are not afraid of your own opinion.

I said it was reasonable not to ban people fishing off the shore, I also said (and you keep deleting) it is just as reasonable not to ban them from fishing from boats. I never said it was a good idea to ban boat fishing adjacent to the land to somehow favour landbased fishing.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 14th, 2012 at 6:37pm
Actually, what you said was that a reasonable argument could be made in favour of giving priority to shore based fishing spots.

Now here comes the question PJ:

What is that argument?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Apr 14th, 2012 at 7:17pm
[]Actually, what you said was that a reasonable argument could be made in favour of giving priority to shore based fishing spots.

Not really. That interpretation completely falls apart when you look at what I said in the next breath. Thats why you keep deleting it in order to keep up this ridiculous charade.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 14th, 2012 at 9:36pm
It is not an interpretation PJ. It is what you said.

Are you now claiming that a reasonable argument cannot be made in favour of giving priority to shore based fishing spots?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Apr 15th, 2012 at 10:59am

freediver wrote on Apr 14th, 2012 at 9:36pm:
It is not an interpretation PJ. It is what you said.

Are you now claiming that a reasonable argument cannot be made in favour of giving priority to shore based fishing spots?

You seem to have some sort of comprehension deficieny FD, I can't help you anymore.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 16th, 2012 at 6:07pm
Lets try to simplify then.

Can a reasonable argument be made in favour of giving priority to shore based fishing spots?

There is no need to fear your own opinion PJ. The truth will set you free.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Apr 16th, 2012 at 6:40pm

freediver wrote on Apr 16th, 2012 at 6:07pm:
Lets try to simplify then.

Can a reasonable argument be made in favour of giving priority to shore based fishing spots?

There is no need to fear your own opinion PJ. The truth will set you free.

Why don't you go get an education, broken record.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 16th, 2012 at 6:53pm
I am just trying to figure out whether you are afraid of your own opinion or confused about what I am asking you - hence my attempt at a simpler question.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Apr 16th, 2012 at 7:59pm

freediver wrote on Apr 16th, 2012 at 6:53pm:
I am just trying to figure out whether you are afraid of your own opinion or confused about what I am asking you - hence my attempt at a simpler question.

Don't patronise me after all the rubbish and lies you have put up here.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 16th, 2012 at 8:04pm
Can a reasonable argument be made in favour of giving priority to shore based fishing spots?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Apr 16th, 2012 at 8:10pm

freediver wrote on Apr 16th, 2012 at 8:04pm:
Can a reasonable argument be made in favour of giving priority to shore based fishing spots?

No. There are better ways to manage recreational fishing.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 16th, 2012 at 8:21pm
Have you changed your mind?

pjb05 wrote on Mar 18th, 2012 at 10:30am:
I'd keep all spots open to recreational fishing. Is that clear enough?

You still appear incapable of making the mental leap of separating this priniple from your stance on marine parks in general.

Suppose you did not have a choice about the use of no take zones. I believe you even admitted to supporting them in some circumstances. It is easy enough to exclude accessible land based fishing spots from them. Would you support that?

It's called a false dichotomy FD, why are you incapable of making the mental leap to understand that?

Should land based spots take priority over spots that can only be accessed by boat?

You can make a reasonable case for that. Then again you can make a case for safe easily accessable boat fishing spots to have a priority too. These will be NTZ's under your plan.

[quote]They are already open to fishing - at least where marine parks don't exist.

And in almost all cases, they are open to fishing where marine parks do exist.

Rubbish. There are plenty of such spots in NTZ's. In NSW people have bought houses next to a  beach so they can walk down to fish off the beach, only to have them declared NTZ's!

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Apr 16th, 2012 at 8:24pm
No, and there is no evidence there that I have changed my mind - you have proved nothing.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 16th, 2012 at 8:29pm
Then perhaps I have misunderstood you. Can you please explain to me how stating that a reasonable case can be made in fact means that a reasonable case cannot be made?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Apr 16th, 2012 at 8:41pm

freediver wrote on Apr 16th, 2012 at 8:29pm:
Then perhaps I have misunderstood you. Can you please explain to me how stating that a reasonable case can be made in fact means that a reasonable case cannot be made?

Because I immediately said it's also reasonable not to ban boat fishing. In the light of this statement your interpretion has no internal logic.

As to the first part I was responding to your statement - I didn't say anything about giving priority to shore based fishing over boat based fishing.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 16th, 2012 at 8:43pm
I see. So your logic is that there can only be one one point of view with a reasonable case behind it, so it should have been obvious to me that when you said a reasonable case could also be made for something else you were in fact contradicting yourself?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Apr 16th, 2012 at 8:57pm

freediver wrote on Apr 16th, 2012 at 8:43pm:
I see. So your logic is that there can only be one one point of view with a reasonable case behind it, so it should have been obvious to me that when you said a reasonable case could also be made for something else you were in fact contradicting yourself?

Do you have a clue about anything FD?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 16th, 2012 at 8:59pm
Please explain it to me like I am a child.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Apr 17th, 2012 at 4:32pm

freediver wrote on Apr 16th, 2012 at 8:43pm:
I see. So your logic is that there can only be one one point of view with a reasonable case behind it, so it should have been obvious to me that when you said a reasonable case could also be made for something else you were in fact contradicting yourself?

What I meant was there is a reasnable case to leave shore spots open to anglers and leave boating spots opened. There is no contradiction in that. 

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 17th, 2012 at 5:51pm
Is there a contradiction in saying that there is a reasonable case for giving priority to shore based spots and then saying there is not?

What arguments do you consider reasonable when it comes to giving priority to certain spots?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Apr 17th, 2012 at 5:55pm

freediver wrote on Apr 17th, 2012 at 5:51pm:
Is there a contradiction in saying that there is a reasonable case for giving priority to shore based spots and then saying there is not?

What arguments do you consider reasonable when it comes to giving priority to certain spots?

I didn't say anything about giving priority to certain spots, you back to your false dichotomy again. Remember our point of difference is actually about the benefit of marine parks.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 17th, 2012 at 6:07pm

pjb05 wrote on Apr 17th, 2012 at 5:55pm:

freediver wrote on Apr 17th, 2012 at 5:51pm:
Is there a contradiction in saying that there is a reasonable case for giving priority to shore based spots and then saying there is not?

What arguments do you consider reasonable when it comes to giving priority to certain spots?

I didn't say anything about giving priority to certain spots, you back to your false dichotomy again. Remember our point of difference is actually about the benefit of marine parks.

Should land based spots take priority over spots that can only be accessed by boat?

You can make a reasonable case for that.

It is not a false dichotomy PJ. It is a very real choice. Are you suggesting that marine parks are imaginary? Or perhaps you think legislators should ignore the direct interests of fishermen in choosing locations? Isn't it you that whines all the time about people's favourite fishing spots being locked up? Yet here you are claiming the decision is imaginary and that you are incapable of suggesting which spots should have priority (then contradicting yourself of course).

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Apr 17th, 2012 at 6:14pm

freediver wrote on Apr 17th, 2012 at 6:07pm:

pjb05 wrote on Apr 17th, 2012 at 5:55pm:

freediver wrote on Apr 17th, 2012 at 5:51pm:
Is there a contradiction in saying that there is a reasonable case for giving priority to shore based spots and then saying there is not?

What arguments do you consider reasonable when it comes to giving priority to certain spots?

I didn't say anything about giving priority to certain spots, you back to your false dichotomy again. Remember our point of difference is actually about the benefit of marine parks.

Should land based spots take priority over spots that can only be accessed by boat?

You can make a reasonable case for that.

It is not a false dichotomy PJ. It is a very real choice. Are you suggesting that marine parks are imaginary? Or perhaps you think legislators should ignore the direct interests of fishermen in choosing locations? Isn't it you that whines all the time about people's favourite fishing spots being locked up? Yet here you are claiming the decision is imaginary and that you are incapable of suggesting which spots should have priority (then contradicting yourself of course).

I see you are still chopping my quote in half again - you absolute moron.

You are also saying that the only choice about marine parks is where the NTZ's are placed - that's rather Leninistic.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 17th, 2012 at 6:39pm

I see you are still chopping my quote in half again - you absolute moron

You are yet to explain how it alters the meaning. In fact you claimed that the second bit did not contradict the first bit.

Can you explain how I am creating a dichotomy?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Apr 18th, 2012 at 5:52pm
I see you are still chopping my quote in half again - you absolute moron

You are yet to explain how it alters the meaning. In fact you claimed that the second bit did not contradict the first bit.

Really, then explain how you you can claim that I favour prioritising land based spots over boat based ones when I said the reverse in the next sentence. Don't you think that changes the complxion a wee bit? You have also missed the point that I was speaking in the third person.

Can you explain how I am creating a dichotomy?

Are you really that thick? I have been over this before.

PS: It's called a false dichotomy.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 18th, 2012 at 6:19pm

Really, then explain how you you can claim that I favour prioritising land based spots

Quote me. I guess I was right that you simply did not understand the question.

Are you really that thick? I have been over this before

You failed then and you are failing now. I assumed when you simply moved on to a different but equally stupid accusation (as is your style) that this had sunk in, but obviously not. You apparently have no clue at all what false dichotomy means. If you try to use big words that you don't understand it will always backfire on you.

PS: It's called a false dichotomy.

Tell me PJ, do you think that a false dichotomy involves a dichotomy? Do you think you can have a false dichotomy without a dichotomy? Or do little details like this not matter so long as the feeling behind what you post is right?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Apr 18th, 2012 at 6:33pm
Go away and grow a brain, FD.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 18th, 2012 at 6:36pm

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 19th, 2012 at 8:14am
Come on PJ, tell us what a dichotomy is.

And tell us all that you see no contradiction between these two posts and you are not afraid of your own opinion:

pjb05 wrote on Mar 18th, 2012 at 10:30am:
Should land based spots take priority over spots that can only be accessed by boat?

You can make a reasonable case for that.

pjb05 wrote on Apr 16th, 2012 at 8:10pm:

freediver wrote on Apr 16th, 2012 at 8:04pm:
Can a reasonable argument be made in favour of giving priority to shore based fishing spots?


Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Apr 19th, 2012 at 4:45pm
I see you still haven't grown a brain yet. Don't you realise how scurilous it is to chop someone's wuote in half to change it's meaning? Don'y you know there is a difference between saying something in the third person and saying it directly?

What does it say about your policy when you resort to these pathetic ruses while ignoring my sustantive points?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 19th, 2012 at 5:46pm
I did not change it's meaning PJ. You even claimed yourself that the other bit did not contradict it.

Which bit was meant to be in third person?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Apr 22nd, 2012 at 11:16am
[link=1330690120/174#174 date=1334821576]I did not change it's meaning PJ. You even claimed yourself that the other bit did not contradict it.

Then why do you insist on chopping it in half every time. Now your following that misquote with another misquote.

Which bit was meant to be in third person?[/quote]

Duh, the bit you keep chopping in half.

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by freediver on Apr 22nd, 2012 at 6:35pm
I quoted the relevant bit PJ. I did not alter the meaning in any way.

Do these two posts contradict each other?

pjb05 wrote on Mar 18th, 2012 at 10:30am:
Should land based spots take priority over spots that can only be accessed by boat?

You can make a reasonable case for that.

pjb05 wrote on Apr 16th, 2012 at 8:10pm:

freediver wrote on Apr 16th, 2012 at 8:04pm:
Can a reasonable argument be made in favour of giving priority to shore based fishing spots?


Have you figured out what a dichotomy is yet?

Title: Re: Marine Parks mean simpler rules for fishermen
Post by pjb05 on Apr 22nd, 2012 at 6:48pm
Still haven't grown a brain yet FD? Your still chopping the quote in half. Not to mention you have ignored nearly all the points I put up saying what's wrong with your policy.

PS: The term is a false dichotomy. If you don't understand it look it up on wiki or similar.

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